Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 481: Tai Chi Temple

Since coming to this world, An Qisheng has not known the deduction once, guessing that there are all kinds of heavens in this world.

By this time, it was finally time to verify.


Under everyone's gaze, An Qisheng stepped up to the sky, and suddenly thundered loudly above the sky.

Countless thunders rushed down like a river of heaven, wrapped in endless power of destruction, wanting to destroy everything!

This is absolutely different from the thunder that was naturally catalyzed by Xuanxing and Jiufu Realm. To a certain extent, this is not a change in the sky.

Among the thunders, the pure Thunder Spirit Machine was mixed, and it was more violent than Thunder's Thunder Magic.

In fact, the monks who are condensed by their lives have no fear of ordinary thunder by virtue of the mana field, and there is no problem with hard resistance.

However, any thunder that falls from the sky at this time is enough to make the real person who has mastered magical powers change.

It's crackling~

In the moment of thunder tide, An Qisheng's mana field covered the body and there were thousands of collisions, just like the rain hitting the banana.

Visible to the naked eye, the ripples spread out like a concentric layer of layers spreading all around.

"This is not Ray..."

Detective An Qisheng squeezed a thunder spirit, his eyes flickered slightly, penetrating its essence.

This so-called punishment of the Thunder is still purely extreme power of destruction. The appearance of the Thunder is nothing more than its appearance.

The pure destruction of the spirit machine means that no one can get a breathing machine under the punishment of the sky, and it is impossible to get benefits from it like a heavenly disaster.




An Qisheng stepped into the moment of thunder tide, and the thunder energy between the world and the earth instantly became rich, not knowing hundreds or thousands of times.

The electric snake, which is like a substance, interlaces vertically and horizontally, and emits a wave of horror and shock higher than a wave.

For a time, the whole ghost was flooded with the sound of thunder, and the innumerable demon trembling and ran away in horror.

But let the thunder tide surge, An Qi was standing in it, but it was like a Qiao stone under the heavy waves, showing no signs of being shaken.

Even in the thunder sea, no half of the clothes were damaged.


Thunder Dragon illuminates the sky in the void.

It also illuminates the practitioners who peeped here through some means.

"The power of heaven's punishment is so good..."

All night, the flat boat traveled in the void, approaching the nether along a certain channel, and the old monk with a hat of lily flashed between the flashes of thunder, and his face was a little uncertain.

The power of natural punishment can be frightening. He once survived the Sixty-nine Thunder Tribulation, but compared with the momentum of this day's punishment, the Sixth Nine Thunder Tribulation is nothing.

Even if it is the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, I am afraid that I cannot compare the power of this day's punishment.

You know, this is just the prelude to the punishment.

According to legend, this day's punishment is ninefold!

And that Taiji Taoist, who can face the power of punishment without discoloration, can be imagined that even if he is faced with the nine-nine thunder disaster, it is not a problem. In other words, he can already feather and fly at any time, and can match or even exceed Throughout the ages, all real people have become feathered.

Not only him, but other practitioners who approached the nether through some kind of channel are also hesitant at this time.

Stopped for a while.

In these ninety years, the implementation of the new law by Sa Wuling was not shaken by one or two people. The reason why they did not do very much was not because they did not care, but because of the deterrent of the Taiji Taoists.

Unlike the Yi Taoist that day, this Taiji Taoist supernatural power is even more tyrannical. Even sitting in the Qingdu City, it can spread to any mountain in Daqing with a single blow, forcing them to have to escape.

Precisely because most of them had eaten the losses of Taiji Daochang, they were forced to stay away from Midland. At this time, they saw the Taiji Daoist who had never been shaken in the thunder tide.

Naturally hesitated.


The world roars!

The thunderstorm that permeates the underworld is like a monster that has produced countless tentacles, waving thousands of electric snakes and thunder dragon like a long whip.

Wherever I went, all the tangible and intangible things made the sound of an overwhelming sound, and the void was completely smashed!

The earth is shaking, the world is whistling.

In the next moment, thousands of Thunder Dragons collided with each other suddenly, and the radiant light burst out suddenly, even though the Yuanshen real people who spied through various means only felt their eyes blank.

Yuanshen not only observes the world with the naked eye, but also divinely observes the world and waits for idle formations. Substantial objects cannot isolate their line of sight, but at this moment they cannot see what happened in the moment of the thundering collision of the sky.


The air waves are like the sea, the thunder bursts like stars burst.

In a collision, thousands of thousands of feet of ash broke apart again, and it was turned upside down under the unspeakable force.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, thunders, and hurricanes... come with heavy natural disasters, as if the end of the world is coming.

The innumerable ghosts had just escaped into the ground, too late to breathe, and were killed by this fierce and strong shock.

Even if they are some tyrannical demon ghosts, if they are affected by thunder, they will instantly become powdered, and they have no power to fight back.


Yan Xiake mentioned the Mingxin Taoist and Wei Shaoyou, shuttled between the Dao Dao Hurricane, which was lifted by Thunder's spirit, and rushed towards the altar in the distance.

The punishment is too fierce, and I don't care if the mountains and rivers are damaged, let alone others.

At this moment, the vast underworld, the real safe place, is actually under the altar, otherwise, no matter where you are, you may be affected by the aftermath.

And that Thunder, any one, has the destructive power that makes the Yuanshen and real people discolored, and the supernatural people and even the real people may be able to resist one or two.

But in the face of this overwhelming downfall, it seems that the world will be cleaned of the thunder sea at any time.

No one wants to resist.


When Yan Xiake raged, he saw the earth cracking everywhere, the mountain peaks were split by thunder, and the head became a big demon in the climate. Under such terrifying pressure, he also got rid of the fear of the ghost city.

The same goes to the altar.

"His cultivation practice is not much worse than when you and I were at their heyday, but I didn't know how many days he could carry...

Above the head of the Undercity, looking at the white-clothed Taoist who seemed to be allowed to thunder in the Leihai, Heichai suddenly opened.

"Nine heavy punishments, you and I can resist six heavy, he, if desperately, may also be able to carry six heavy, but even if you and I shot together, it can not resist the seventh heavy......"

Xie Qi murmured to himself, and couldn't help recalling the unpleasant experience of that scene.

At the time of the battle days, with the strength of their seven people, it was only able to withstand the seventh heavy punishment. It was already six dead and one injured, and it was damaged by its own fighting strength. It was only two and three hundred years before it was black. Impermanence rescued back.

The prestige of punishment, the more incredible it is.

"Fujun is so valued, maybe, what will be different?"

Black impermanence said, but his eyes fell on the quaint altar above the gate:

"If his altar can really eat the Emperor's Tenth Imperial Army, maybe, it will be different...but we, really want to help him?"

"Huang Tian Shi Yu is immortal, Xu Xu did not have to taste it once, but the remaining three hundred years, you and I will go to capture them again, to sacrifice the palace king......"

Xie Qi gently touched the crying mourning stick and slowly lowered his eyes:

"It's just that what he said is so great, it must be really great... Otherwise, the world is always dead, and he is a lot less,

There is no more than him! "


At this time, amidst the sky and thunder, a sound suddenly sounded like a mirror cracking.

An Qisheng's eyes narrowed, his expression slightly changed:

"Just one heavy punishment has already surpassed the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation, and the Emperor Heaven really surpassed the heaven of this realm..."

Emperor Heaven practitioners need to go through the four-nine, six-nine, nine-nine-three thunder-tribulation before they can feather the ascendant. However, the thunder-tribulation is not the opportunity given to the practitioner by this heaven.

It is the sky of this world. Under the imperial heaven, he has no time to look after it. The annihilation of disasters has been the limit. When it is normal, it can not be targeted for every practitioner.

Otherwise, if the Four Nine Thunder Tribulation has the power of natural punishment, it is simply impossible for this realm to be born a real person above the supernatural powers.

The prince of heaven did not have to give birth to the emperor of the Ten Heavens to set off a catastrophe.

But the Emperor Heaven is different, even if it is a distant void that I do not know how far away, the prelude of heaven penalty formed by random interference has already surpassed the power of nine and nine thunders in this world.


Between the turning of his mind, An Qi grew his sleeves waving, shattered the thunder, and glanced lightly at the city head:

"Then, just look!"


The voice is higher than thunder!

Between the turbulent thunder tide, the Taoist God light burst out from every subtle place in An Qisheng's body, intertwined with each other, between the thunder tide and the rolling spirit.

A vast and deep dark sky has evolved!

The starry sky is vast, seemingly endless, without seeing the beginning and the end, as if the Thunder Sea is coming, it is the starry sky.

If the sea of ​​thunder covered the starry sky, it seemed that the starry sky gave birth to Leihai.


Black and white impermanence, as well as many Yuanshen real people who saw this scene, all were shocked and dazzled.

In a trance, I seem to be able to see the entanglement between Lei Hai and the starry sky that cannot be separated from each other. I seem to be able to see the Chongtian Temple, mountains and rivers, grass and insects

And countless ‘gods’.

"What about people?"

This trance went very fast, not even a thousandth of an instant, but many Yuanshen real people who had come back from the gods changed their colors.

An Qisheng's figure was lost in sight!

With their eyesight, I can’t remember how long I haven’t had such an experience~www.ltnovel.com~No! He, he incarnate into this void? "

Above the flat boat, the old monk raised his head, and his eyes narrowed, as if to see the mystery.

The black impermanent brow is slightly wrinkled and soothing:

"Seven brothers, he is a magical power, haven't you ever seen it?"

Xie Qi shook his head.


Among the people's minds, there were nine stars lit up in the vast starry sky entangled with the boundless Leihai!

At the same time, a sound that could not be concealed even though the sound of thunder bursts slowly sounded.

Seemingly answering the doubts of the impermanence, as if calmly narrating:

"If you don't bother, you will be true. Mud Pills have gods in every festival...

This is Tai Chi Divine Court. "

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