Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 473: The strongest sacrifice in history!


There are five poisons in the sky, Tao, Buddha, demon, ghost, evil, and thousands of spiritual machines are all from the emperor.

Born in Spirit Machine, lived in Spirit Machine, died in Spirit Machine.

Therefore, the emperor's dominance of the heavens and the earth, everything that exists with aura can be used for heaven's punishment.

The penalty of six heavy days has already evolved into the enlightening treasure of the netherworld monarch, the reincarnation of life and death!

In an instant, the world is dead.

The whole ghost, no matter who it was, couldn't help but hold his breath.


Xie Qi squeezed the mourning stick, his eyes were cold, his chest was undulating, and he could hardly resist the shot.

Because, more than two thousand years ago, his brothers died in this heavy punishment.

He still stretched out his hand, held him, and shook his head slightly:

"Big Brother, maybe we don't need our shot..."

Hei Changchang looked up:

"The real life-and-death book is on him, and it's okay at this time, but I have an ominous heart..."

Xie Qi frowned soothingly.

The reincarnation of life and death reincarnation is too great for all living beings in the world. Because of this, he has been thinking about how to urge the reincarnation of life and death left by Fujun over the past two thousand years.

At this moment, the reincarnation of life and death is in hand, and the phantom transformed by the natural punishment should not really hurt An Qisheng.


The star-filled shrine surrounded by endless power, with an extremely fierce attitude, rushed into the center of Tianhai Leihai.

In a blink of an eye, there were already tens of thousands of starlight riots, and the terror wave that burst out violently stirred the world, shaking the thunder cloud.


At the same time, on the side of the scroll intertwined by thunder light, several characters jumped suddenly into An Qisheng's ethereal figure.


The moment the figure formed by the thunder light flashed, the thunder tide had drowned it completely.

It's crackling~

The entire starry sky was instantly flooded with Leihai, exploding everywhere, bursting everywhere, and then reborn in the overflow of stars.

Starlight and Lei Haizhi's rolling has been carried out tens of millions of times in an instant.


In the starry sky, An Qisheng felt only a shock.

The life-and-death reincarnation turned into a punishment that day had the power to destroy life and death.

Even, relying on Emperor Tian's control of this world, it is a bit more powerful than the original life and death reincarnation!

The extremely rich death is more like a trajectory in the middle of the world, winding toward the stars that shone with divine light, and even spreading under the starlight, as if the essence of the manifestation of the divine court spread.

At this moment, he almost stripped him from the state of starlight.

The Taiji Divine Court is a collection of his gods, the real success of the system, covering all the magical powers of the Taiji Sanshou, the five qi dynasties, and the three flower gatherings.

He is a starry sky and a divine court, then there is nothing in this starry sky divine court, and nothing is not him.

He can only resist hard against the destruction of Yuanshen with this blow!

Because, the life-and-death reincarnation turned into a punishment this day, although there is no fragment of ‘Dao Yitu’, is also a great achievement of the ancient Changfeng I practice.

If he had already had various speculations about the punishment of heaven, he had taken the life and death reincarnation left by Gu Changfeng before facing the punishment of heaven.

But Rao is so, his thoughts can't help stagnation under the complete silence.


Once the danger was forced out, the thoughts stayed for a while, and there were changes in the world.

Between the days of thunder and thunder cloud, a long whip that does not know thousands of feet, has already ignored the thunder of the starry sky, and whipped heavily.

The long whip is ordinary in style, just like the most common horse whip, but this whip is beaten, and it is unknown how far away, but everyone who sees this long whip phantom, only feels a body pain.

It seems to have been severely beaten!


At the same time, the roar of thousands of thunders exploded in unison.

Then, a handle seemed to be straight down from the three high mountains. The unreasonable steel fork fell from the sky, with extreme sharp and overbearing, straight out.

Along with it, there is still another one born out of nowhere, but it comes first. It is like a black chain with no end, and it is like a dragon snake.

Seems to bind the whole court together.


What is even more frightening is the fiery red sword rising from the center of thundercloud that seems to be boiling and rolling.

Through the thunder and light, there seemed to be infinite demon wailing and crying in despair.

Soul whip, soul hook chain, soul extermination fork, seven-star slashing ghost sword, crying sorrow stick.........The legendary soldiers urged by the ghost kings are all reflected by thunder.

And the life-and-death reincarnation that enveloped Lei Hai rolled up again from the "wow la la", and it seemed that it was necessary to repeat the previous events.

The violent murderous force flooded the world for a while, flowing in all directions.

Nether, human, everyone who saw this scene, all looked wild, and the punishment was terrible.

It even summoned the enlightened treasure of the Nine Eight Lords!

"Sure enough, all those who cultivate spiritual energy can hardly escape the imprint of the spirit machine."

Seeing this scene, An Qisheng's heart was fixed, and this scene he had expected.


In a flash of An Qisheng's thoughts, the devastating fluctuations have completely come.

Except for the life-and-death reincarnation that turned the pages of the book, the ghosts of the seven treasures of destiny have been bombarded together.

The magical power is terrible. The thousands of miles of the sky have been completely smashed in an instant. The starry sky has been split into seven fierce wounds. The divine court surrounded by stars shook and almost collapsed!

A wave of ripples landed violently, and the ground was spread across a few miles wide, unknown for a long time, and spread to the edge of the sea of ​​ghosts.

Let the end of the nether sea bottom tremble.

Such a blow is much more terrifying than a single fatal giant's shot. Even if he is a hard blow, I am afraid it will be planted!


The huge incredible power almost has the power to squeeze the void of the starry sky.

An Qisheng was hit by this, even if there were mountains and rivers carrying it, his body was still trembling, the mana field was shattered at once, and the tendon and skin membranes also entered the footsteps.

But his expression was at ease, and the physical pain did not exist at all. He smiled:

"Unfortunately, the virtual shadow is not the body after all, even if my Taiji Divine Court is just a prototype, but I can't help me!"

Then, amidst the star bursts of boiling and exploding, he stepped into the trembling starry sky.


At this time, the starry sky was counter-current, and at a rapid speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, it was instantly poured into the shaky court.


At the next moment, the divine light, ten times brighter than before, burst out.

Thousands of magical powers intertwined with each other, a golden armored monkey stepped into the air, waved the magic wand, and faced the thundercloud.

Like one of them, there are thousands of magical torrents spewing out of the court!

The war is hot in an instant!

"The penalty today is the sixth or seventh?"

At this moment, Black Impermanence was a little stunned.

Of course, he would not recognize the weight of the punishment. The reason for this is that the punishment at the moment is too unexpected.

He even summoned all the treasures of enlightenment, including the two of them!

"Sky punishment is also changing. Today's sky punishment..."

Xie Qi's voice was condensed like water, and he also carried a heavy beam.

Today's punishment is actually much stronger than it was two thousand years ago, but myself, it is a bit backward compared to two thousand years ago.

If you use this body to resist this day's punishment, I am afraid that even if you lose your life, you may not be able to break through the sevenfold.

Only when you reach the Seventh Level, the Nether Palace King's Offering can really start.

Because, the mark that the Nether Mansion Lord left between heaven and earth, except for the ray in the Yinji Tavern only for the purpose of communication, only the ray of surviving in the heaven punishment.

"This time, there is really nowhere to go."

Black impermanence flicked at hand, the black and dark chain of hooked spirit wound around the arm, and the expression was calm.

Two thousand years ago, seven of them stubbornly resisted the five-fold thunder disaster, but they encountered the punishment of the six-fold punishment of life and death rebirth that day.

At this moment, it is impossible for the two of them to fall through the heavy punishment because of their two strengths and sharing the same source.

Only the shot can only be shot.

"In this case, I can only trust him once!"

Xie Qi squeezed his crying stick and murmured slightly.

"That's the only thing, just..."

The black impermanent eyes flickered, reflecting the starry sky in the Thunder Sea, the quiet way:

"He seems to have guessed..."

At this time, the yellow dog squatting on the edge of the altar at the gate of the city's "always demanding" altar, with a squeeze on his heart, looked at the slowly rising black and white impermanence:

"Two seniors, but are you going to help my master?"

The yellow dog is very upset, and his body is tight.

If possible, it rushed into the thundercloud as soon as possible, followed the old man, but could not, it carried the old man's request and said that he could not leave anything.

"You are a good dog."

Xie Qi looked at the yellow dog who was standing upright under the punishment of punishment, but he seemed to guess what:

"Your grandpa, did you leave you to preside over this altar?"

"Predecessor Mingjian, there is not much time, please sacrifice quickly!"

The yellow dog nodded, his eyes full of worries.

It glanced up.

I saw the sky and thunder sea set off a monstrous frenzy, horrible ripples, in which the hidden court of the gods was looming, thousands of magical powers and the endless thunder were in a violent and unimaginable collision.

"What else does your lord say?"

Heichai glanced at the yellow dog, who was so clear-cut and psychic that it was the perfect material for cultivation.

"Master, the master said..."

The yellow dog hesitated for a moment, but under two impermanent gazes, he still spoke:

"The lord also said that the two only need to do what he asks, and they don't have to get out, so as not to be cumbersome!"


Black Wuchang's mouth twitched, and Xie Qi's eyelids picked up, and all of them showed grief, and the frightened yellow dog almost ran away.


But in a flash, Hei Chang has already laughed:

"Neither do I need to wait for the shot, then it can't be better."

He didn't seem to smile, and Xie Qidao said to Shen Shenshui:

"The seventh brother is not annoying. Someone is better than me. It's better than you and me. I don't need it. I don't need it. Then I'll do what he asks!"

Xie Qi nodded blankly, and immediately shook his whimper, Shen Sheng said:



The mourning rod burst into death on the upper gate of the city gate, and the pale color instantly filled the sky, spreading in all directions at a very fast speed, and spread to the depths of the void.

Following a bizarre trajectory, it instantly reached the world, spreading towards the five continents, and even more broke through the thunder and essence, and went toward the depths of the starry sky.

In an instant, there seemed to be the cry of howling hundreds of millions of ghosts and gods.

The sound of the ghostly crying God's howling sound made people feel sad and sorrowful, and even the sound of the collision between the supernatural power and the thunder above the sky could not be suppressed.


And with the masterpiece of the crying cry of the ghost~www.ltnovel.com~, an uncontrollable roar suddenly appeared in the nether world.



The earth is moving and the waves are raging!

The dark side of that side was dark and black, and the sea of ​​ghosts that had condensed all the anger and resentment from ancient times to the past suddenly boiled, and the innumerable waves wrapped up with an indescribable stench.

Wherever the waves smashed, the void was completely dyed black, as if poisoned.


The yellow dog's shocked body shook and looked for it.

I saw thousands of miles away, among the dark waves of the sky, a behemoth like a snake, a bug, and a dragon emerged from the waves, and its body was meandering, like a giant pillar supporting the sky, connecting the earth and the sky:

"Xie Qi!!!"

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