Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Change the day for another day (end of volume)

Pushing the palm horizontally, the array expands as if to fill the world, suffocating everything, and engulfing the boundless thunder sea, thousands of thunders, and even the two phantoms that bombarded the horror supernatural powers from the sky. In!

  This palm was pushed out horizontally, and the unprecedented sense of heartiness swayed in An Qisheng's heart.

  Since entering this world, he felt that "Aura is poisonous", and later learned of the existence of Emperor and Heaven, until he was closely stared for decades.

   figured out in my heart, I did not know how many countermeasures.

   Until this time, now this time.

   Can finally try!

  People join forces with the earth, with the luck of the mountains and the earth, can the gods be sealed, can the sky be sealed?



   The indifferent and calm voice is like a cloud in the sky, the vast and tumbling 100,000 li, rumbling and concussion, it seems to explode in the nether world at the same time, every void in the world.

  This is not a speech, but a gas field that spreads all over the world and covers all mountains, rivers and rivers as a medium of speech and speech.

   For a time, the world and the earth move, no one hears, no one cannot hear.

  Qingdu city, on the god-sending platform, Sa Wuling suddenly stood up, looking far above the sky:

   "Feng Shen..."

   At this moment, the Nether, the world, and even everyone in the interlayer between the Nether and the world are all shaking. The more you become a tyrant, the more you can perceive the great power contained in this sound.

   instead cultivated low, or who had no cultivation at all. Although he heard this voice, he only looked up blankly, not knowing where the voice came from, what the voice meant, and even who the voice said.

  But no matter how high or low the cultivation is, no matter where you are, all the people who look up to the sky are blank in their eyes, and that radiance is under the extreme divine light.

  It's just naked eyes, heart eyes, mysterious light mirror, primal sense, magical powers like heaven and earth listening, all can't see this moment, what happened on that sky.

   Even if it is the closest, the black and white impermanence is the highest cultivation, all I feel is a flower in front of me, and there is a blank in my heart.


   But in a flash, the black and white impermanences stretched out their hands backwards, clasped all around, endless life and death, tumbling between the two hands and four hands.

   And in the next instant, it burned completely.


  Thanks for the death of the Seven Lords, and the Eighth of the Fan, the two are united at this time.

  Looking again, the eyes have already penetrated the bright divine light, and saw the scene after the burning, boiling divine light.

   I saw that in the boiling and exploding divine light, that An Qisheng's white clothes were dyed like fire, holding the big picture like a sky in one hand, and pushing it in one hand, at the moment when the two ghosts were annexed by the array.

   inserted directly into the vortex core of the penal cloud that day as a vertical eye!

   Everything seems to stagnate at this time.

   "Today, I am God!"

   Immediately, in the endless divine light, the sky sounds vigorously flowing across all directions:

   "There are five poisons in the sky, five elements in the ground, five organs in humans, five gods..."

   "Heart is hidden, violent as fire.... Now I am sealed, its name is Dan Yuan, when he is a red emperor, he masters the fire of heaven and earth!"

   The voice was agitated, and the world moved.

   Between the land, the sea, and the sky, there seems to be a sky of fire, such as a dragon soaring, reaching the sky, and blessing the God Array.

   On the picture of the sealed god, the red light was a big victory, and the shadow of the **** appeared in the sky.

   At the same time, An Qisheng's body was shocked, and the beating heart in the exquisite and transparent body suddenly disappeared!

   "Live the liver to hide the soul, go to Xu Rulin... Now I am sealed, its name is Dragon Smoke, as the Qing Emperor, the palm is angry!"

   speaks and the earth resonates. The mountains and rivers are swaying, the wood is steaming, and they are intertwined with each other like pillars.

  On the map of the Divine Array, the green light flourishes and shines with the fire.

  An Qisheng's body shook again, and Xie Qi saw clearly that his liver was missing in the glass-like body under the divine light.

   "The spleen hides its meaning, and it doesn't move like a mountain... Today I am sealed, and its name is always there. When he is the Yellow Emperor, the palm is rustic!"

   shakes the earth and shakes the mountains and rivers.

  The mighty rustic rises to the sky, like Qianshan flying into the sky, pulling Changhong from all directions.

  The masterpiece of Huang Guang on the Fengshen stage, the three-color reflection, the three gods stand.

  An Qisheng's complexion was white, and his spleen disappeared.

   "The lungs hide the soul, the edge is strong.... Now I am sealed, and its name is Haohua. When he is the White Emperor, he is in the palm of the world!"

  The world is full of swordsmen and soldiers, and the golden energy of the mountains and rivers is vacant. Like the hundreds of millions of swordsmen and soldiers, Qi Qiming moves, once he rises into the sky, he splits thousands of voids, and he is unparalleled.

  Four gods are added with white light, and all the colors are reflected, and the four gods stand together.

   "Kidney hides essence, good kind if water.... Now I am sealed, its name is Xuan Ming, when it is Xuan Emperor, he will take the air of the world!"

   The four seas were shaking, the rivers and lakes were surging, the waterfalls were flapping, the streams were flowing, and the water was moving all over the world.

  The sounds of the voices are turbulent, the waters of the four seas are standing, the rivers and lakes are soaring, the waterfalls are flowing backwards, like the world is reeling, and I want to rinse the sky!

   At this point, the five gods gathered on the gods list.

   The world is full of land, land, and sea, and the five elements are vital.

   "Is this just a god?"

   Qingdu, above the Fengshentai, Sa Wuling's eyes shook.

  In this moment, in his perception, the entire Qingzhou, Daqing, and even the mountains and rivers in the middle of the land, the heaven and earth spirit machine that originally penetrated every subtle place.

   was pushed out completely!

   is replaced by the mountainous veins, which originated from An Qisheng's Qiong species!

   is more than Midland!

  West Lu Hanhai, Wang Yang's sand-like sea standing on the Fengshentai, Huang Qing'er, tongueless body trembles, only to lose control of the heaven and earth spirit machine.

  In an instant, he lost the power to enchant the world's Qi and Qi with mana. In other words, he lost his magical power!

"How can this be?"

   Huang Qing'er's body trembles and loses his voice. He only feels that the world that he used to know becomes strange at this moment.

   Nanlu Glacier, Ruyi monk stood on the Fengshentai, feeling the disappearance of the familiar Qi machine between heaven and earth, and his expression slowly became dignified:

   "Feng Shen, Feng Tian... It turns out that this is the case..."

   He protruded his hand, but he could no longer perceive the spirit of heaven and earth, and even the mana in his body passed away faintly, and even, he could no longer be replenished.

   But he didn't seem too surprised. He sat down, closed his eyes, and began to recite the scriptures of Tai Chi induction.

   He did not have the ability to change the world, but he had the ambition to adapt to all circumstances.

   does not have a spirit machine, and it does not matter if it is replaced with a seed.

  Nanlu Bingyang, in a horrified and sharp hissing sound, King Goshawk seemed to see the most terrifying scene in the world, one head fell from the sky, and his huge body was replanted into the boiling ice ocean.

   Sealed on the stage, the pitiful old man ‘haha’ laughed and looked cheerful:

   "Good and evil should be rewarded, good and evil should be rewarded!"

  Midland Daqing, Southland Ice Ocean, Northland Glacier, Westland Hanhai, Eastland Polar Region...... Even in the boundless ocean, at this moment, all have undergone drastic changes.

   The same mythical word with the sound of the day hasn't fallen yet. All over the world, all the mountains and rivers and the blessed land, and many heaven and earth spiritual machines in the cave, have been completely stripped.

  Everyone who hasn't changed the practice method in these ninety years, all of them look wild and lose their magical spells!

   God, one **** of heaven and earth, two gods of supernatural powers!


  Under the interweaving of five colors, the seal of God is more and more sacred and majestic, letting the next two phantoms bombard and shake, it is still stable as Mount Tai.

   But at the same time, An Qisheng's eyes have completely dimmed.

  Heart Tibetan God, Liver Tibetan Soul, Lung Tibetan Soul, Spleen Tibetan Yi, Kidney Tibetan Essence, the five internal organs also imply the self-aura, the five internal organs are separated from the body, just like the self-cutting Yuanshen, and it is split.

   Even if it was An Qisheng who had already mastered the five qi dynasties, he couldn't treat it as idle, and he lost his look for a while.

  And in the slight trance of An Qisheng, the Thunder Cloud Center, which was penetrated by his freehand, suddenly spit out a dark thunder with endless power of destruction.

   The thunder was as dark as ink, and the dragon and snake walked in the pen, the winding land, and the void spread for it.

   even when it appeared, it had burst into pieces.

"not good!"

   Xie Qi and Hei Wuchang's heart shook in unison, loosening each other's palms in unison, crying in mourning at one fell swoop, and lifting the soul chain.

   lifted up like Qingtian.


   The next moment, tyrannical to an indescribable huge explosion, and exploded from the sky above!

  The shock wave visible to the naked eye pushes all tangible and intangible objects, one circle is larger than the other, one layer is higher than the other, from inside to outside, top to bottom.

  Push all directions!

In an instant, the Netherworld exploded with natural disasters, the earth fell, the rivers broke down, and countless demon ghosts and ice melted under the divine light, and almost no time for screams to come out. In the air of yin and resentment.

   At this moment, the Great Nether will almost be destroyed once, the vastness of mighty power is like the coming of the world disaster!

   is a human world, a land where the aura spreads, and countless mountain gods, land, rivers, and sea gods desperately support. Although the mountains and rivers are broken and the rivers are diverted, they have not caused any huge harm.

   And the Netherworld, if it was black and white impermanence, the two immediately shot, and I feared that the entire Netherworld would turn into ruins.

   This makes the black eyelid look violent.

  I doubt very much that the Taiji Taoist chose Nether as the main battlefield in order not to spread to the world!


   and Xie Qi's eyes shrank.

   In the last glance, he saw that in the sea of ​​thunder and burst of thunder, An Qisheng tore the thunder cloud, and the whole thunder cloud penetrated that day!

   "Aliens, you should kill!!!"

   Mori's extremely cold and cruel sound of killing echoed from the Fengshen figure, and the indifferent and ruthless will actually broke through the Fengshen formation, and the five-fold aura's **** rose into the sky.


  The indifferent indifference implies from all over the world.

   Then the sky and the sky were filled with wind and clouds, and the invisible waves spread out in the depths of the infinite starry sky. The stars were manifested in the day, shaking and shaking.

   seems to fall next moment.


  An Qisheng had just torn the day the penalty Leiyun felt all this.

   The last destruction Thunder flowed on him, like thousands of centipedes crawling over his body, and constantly burrowing into his body.

   But he didn't realize it, looking back at the "Goddess of Heaven" who was constantly rising in the map of the Gods and Gods that spread to the world.

   "Want to set off, destroy the world?"

  An Qisheng condensed the moment, pulling the destruction of Thunder, which wriggled around his body, and gave a long roar between the bursts of divine light:

   "Infatuated delusions!"


   A loud noise, even without the slightest hesitation, An Qisheng has detonated his body!

   The body is completely broken!

   turned into countless particles and roared into the infinity of that side!

   At the same time, a sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, flowing across the four sides, and looking at the heavenly sounds of all directions, some sounded, and once again spit the word of the god:

"Jinwu seals it, reveals the spirit of Canghua...the eyes are clear...the nose **** Yulong...the ear **** is idle...the tongue **** is dead... .... Tooth Peak...."

   This sound of heaven surpasses the limit of sound transmission~www.ltnovel.com~The seal of more than three hundred creatures, the confession of thousands of words, was only in an instant.


  During the sound of the heavenly sounds, countless divine lights burst from all over the world, blessing them, and urging the shadows of countless gods.

   At this time, the last essay was still floating around the world:

   "Purple Yi Yi Fei Luo Sang in the inner clothes, Niru Maru Jiuzhen stationed in all directions, between square inches, is the Jade Emperor!"

  The more than three hundred gods on the front cover are the last gods!

   The finishing touch is like the country meets the Ming Lord, like the sky and the sky, and all of the gods emerge together, and the magical powers appear, which seems to suppress the gods.

   is like a pilgrimage Jade Emperor!

  The jade emperor sits in the maru-maru palace, the five emperors are worshipped in the five organs, and the six emperors become the gods!


   The array seems to have achieved an unprecedented huge increase, and the speed of expansion, which has almost reached the extreme, has been increased tenfold and hundredfold!

  In an instant, it has completely covered the punishment of Leihai, everything in the sky, pervading all directions, reaching everywhere, like,

  Change day and day!


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