Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 483: Keep your heart awake, when a saint comes out!

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The sky is as clear as a blue sky, and there is no noise in the azure blue, the sky is high and clear.

The mountains stretch and stretch across the nations, and the snow line at the height is formed into a line, which seems to cut off the Tianshan Mountain. The grass and trees at the bottom are lush, the air is fresh, and the scenery is picturesque.

On a black off-road vehicle driving on a straight road, Chu Fan lightly braked and reduced his speed. His eyes looking out of the window were quite complicated.

Here, it was the place where the last time they climbed a pedestrian, the start of all nightmares.

Unlike the last time we went together, this time, only he came alone.

Zombies, artillery shells, bullets, rain, blood, swamps, clothes are not covered, Ru Mao drinks blood...

Coming here again, Chu Fan seemed to be living in another world, and his heart seemed to echo everything that happened in the past six months, but in front of him was a picturesque landscape.

Everything seems to have never happened.

Chu Fan stopped by the side, took a white chrysanthemum from the trunk, and walked to a field beside the road.

The trees are not high here, but the grass is very vigorous. The grass is swirling one by one with the wind. Between the plants and trees, there are simple tombs with simple text and photos engraved on it.

"Chengji, Bi Wang, Fu Yuanyuan, Li Tong..."

Chu Fan bowed slightly, put down the white chrysanthemum, his companion's name silent in his heart:



Amidst the friction between the tires and the ground, another off-road vehicle stopped by the road.

With a tiger's back on his waist, it seems that the black bear turned into a fine Fengming Tao pulling the car door, holding a large handful of white chrysanthemums, and walked out of the car with a heavy face.

"You all go well."

Feng Mingtao put down the white chrysanthemum and took off his sunglasses. He bowed deeply and mourned deeply.

After that, he stood up and glanced at Chu Fan: "Mr. Chu, are you here? Or have the others gone?"

In the previous "Zombie King Incident", among them and his party, only he and Chu Fan survived, but the nature of the mountain is not only their group, but also other mountaineering teams, and other places, naturally there are survivors. .

After returning to cultivate for a few months, it was originally agreed to worship the dead together.

But at this time only the two of them, it seems that the other, did not come.

"Geyun and I have broken up. I don't know if she will come, but the others should have been here. When I came, the tombstones and weeds were all packed."

Chu Fan looked calm, only a gloom in his eyes.

Tribulation may not necessarily see the true feelings. It may be more ugliness of the other party. Between life and death, this is nothing. Once you go back, the conflict will break out.

It's normal to break up.

However, he was sad and immersed in his own world, but he didn't find it. When he said the word'Geyun', Feng Mingtao's expression changed greatly.

"Who do you say?! Who broke up with you?!"

Feng Mingtao's voice was already loud, and this raising of the voice actually shocked Chu Fan.

"Brother Feng?"

Chu Fan frowned, somewhat puzzled: "Who can still be? My girlfriend Qi Geyun."

"You have amnesia? Are you kidding me?"

Feng Mingtao looked at Chu Fan, who was not even a little strange, and took a step back in a moment:

"Qi Geyun is dead, could you forget it?"

Qi Geyun is dead!

Chu Fan's heart shook and his mind roared.

He remembered.

Qi Geyun has turned into a zombie and was killed in the Xiya Mountains without dead bodies...


The whole person trembled and fell to the ground.

Feng Mingtao lifted it up and found that he had passed out.

"This is wrong..."

Feng Mingtao put down Chu Fan, his heart was full of surprise.

He would not think that Chu Fan could not stand the tremendous blow and became mad because he knew that the boy had a tenacious mind and dozens of life-and-death crises in the forest had broken through. How could he suddenly be mad after returning?

Of these, I'm just afraid...


Before long, Chu Fan yelled, turned over and sat up, cold sweat had wet his clothes:

"No, no, why am I, how am I?"

"In the end what happened?"

Seeing him awake, Feng Mingtao couldn't help but say: "Are you fooled by ghosts?"

This would not have been possible if Feng Mingtao had said it before, but after personally experiencing the "Zombie King Incident", he was no longer a pure atheist.

"I do not know......."

Chu Fan's voice was jerky, his chest was undulating, and there was a deep chill in his heart: "I have a problem with my memory..."

"What happened when you came home?"

Feng Mingtao is a bit weird.

Okay, how can memory go wrong?

He couldn't understand it at all. He clearly saw Qi Geyun's death with his own eyes, so why did he forget to turn his head?

Qi Geyun was clearly dead, and the bodies were burned into powder by high-intensity flames, and put into a box made of special alloy. What did Chu Fan see?



As soon as Chu Fan spoke, he heard a sharp whistle.

The two turned their heads together, and a silver-grey car flew up and down, and the beautiful one flicked its tail, stopping directly at the side of the road.

The door opened.

A beautifully dressed young girl with beautiful looks came down the car.

The girl looks pure and beautiful, fair complexion, holding a bunch of white chrysanthemums, looks beautiful and moving.

But Feng Mingtao and Chu Fan's hearts were cold, and their hairs were all set up.

This girl, it was the one who was supposed to be dead, even the ashes were taken away by the special service, Qi Geyun!

"Chu Fan, Brother Feng, you have been waiting for a long time."

Qi Geyun smiled softly, and the original beautiful smile, in the eyes of the two people at this moment, appeared extremely horrified and horrified.


Feng Mingtao's scalp exploded, and the cold air sucked out was spit out together with the heat from the lungs, and the drums generally exploded:


Pulling Chu Fan up and running.

Damn it!

What a hell!

Feng Mingtao almost vomited blood, what's wrong with this world?



Feng Mingtao gritted his teeth and pulled Chu Fan, who was even more ugly, into the jungle again. He ran away without stopping for a moment.

The two are very fast and more flexible than the apes in the jungle.

But no matter how they ran, both of them only felt cold behind them, like a wet and cold viper, coiled around their backs, licking their necks.

Let the two minds breathe.

"Where are you going?"

The sound without any temperature is like a shadow, like the cold wind blowing in the twelfth lunar month, cold into the bone marrow.

"Damn, I'm going to be killed by you!"

Feng Mingtao gritted his teeth and scolded while running: "I am also stupid, why do you agree to meet with you?"

"What? Didn't you ask me to come together?"

Listening to this sentence, Chu Fan couldn't help it.

The two shouted at each other, and their hearts were shocked, as if they knew something, but they did not have much time to think about it.


The air waves rolled and a long gully spread for several meters.

"Qi Geyun" looked at the two with a sneer on her face, and the cold air spread from her constantly, as if thousands of poisonous snakes shouted at the same time.

Let Feng Mingtao numb their scalp.

They looked up and took a breath. They stood in the same place. Where is Qi Qiyun? It is clearly a burly figure with a cold face and black charcoal.

I don’t know if it’s a ghost or a zombie.

"Fuck me, Chu Fan, your kid slept with this thing for three months?!!!"

Feng Mingtao was shocked.

If the environment is not right, he must express his admiration to Chu Fan.

Chu Fan was also stupid.

Rao is that he has always been calm, even after a few deaths, he can be considered as a practice, and this scene almost spit out.

"I'm wrong!"

Chu Fan almost spit out blood, and his heart was angry and angry. He almost couldn't bear to fight up with the monster.

Thanks to the severe trauma of his body and mind in these three months, he has been clear-hearted for three months, otherwise...

But even so, when I remembered that I had held such a monster, there were still bursts of pantothenic acid in my stomach.


The monster flew forward, and the cold breath turned into a cold wind, and it caught the wind.

Feng Mingtao stomped heavily on the ground, crashing into the monster like a bull:

"Run apart, if you are alive, your kid will wear filial pie for Laozi!"

"Brother Feng!"

Chu Fan's eyes were split, and he gritted his teeth and turned to run outside the forest.

The monster is too fast, and he can't be beaten by a pair of legs alone.

Feng Mingtao is born with magical power, and pictographic fist is a first-class stiff fist. This sudden collision is more fierce than the wild bull in the bullring.


But after a collision, he was slammed on the ground, a big mouth of blood spewed out, and his body was cracked and broken.

"Hahaha, monster, want to kill your grandfather, it's still far away!"

Feng Mingtao coughed up blood, but instead laughed ‘haha’, flew more than ten meters by the force of the collision, and stepped heavily on a big tree in the midair to borrow.

Strongly enduring the severe pain, he ran in the opposite direction to Chu Fan.

One left and one right, split their heads to escape, but this is the tacit understanding cultivated by the two in the "Zombie King Incident".

In the real life and death, there is no hypocrisy, one can live one is one, otherwise, they can only die together.

"Chu Fan..."

The monster's mouth was sticky and there was no hesitation for a second, and he was chasing Chu Fan together.

He can't run away into the forest. If he drove away, he will be exposed.


Chu Fan strode forward, he already had a boxing skill, after the great changes, the growth is not small, running at this time, far faster than ordinary people, and much longer lasting.

But Rao is like that, and it's just faster than that monster.

Looking at the vehicles on the road in the distance, feeling the crisis coming closer and closer, Chu Fanmeng yelled and fell to the ground.


The monster passed by and stopped on Chu Fan's only way, the expression on his face became more horrible:

"Are you running again?"

Chu Fan's heart fell to the bottom. This monster is different from those zombies who have no intelligence. They actually have IQs that are not weaker than people.

They will be tricked here and killed.

It seems that those who have arrived long ago are not gone, but also killed by this monster.

Chu Fan slowly stood up and did not run away, looking at the monster dignifiedly:

"What the **** are you?"

"Dead, don't need to know..."

The monster licked his lips, about to shoot, and suddenly his body stiffened.

A calm voice came lightly, not high or low, but it seemed as heavy as Mount Tai, making the monster stand still in an instant:

"It's just a ghost, it's not a great thing."


Chu Fan looked up and saw that he was on the road in the distance, and I didn't know when he stopped another off-road vehicle.

A young man in white sportswear sat lazily on the driver's seat of the wide open door.

"The evil tiger swallows people, and its soul will be transformed into a ghost to be manipulated by the evil tiger. The monster in the mountain is much more powerful than the evil tiger. Naturally, there are also such means."

An Qisheng got out of the car, closed the door, and said while walking.

His expression was dull, his movements were not in a hurry, his voice hadn't fallen, but he had come to a person and a ghost.

An Qisheng looked at this ghost slightly.

The zombies, born of grievances in the world, are immortal and immortal. The martyrdom of the zombie king is, to a certain extent, stronger than the emperor's tenth corpse.

Sealed by Fu Lu, and reduced to a land of spirits, but still able to make wind and rain.

Just by seeing the coffin by several people, a large number of zombies are alive, and they can still turn into ghosts when they die.

But that's all. This kind of spawned zombie, even if it can be replenished with blood, can't survive in this terrible place for half a year.

Its strength is also low.

For him at this time, even the mystery is gone.

The ghost was glanced at by An Qisheng's eyes, and it was as if he was dead. There was no more breath, and he was stupefied, even more stiff than zombies.

"Yes, you are Ann, Mr. Ann..."

Seeing An Qisheng, Chu Fan shook his heart and recognized him suddenly.

They were trapped in the mountains, Qi Geyun dissimilated into zombies, dozens of hundreds of elite gunmen couldn't stop her, they were overturned by several armored vehicles.

It was this man who, with an iron rod, nailed the zombie to the ground and trampled on it.

After going back, he inquired in many ways, and he already knew that this young man was actually the Grand Master of God. It is said that he once killed the head of the begging society, Mu Long City, in front of the hands!

Even he heard that An Qisheng went to the West alone, killing mercenaries and assassins who did not know how many assassinations. He overthrew the begging society of overseas powers that had been inherited for 300 years!

In the law enforcement warrior forum, he has been blown into the first master of ancient and modern East and West!


The monster with the appearance of the three Indians just wanted to speak, and one hand had fallen on his shoulder.


A clear sound.

Chu Fan's eyelids jumped wildly, only to see that the monster he chased was an inescapable escape, like a nail hit by a sledgehammer, he was thumped into the ground.


With a scream ~www.ltnovel.com~ there seems to be a thundering thunder beneath the ground, and Yin Hong's blood has soaked the ground.

Heaven and earth have luck, everything has spirits, the world works, and has its own trajectory.

The universe is replaced, waves of crises are coming, and the mysterious star itself also has changes that are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

In the words of Jiufujie, it means that luck is alive, and heaven and man are born.

Replacing it as Xuan Xing is what the Hong Kong priest Xu Hongyun of the special bureau said, ‘Don’t keep your mind, let a saint come out’!


In his heart, An Qisheng looked at the depths of Chu Fan's eyes, and a ripple appeared.

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