Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 486: Global shock!

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How do you want to die?

An Qisheng's voice does not contain any temperature, and it seems to be more cold than the cold wind on the top of the high snowy mountain. The zombies staring at each other seem to feel something, and they step back unconsciously.


Zhu Shiwen said something startled, and then he couldn't help smiling long, as if he heard the most ridiculous joke in the world:

"Ridiculous, ridiculous...um?!

wrong! ! "

The long laughter came to an abrupt halt, and the eyes of Zhu Di suddenly reddened.

The cold wind seemed to slap down with his eyes, the snow danced wildly, and the rumble thundered: "Where did you learn the'wonder language'?"

There was a certain amount of surprise in the hearts of all the martyrs, and even some incredible.

‘Odd language’ is the only language spoken in his world.

According to legend, the ancestors of Taiji Daochang merged all the written languages ​​of the world at that time to promote the world, and not only the language and the words. It is said that the new law covers all aspects including but not limited to the law, weights and measures, Chi Dao, Jiajia and other aspects.

In the world where he is, nature is nothing unusual, but this place is not the world he is in!

For him, learning the predictions of this world is naturally effortless. What he said to the ants was the language of the world, and the ants responded to it, it was actually a "singular language", because he was too familiar. 'Singular language' almost never recovered.

Because he had never thought of it, such a bad place where there is no trace of spirit and resentment, some people would say ‘wonder language’!

Where did it come from?

"Are you calling it "singular language"?"

A trace of strangeness appeared in An Qisheng's heart:

"It should be my creation."

I don’t know much about Xuanxing’s language, and even there are many dialects in different parts of the country. There are more natural ways in the world. He ordered Wuling to implement legislation. The first is the language and writing. If the language and writing are unfamiliar, what is the rule?

This text, however, is the result of his blend of thousands of human language languages ​​and the texts obtained from the dragon eclipse world.

Of course, this name was naturally not taken by him. He wanted to come by the descendants of Taiji Daochang.

"You created it? Nonsense!"

When Zhu Di sneered, there was a sudden gust of wind, the snow rolled, the snow peak rumbled, and an invisible force had already shaken:

"Let's take a look at this seat and draw out your soul!"


Zhu Shi no longer talked nonsense, or even raised his hand, and the voice used the void as a medium to shake the snowy mountains, which had produced an almost verbal effect.

The snow, visible to the naked eye, roared and rolled, turning into a large palm-sized snow palm, and snarled fiercely toward An Qisheng.

This broken place has no spirit and no evil, and he has not even made him and even countless demons hate the extreme "Heng". In every moment that exists in this place, he will consume a huge amount of consumption that ordinary people can't imagine.

He didn't have too much energy, and he didn't think there was anything to say about such a ants.

He didn't even bother to raise his hand and crush a ant, he didn't care too much.


Although it was only a light sentence, there was a violent wind in the temporary camp due to the change of airflow. The snow within hundreds of meters was swept wildly, and the ground layers under it exploded and frozen for countless years. The rocks were all shattered into powder and swayed.

The giant sound spread and roared, exploding between the mountains, which caused a continuous avalanche. Millions of tons of snow entrapped countless rocks and sand, like a tsunami rushing down the mountain.

A few hundred miles away, Chu Fan, who had just found Feng Mingtao, was taken aback and fled the road.

"Mr. Ann..."

And farther away from the Xiya Mountains, among the helicopters hovering under the clouds, the white tigers and other people seen through the pictures refracted by "Yinglong" after countless processing are all white.

It didn't even move at all, and it already produced an effect comparable to artillery bombing. What kind of power is this?

"When will the nuclear strategic bomber come?"

Bai Hu issued an inquiry:

"Mr. Ruoan's martyrdom will immediately launch the highest-intensity strategic bombing!"

Since receiving the order, they started the operation very quickly, but found the trace of An Qisheng before the operation, but An Qisheng was too fast and did not bring a satellite communication tool, and they could not be reached at all.

"Four hours, thirty-two minutes, and forty-six seconds."

Ying Long's voice without any mood swings sounded:

"According to projections, the possibility of 180 nuclear strategic bombers bombing at the same time, coupled with the full power of space-based weapons to kill the target, is only 12.54%, and this plan is not recommended."

"More than four hours?!"

White Tiger raised his tone, and the daylily was cold for four hours. God knows if the zombie king will escape.

"It's four hours, thirty-one minutes, and twenty-six seconds, Mr. Bai Hu."

Ying Longbing's response.

"White Tiger, look at it!"

When Bai Hu was speechless, he heard a cry of exclamation, and when he looked back, he was shocked:

"this is......"


The huge roar accompanied the air waves against the four sides, and the countless sand and snow roared through the air, making a sharp hissing sound.

The huge temporary camp was suddenly submerged by the air waves, and a top military tent with traits was first hit by mud and sand, and then blown into the air by the raging air waves.

The already messy ground collapsed and shattered, dense cracks spread under the snow, and the rocky ground within a few hundred meters was almost shocked into powder.

But the smoke filled the air, but An Qisheng didn't have any injuries. The violent wind didn't even blow his clothes, which shocked Baili's blow and didn't even make him move.


Zhu Di finally changed color:

"This is impossible!"

When he shot down the air, he didn't care, and what made him discolor was the nine sheets of fusiforms flashing purple electric lights floating in front of An Qisheng!

Those nine seals have sealed him for a thousand years!

Fulu from the Old Heavenly Master of the Imperial Realm, Sa Wuling!

How can this be?

Since these human souls that he transformed into zombies, he has known this world, or the universe, by no means the world he is in.

The two worlds are separated, and even if this symbol has never failed, how could it be driven by the ants of this world?


In the wind and snow, An Qisheng was under the cover of nine Zhangluo, his expression was dull.

Although the cultivation of this zombie king is not as good as those of the ten big demon who reached their peak, they have been suppressed for thousands of years.

The power it can burst is also the top of the Xuanxing, comparable to the walking nuclear weapon. At least in a short period of time, the body can not carry its own powerful divine self, and the power it can exert is too much stronger than the self who has just returned to the dream at this time. .

But he did not care about the threat of this zombie king, because he believed in Sa Wuling.

Believe in yourself.

The nine Fulu left by Sa Wuling, but what he asked and passed down, the painting by Sa Wuling passed the 60,000-year-old'fubao' passed through the Taiji Dojo.

Why should it take so much effort to seal an imperfect zombie king by means of Sa Wuling?

These nine Fulu are left to him.


Nine sheets of Fu Lu flashing purple electricity flickered in the wind and snow, and a heavy gas field invisible to the naked eye enveloped An Qisheng.

Outside the aura, he was allowed to whizz by countless air currents, and the snow and wind blew, and he couldn't blow his hair.

"Lao Tian Shi?!"

After being shocked, he felt the familiar breath, and the anger that had been suppressed in the hearts of the victims for a thousand years suddenly exploded.


Zombies are born out of grievances. They are not as good as the five categories. They are not tolerated by the world. They are naturally mad, and the martyrdom is the king of zombies.

It was suppressed for a thousand years just after its birth, and was exiled to such a ghost place. It was insulted by the ants in his eyes many times.

How fierce was the anger accumulated in his heart?

At this moment, there was no other emotion in his heart, only the intensity of anger.

With killing intent!


A trembling roar caused the sky to change.

The monstrous blood light spewed thinly from the throne of red blood, like wolf smoke, like a pillar of heaven, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of kilometers rose, penetrated through heavy storm clouds, hunted and shining, like a red blood war flag.

It also seemed to be a stage-like curtain hanging from the sky, covering half of the sky.

The indescribable Yinsha Qi rumbling and spreading in the void, turning into a violent wind blowing in all directions, even though this Yinsha Qi is disappearing into the void at a very fast speed.

But it can't stand this outburst of shame too much!


The sky of tens of hundreds of kilometers has been stained with blood for a moment, and the roar of evil coldness is roaring.


Baihu and others who were hundreds of miles away felt a chill.

The special forces of the potential helicopter were all trembling, almost killed by plane crash!

"not good!"

The special team member's face was as earthy as he was, desperately raising the height, as if he had seen the most terrifying sight in the world.

Everyone looked away, no longer need to be transformed by Yinglong, already able to see the red blood light like Tianzhu.

Suddenly, the wind blew, and the huge Xiya mountains buzzed and vibrated.

Tremendous and indescribable tremors spread like a tsunami, and the mountain peaks that were closer were collapsed by the sudden burst of breath.


On the highway, in the middle of the roaring wind and roar, Chu Fan wished that he could step on the gas tank with one throttle, and the millions of off-road vehicles instantly soared to the fastest and fled.


Feng Mingtao was sweaty, and he looked white and looked at the Xiya Mountains.

Seen from a distance, it is like an invisible gas hood with a radius of several kilometers on one side, and spreads to the surroundings. All the dirt, sand, snow storms, trees and beasts are broken by the blast of wind, disappear.

The horror of momentum, like the same one, not ten small equivalents of nuclear bombs suddenly burst out!

The tremendous shock has spread to the entire plateau in an instant, as well as the mountainous areas in the northern part of the Three Indians and the Neil State.

The ground shook and there was an earthquake everywhere, and the alarms in the earthquake monitoring bureaus sounded long.

I don't know how many people ran out of the room in shock, thinking that there was an earthquake.

Some people even looked up inadvertently, and saw the rushing shock wave pushing the surging air waves, blowing through some unknown clouds.

Induced a huge sky!

Somewhere in the northwest, through the video delivered by Ying Long, Qinglong's pupils in this scene shrank and his body shivered.

What he didn’t know was that this blow was still because of the lack of any spiritual machine, the blessing of grievance, and even the limitation of the land of the spirits, all the alien powers that broke the sky were disappearing at an extraordinary speed. Under the circumstances.

If one of the two restrictions is absent, one blow is enough to level the mountain and sink the plateau!

If there are no restrictions, the blow can even smash the continental shelf!

But even so, the changes in airflow and air flow caused by the huge shock wave have already aroused many astronomical observatories in the Golden Eagle State in the western hemisphere!


Between the monstrous blood and light~www.ltnovel.com~ between the roars and reverberations, the martyrs shot with anger, and no longer showed mercy, the changes in the celestial phenomena that affected the various countries were just caused by the air waves expelled by his sudden eruption of power .

The ninety-nine strength of his furious blow came with his detective, who seemed to be fluttering lightly, and shot at An Qisheng.

At this moment, he had forgotten his thoughts of wanting to rejuvenate him. Under anger, he just wanted to kill all the creatures in front of him!

Crush this ants!

"Emperor's tenth is all waste..."

Furious and fierce to the extreme slap, Zhu Di heard a voice of indifference and calm as before:

"You too."

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