Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 488: The most prestigious today

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The mourning did not say anything, only to feel that there was nothing to say.

He is not stupid, and at this time, where did he not know he was counted?

He was born in the shadow of evil. He had thousands of years of spiritual wisdom before his death.

But he did not expect that he was sealed by the old master almost as soon as he came into the world.

Struggling for thousands of years, thinking that I want to get out of trouble, but don't want to fall into this terrible place, being bullied by people, and finally get out of trouble, but did not expect...

At this moment, he remembered his life for more than a thousand years, except that he was sealed, and he had no time to see the sun, even for ten years.

Tossing and going between the two worlds, he turned out to be just the chess piece from which the master and apprentice passed the message...

He wanted to roar and scold, but found that the anger in his heart had been extinguished, and the deep chill filled his heart.

In the end, he still said hoarsely:

"just kill me!"

It is absolutely impossible for him to beg for mercy, even the founder of the legendary Taiji Dojo, in his eyes, is nothing more than a physical child.

How can he beg for mercy?

"Huang Tian Shi Yu is immortal, there is no need to say, here, meaningless."

An Qisheng glanced at the zombie king lightly:

"How do you want to die, but you have no choice."


Before the words fell, An Qisheng had already come to the altar and took a beat.

The altar was buzzing and trembling, vomiting more blood, enveloping the martyrs and pulling it into the altar abruptly.

Then, it slowly dimmed and restored the simple, even broken appearance.

The altar of this request is true. The true essence lies in the ‘laws and principles’ rather than the altar itself. Otherwise, at its five-star level, it wants to be replaced.

What is needed is not just a mountain.

In fact, An Qisheng already knows that the replacement of the universe is heavy in weight and light in mind, as is the king's sword, and so is this altar.

But because of this, this altar has also lost its ability to meet its size, and even its replacement ability will be greatly affected.

In other words, it is necessary to pay more than offering sacrifices in the human world in order to get less gains than offering sacrifices in the human world.


At this time, it was only around that I thought of a roaring roar, but it was a group of former special combatants, now infested and distorted zombies.

Of course, Zhu Shao will not care about the life and death of these zombies. After the sweep of the previous wave, almost all zombies were swept out, and many were buried by snow and sand.

These zombies are dozens of times stronger than their human counterparts, and will naturally not be crushed to death by avalanches and sand.

At this time in a roar, a zombie jumped from all directions.

An Qisheng raised his eyebrows, and a female zombie with a ragged shirt and blue-faced fangs had screamed and jumped, with a madness and eccentricity, and shocked him.

That is, Wang Zhixuan...

Wenneng has two PhDs in research and Wu Neng holds a special battle with the leader of the Dan.

But in the face of such invincible monsters as Zhu Di, it is not her, even other warriors who see God, will not last longer than she insists.

Without him, the gap is too great to the extent that it is no longer human to make up.

"Perhaps, this can't be done anymore..."

Looking at the original special team zombies who roared and roared, An Qisheng's heart rippled and his mind changed.

In addition to this dream, seeing the floating world for years and years of war, there are corpses on the road, the refugees everywhere, countless martial arts are evil, forbidden, and then return to Xuan Xing, seeing Xuan Xing's atmosphere, he increasingly wants to break Xuan Xing's peaceful life.

For many people, they don't care about martial arts or spiritual practice. It's not easy for them to live.

The result of imposing oneself on others may not be stronger than it is now.

Therefore, he only selects the generation of perseverance among the many warriors, and gives it to the "Kong Seed".

But at this time, he changed his mind.

Solved Tong Zhengyang himself, came the zombie king again, solved the zombie king, and still had Russell, the descendant of the Hydra. What about Russell?

Is everything over?

He faintly felt that the future would be more difficult. The frequent replacement of the universe must not be for no reason. More changes may be coming.

Xuanxing is as small as dust in the Milky Way, and it is insignificant to look at the universe, but it has encountered the replacement of the universe one after another. It is either stared by a big person, or the frequency of the universe replacement is far beyond his imagination.

Neither the former nor the latter is a good thing.

People need to save themselves before they can be saved. Even if they have saved them thousands of times, Xuan Xing will lose everything once they fail.

Who dares to say that he will never miss?


As the air whizzed, a zombie roared towards An Qisheng, breaking his contemplation.

"You guys, get some sleep..."

An Qisheng's fingers flicked lightly, making a sound like a temple bell striking.


Between the spread of invisible sound waves, the zombie that rushed towards him seemed to have lost his mind. They all fell down from the air and planted in a mess of snow ruins.

An Qisheng's expression was calm. Although his return to the dream did not bring him into the body of the divine court, how powerful was his expression?

These ordinary zombies can't hurt him before falling asleep, and naturally can't hurt after falling asleep.


Only the prisoner Niu and Wang Zhixuan, the two men sitting across from the Dan, were originally stronger than all the special team members present at the scene, and they were even more fierce.

Together, they drove up to tens of meters high, a dive, pulled out a sonic boom, meteorites generally rushed towards An Qisheng.


An Qisheng didn't look, he raised his hands, his five fingers spread out and pinched Wang Zhixuan, the face of the two cattle prisoners, one left and one right, heaved two people on the ground:

"Sleep, just fine..."


Dust splashed on the ruins and everything fell silent.

Injured by zombies, there is no cure for Xuanxing, and it is almost irreversible damage in the human world, because this is not only an infection of the blood, but also the soul is twisted.

In the human world, ordinary people are injured by zombies. If they can't meet the willing to shoot, and there is a supernatural person who is proficient in this way, there is only one way to die.

And that's just ordinary zombies. The zombies transformed by the zombie king, even if they are pure human beings, can't be saved unless they have special means.

But for him, naturally there is no problem.

The zombie king is dead on the altar like a dog, not to mention the few zombies transformed by it.



From the perspective of satellites transferred from Yinglong, I saw how the white tigers and others at this beginning and end of the war changed their looks, and their moods were up and down, and they were a little dazed.

"this one?"

A young Special Fighter rubbed his eyes, something incredible.

The momentum of the zombie king, a roar, and the shock wave that set off shook the entire plateau. Under the violent waves, the helicopter they took was lifted to an altitude of more than five kilometers.

Behind nearly 200 nuclear strategic bombers, space-based weapons are ready to be launched, and all the personnel of the special bureau are dispatched to prepare for death.

As a result, such a tyrannical zombie king has been evened out by someone alone?

Even if this person is already the first in the world of martial arts, it still makes them extremely incredible.

"Yes, it's the role of the seal that seals the zombie king..."

Someone said uncertainly.

Satellites are not a panacea. In such stormy weather, it is impossible to see clearly without any details, and only half of the speculation.

"What, what? That's solved, you don't have to die, how can you return this expression?"

The members of the special service team were stunned, but Bai Hu was ecstatic with words, scolding his head and covering his face:

"What are you stunned for? The landing should be notified, the others should be notified!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

All the people were awake like a dream, all overjoyed and busy.

The helicopter also passed through the clouds and landed towards the Xiya mountain range.


Bai Hu let out a long breath and called Ying Long:

"Report to the base immediately, the goal is solved!"

At the other end, an uninvited guest came to the lobby at the Northwest Military Base.

However, they learned that Wang Anfeng, Li Yan, Gu Changsheng, Jin Chong, and others came from Modu all the way.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall was depressed.

Wang Anfeng looked excited and could hardly restrain his grief in his heart: "Captain Qinglong, my sister, how could my sister, how could I die? How could..."

"Dan Huang sacrificed his life for the country, and I am very sad..."

Qinglong looked solemn and expressed understanding. After grief, he glanced at several others:

"However, if you break into the base privately, you will have to explain it to the military court later!"


As soon as Wang Anfeng gritted his teeth and was about to have a seizure, he was caught by Li Yan. The latter snorted: "Enough!"

"An Feng!"

Wang Anfeng was about to break free, and Jin Chong also drank. The former gritted his teeth, buttocks sat on the chair, and tears shed suddenly.

He was playful and escaped, and Wang Zhixuan guarded him from a young age to a large family. Among them, he had the best relationship with Wang Zhixuan.

"An Feng is also overly sad. Don't worry about Captain Qinglong."

Jin Chong glanced at Qinglong.

Although the Special Service is not a department on the bright side, Qinglong's status is very high, and he can reach some senior people who are not qualified to contact his old man. He does not dare to neglect.

"The grief in my heart is understandable if I lose my loved one."

Qinglong raised his hand and looked at his watch:

"Forty-five minutes are enough. Now, leave the base immediately. Otherwise, I have the right to detain you. If you resist, you will be dealt with in the war crime of disobedience!"


These, Jin Chong also had a little hair, but still recognized by holding his nose, turned around and left.

"Brother, what happened?"

At this time, Gu Changsheng, who came to this hall without a word, spoke.

Qinglong is his brother.

This point made Li Yan and Jin Chong a little surprised, and then suddenly, the ancient family had guarded Ouchi for three hundred years, and there were more Oui masters. This Jin Chong was also Oii.

"No comment."

Facing the younger brother, Qinglong didn't laugh at all, not even saying a word.

As soon as he raised his hand, a team of special forces with live ammunition had stepped into the hall, and the muzzle was raised, and everyone was forced to leave.

These special combat team members are all proficient in boxing skills, strong in body, and even a small warrior who has gone to battle on a small scale and experienced fighting. Without saying a word, Li Yan's face changed.


Gu Changsheng's voice was calm, but with a trace of indisputability:

"This matter is not just about your special affairs bureau. Wang Zhixuan is also a member of my martial arts headquarters. If you don't say it, shoot now and see if you can kill me!"

"Mr. Xiaogu!"

Listening to a series of sounds pulling the bolt, Jin Chong's face suddenly turned white, but he was a civil servant. Where did he see this battle?

Qinglong frowned, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.


At this moment, a red light appeared, and then came the report of Ying Long's cold and unsteady:

"The radiation source of the target Zombie King has been weakened to the original 0.13%, and the probability of being re-suppressed is as high as 98.64%. It can be confirmed that the safety, the nuclear strategic bomber has been withdrawn, the vigilance of space-based weapons has been lifted, and the seven special operations teams have gathered together. Ya Mountain, is moving forward...

Does Baihu pass the call request, will it be connected? "


Qinglong's heart shook, and the indifference on the face suddenly collapsed, losing his voice:

"Who? How did you solve it? Connect!"

At this moment, he did not care to drive away Gu Changsheng and others, and immediately chose to connect.

Nuclear strategic bombers, space-based weapons, special operations squad... Listening to the series of words, Jin Chong and Li Yan jumped in their hearts.

Wang Anfeng got up suddenly: "Xiya Mountain? My sister, is my sister in Xiya Mountain?"

With his excitement, more than ten muzzles had moved towards him.

Gu Changsheng pressed it with ease, pressed him on the chair, his eyes flickered, and he said:

"do not speak."


The red light flashed and the sound of joy that White Tiger couldn't suppress was heard in the wide projection screen:

"Qinglong, Baihu report, the zombie king has been temporarily solved!"

"In the end what happened?"

Qinglong immediately said:



Bai Hu glanced at Gu Changsheng and others, without hesitation, he directly began to talk about the previous battle, try to shorten the sentence, and concise:

"...Mr. Ann did not know what means to drive the nine Zhang Fulu, and then the zombie king furiously shot, but was shrouded in red light, suspected that An Qisheng started what seal backhand, what happened specifically, but also I won't know until I see Mr. An later..."

"Ann, Mr. Ann?"

Qinglong was also stunned.

Although he also invited several great warriors from all over the country to go to ~www.ltnovel.com~, he did not expect the strength of the individual to threaten the zombie king.

The roar shook the entire plateau, and the shock wave spread attracted several countries, dozens of areas of the astronomical monitoring bureau. Where can such a ‘monster’ be matched by individuals?

For a while, I was a little dazed and asked a stupid question:

"Which Mr. Ann?"

"...Which Mr. Ann can be?"

Bai Hu was also stunned, and immediately patted his forehead. There were many surnames in this world, but he didn't make it clear:

"Naturally is the most famous Mr. Ann."

"An Qisheng?!"

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