Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 493: Second Coming Kingship

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King Power!


Feeling the memory and information like a sea of ​​smoke, An Qisheng's heart was filled with emotion.

The past flashed like water on the mirror of my heart.

Zhang Haohao, Zhang Tingting, Tieshan, Yan Kaiyu, Liuming, Bai Xian'er, Li Ling, Huang Fu, Sun En, Pang Wanyang, Yan Fantu, Mu Qingfeng, Yixiu, Runner King, Han Tiangong, Yun Haitian , Yundongliu, Fan Zimin...

All people and things flashed in his mind.

Since knowing the replacement of the universe, his mind has been thinking.

If it is as he expected, the universe of the Profound Star will be close to other universes, and even one day it will collide with the way of the Emperor Heaven Realm and the human Dao. How should he be compatible?

And there is only one result. If that day comes sooner or later, then he will have to choose who will come and what world will come!

Can't change this result, just change this process!

This is his attempt...


In the radiant light of the embellishment of the stars in the starry sky, the spirit of An Qisheng suddenly fell into the sphere of light branded with world information.

Or, in the anchor.

From the beginning to the end, the picture in the depths of his soul remained unmoved.


The nations of the world are crowned by abundance.

The state of Fengguo, headed by maple, is incomparable even though Fengzhou, where the ancient capital of three thousand years is located.

Because the land of Fengzhou is the dojo of the world's most powerful king, the ancestral court.

For three thousand years, Fengzhou has only one city, its name is Nanliang, and it is also the first city in the world. It covers an area of ​​3,000 miles and has a population of over 40 million.

Only the place where the city was opened, has moved to the front seat of the mountain, and even more unparalleled swordsmen made their swords across the sky, cut out twelve gutters, attracted Dajiang nine roads, and three big rivers.

Therefore, there are also twelve dragons around Nanliang.

The products from Golden Wolf Country, Great Yan Country, Chiyun State, Hailou State, Dingguo State and other countries abound here, and the world's things gather in the prosperity of this city.

This city is an extreme world!

In Nanliang City, thousands of buildings, headed by Yang Xiaotang, and Baizhang Yang Xiaotang, have become places where countless people yearn for thousands of years.

I don't know how many martial arts martial artists and literati warriors leave here to sing the world's stories.


Xingmu photographed heavily, and the whole house was shocked.

In Yang Xiaotang, an old man in a green shirt stood at the table, eloquently speaking: "The book is connected to the previous article, and it said that it used to be! This time I was talking about a group of heroes in front of the chivalrous gate, and the white horse and red horse are coming!"

The old man had a red face, his eyes were shining, and his voice was not high or low, but it just spread to the ears of thousands of guests in Yang Xiaotang, which showed that his internal force was also quite hot.

But many high-end guests in the lobby did not buy it, and many people shouted loudly.

"Brother Han, this time you have said 10,000 times, and there are 8,000 times. Should we change one?"

Some people even threw a golden cloud treasure, such as an electric light flying over, but it fell lightly and fell on the table in front of the old man, showing a deep control of the internal force, which made many people secretly good.

"If it were someone else, the old man would definitely ignore it. Even if it was Brother Wang, there would be no problem."

The old storyteller shook his eyes, put away the gold ingots skillfully, and said, "I don't know what Brother Wang wants to hear? I have been talking about books for thirty years in old Korea. two."

After taking the money, of course it's easy to talk.

"Brother Wang, listen well!"

The old man woke up and clapped the table, and said aloud: "'Ten thousand horses in the snowy field, the ancestors tried to crush thousands of troops'."

‘In the Fengdu City, the Patriarch descended from the dragon

"The soldiers gather, the sword 23"

"God in the Eight Diagrams Furnace is fierce, Heaven and Man Divine the Kingship"

"The patriarch said the law of the world, and the king can be the master of the world."

The old man's voice is extremely low and rhythmic.

But many people in the hall still shook their heads again and again.

According to the legend of the royal patriarch, they have not heard it 100,000 times, and there are 80,000 times. It can even be said that no one is unfamiliar with this world, from the emperor to the emperor, to the trafficker.

If you pull a person on the street, you can talk a lot of legends about the royal ancestors. Although the old people are very high-quality, they are too much to hear.

"Brother Han, there are too many things handed down from your ancestor. I have longed for the legend of the royal ancestor, but I have heard more? Isn't it okay to talk about today?"

The middle-aged man who lost the gold ingot could not help standing up, and said with his hands.

The gentleman's zeal is cut down in five generations. The legend of the king's ancestors should not have been able to be circulated for so long in theory. This is so broad. However, three thousand years ago, there was an iron follower of the king's ancestors.

The rainbow fart was shot for 3,300 years, which is the first person in history.

That man was Fan Zimin, the ancestor of the world's storyteller. For more than three thousand years, anyone who wanted to eat the bowl of storytelling in the world, the first thing to get started with, was to talk about the ten years of kingship.

Otherwise, this bowl of rice is not stable!


Mr. Storyteller hesitated slightly.


The middle-aged man threw out another ingot of gold. The crowd who watched secretly slurped. How amazing is the purchasing power of an ingot of gold?

That is, in Yang Xiaotang, if it is in other places, it is enough to buy a storyteller and say that it has been in the past year and a half.

"So, just say something else?"

Mr. Storyteller received the gold, thinking that his storytelling task was almost completed this year, and he no longer hesitated: "So, let me talk about it, that Chiyun Kingdom!"


Before telling a story, wake up and clap the table.

"The king has a sword hanging over the nations, and there has been no war for three thousand years! But he said that in the Golden Wolf Kingdom, there is a martial arts ancestor that has been passed down for three thousand years.

It is said that there is a supreme secret method in the runner temple, which is comparable to the royal power ‘Ferris Runner Method’. Of course, the secret method is also said to have been passed down by me, cough, and royal power. "

"Yeah! Brother said it was missing?"

Someone called in the hall.

Mr. Storyteller smiled and didn't care, and said loudly: "But said that the Runner Temple had a celestial prince three thousand years ago. Its name is Runner King, and everyone who has heard "The Legend of Kingship" should know that, yes, that's that Runner King!"

"Although the runner king was defeated by his ancestors, the prince took pity on his talents and let it go, but he didn't want to, the runner king was really a talented man, and he had the opportunity to destroy the foundation, and he realized the method of rebirth! A hundred years later, rebirth!"


As soon as these two words came out, the whole hall was suddenly in an uproar, and the middle-aged man also took a breath of breath, only to realize that he was worth the gold flower.

Life is limited, even though it is the strongest of the Divine Veins, it is only five hundred years old. This is still today, it is said that the strongest of the Divine Veins three thousand years ago is only three hundred years old!

Even the priest who was a brilliant and brilliant person in Wang Quandao's ancestors, who made the ninth heaven and earth on the veins of the gods, was only a thousand years old.

People, after all, die.

Rebirth is naturally the most attractive word.

"Yes, the rebirth of the runner, Wang Quandao is now included!"

An outer disciple of the royal power said with both eyes shining: "It is said that inner disciples can choose all kinds of methods to practice. I have heard people talk about this practice!"

With the endorsement of the disciples of the royal power, everyone's enthusiasm was even higher, and it was not until Xingmu shot again that calmness was restored.

"Don't watch, you don't have to be noisy, just listen carefully and say it! It is said that the runner king was reborn a hundred years after his defeat. At that time, it was when the eight kings of the king's power contested the king's Taoist people, and the world's heroes were afraid.

The runner king met the eighth son of the king at the peak, even though he was also a wizard, but he was also not enemies. Eventually, he died in the second generation of king power Taoist, a disciple of the ancestor, Zhang Ting.

And this has opened up the grievances of the runner king and the king's power for 3,300 years! "

Speaking of which, Mr. Storyteller himself was immersed in it, and all the audiences listened to the ups and downs of his heart. He couldn't keep himself, sometimes amazed, sometimes snarled, sometimes thumped his chest, sometimes applauded loudly.

It was only half an hour after talking, but the wine had already dropped thousands of pounds, and the treasurer smiled with joy.

".......The runner king is old and strong, reborn again and again, repaired to great success again and again, accumulated from generation to generation, until the ninth time, and finally reached an unprecedented peak!

The skills of the Ninth Dynasties overlapped, and the world-famous martial arts of the ghosts and weeping ghosts were built. At that time, the king power sword had escaped into the world to find a new generation of king power sword masters. Then the runner king came with the world **** power. In crisis..."

Mr. Storyteller has a dignified look and is immersed in it. He only feels that he is a contemporary king power Taoist, facing the runner king who brought the ninth heaven and man to become a supreme martial art:

"At this time, a young man rode a donkey to Fengzhou, and inherited the luck of the king's power for two thousand years.


It's like adding fuel to the fire, such as a thundering explosion, a big Yang Xiaotang, up and down multiple floors, thousands of drinkers, all boiled!

"Li Taibai!"

"Poetry and color sword wine, the world's most proud!"

"Eternal love, only too white!"

"Eternal second, Taibai Patriarch!"

Yang Xiaotang is a hollow circle surrounded by 38 floors, and thousands of drinkers were all lit up at once.

It has been 3,300 years since the inheritance of the royal power. There are hundreds of generations of royal powers and centuries of royal powers and seven sons.

However, there is only one person who is called by his name, not the king of Taoism.

That is, Li Taibai!

For the second time in the ages, Li Taibai can talk to the king about the height!

Ignite the five qi in the chest, condense the three flowers on the top, and open the ninth layer of heaven and man above the veins of the gods, which will smooth the road of heaven and man for future generations.

Moreover, compared to the self-esteem of the patriarch Wang Quan, there are countless affair about this prince Li's affair, but his affair history is still talked about to this day.

At this point, there is no need to tell what Mr. Shushu said. There was a lot of discussion among the drinkers, and only Li Taibai was in his mouth.

Because no matter what kind of master, when meeting Li Taibai, there will be only one ending.

"Li Taibai..."

And just when the vocals were in an uproar, a cold hum came, shaking the whole Yang Xiaotang.

On the thirty-eighth floor, Yang Xiaotang, thousands of drinkers, no matter what the internal strength, martial arts level, heard this cold hum, all hummed in my head, my heart throbbed, only felt the blood flow back, the heart was almost shocked out of the throat.


Great master!

In Yang Xiaotang, there was silence, from extreme movement to extreme silence, but for a moment, everyone looked at the entrance of Yang Xiaotang with horror.

Those were two young twins in black, wearing long swords, and a cold, indifferent expression.

It is one of them.

"Chiyun two or three sons?!"

Seeing the person coming, Mr. Storyteller's pupil shrank, and his heart turned up.

The second and third sons of Chiyun are said to have been geniuses of Chiyun Kingdom for thousands of years. One person practiced swords and the other practiced swords. Since the age of ten, he has challenged masters of various schools.

The two teamed up to have a record of tying the Yin and Yang Infinite Masters, and it is the most advanced generation of the younger generation.

What is more scary is the person behind them.

Qi Kong in white.

One, the year of the weak crown was built into Yin and Yang Promise, and set foot on the ninth layer of heaven and earth.

The second and third sons of Chiyun are Qi Kong's servants, one carrying the sword and the other holding the sword.

Jingle Bell~

The wind blows the copper bell, and the white clothes come into the eyes, and people are like smoke clouds.

Standing outside the door of Yang Xiaotang.

No one could see how he came, as if he had stood there since ancient times, the scattered sunlight was thrown behind him from outside Yang Xiaotang, but even his shadow did not shine.

Standing upright!

"Good life, deserve it!"

The sound is flowing like a clear spring, and the words are blowing like a camel bell, like the wind and sand outside the plug, and the flowing water of the small bridge, the unspeakable voice echoes in Yang Xiaotang:

"A Er, A San, do you say that?"

"The host said yes, that's it."

Two young men in black responded exactly the same:

"No, too."

"Go, go."

The person has not yet arrived, but he has gone far away. With the wind chime ‘ding ding’, it gradually goes farther and farther until it is unheard of.

There was a silence in Yang Xiaotang until the wind bell was no longer audible. A group of talents woke up like dreams and looked at each other, all wetted by cold sweat.

"not good!"

Mr. Storyteller looked at the two ingots of gold on the table in front of him, and he was relieved, and his face changed dramatically: "Qi Kong is coming, I am afraid I am going to Wangquan Mountain!"

Shocked, horrified!

Thousands of drinkers almost all thought of something, and suddenly swarmed down from their respective floors and rushed out toward the King Power Mountain outside Nanliang City.

They chasing the legend have to witness the legend!

Qi Kong in white, came across the horse, traveled 80,000 miles, and wanted to challenge the king's power!

This news shocked the entire Fengzhou, Dafeng State, and even the world at an unimaginable speed!

Countless people came running at the fastest speed, but the news spread no matter how fast, it is not as fast as Qi Kong.

Before the setting sun, before the king's right mountain gate, ushered in the strongest challenger of the millennium since the runner.

"I don't know king power, how many masters are there?"

Qi Kong stood down with his hands, looking out at the summit of King Power, and said loudly: "Chiyun Qikong, come to worship the mountain!!"

The sound exploded, and it seemed like thunder came out of the mountain.

Countless martial arts people who were far behind behind looked up horrifiedly, and saw the sky and clouds billowing, the waves like mountains and sea, rolling in all directions, the momentum is huge, and thousands of miles can be heard!

"Qikong worships the mountain?"

A towering towering, like a mountain gate of king power road, a person sits in front of the Tai Chi figure, slowly opens his eyes, and a deep ripple in the sea-like eyes ripples:

"Take the Chiyun Tianjiao inherited by the runner Wang?"

The Taoist said slightly, he was about to speak, his heart suddenly shuddered, and he suddenly stood up, as far as he could see, before the king's gate, the statue of the patriarch who had stood still for 3,300 years of wind, frost, rain and snow.

Suddenly, it shines.


The divine light is like a pillar, and the bright light that burst out suddenly dyes the sky and clouds into golden pieces, and the indescribable breath suddenly cleared the heavy clouds.

The thundercloud storm caused by the change of the gas machine in the sky above the sky was never approached, and was torn apart by the golden light.

However, at almost the same time, Dafeng Baizhou, Chiyun and other seven countries, countless cities, countless Taoist temples, and countless statues of ancestral kings all buzzed and vibrated.

The pillar of divine light burst like a sky sword, tearing the sky and reaching the Xiaohan.

In an instant, the world is shaking!

"Patriarch Revealed?"

The contemporary royal power is full of vigor and emotion.


Under the King Power~www.ltnovel.com~ Qi Kong is looking at the sky from afar, and seeing that breath, his eyes can't help but startle: "Contemporary kings are so terrible?"

This breath is like sea and sky, and the horrible and boundless endlessness is not all in the world. It is said that the contemporary royal power Taoist people are only mediocre among the historical royal power Taoist powers.

Unreasonably, there was a hint of hesitation in his heart, but at this point, he had no reason to retreat.

Not only did not retreat, but also took a step forward and started again, the sound wave was ten times higher: "Chiyun Qikong, come to worship the mountain!!!"

The sound waves surpassed the mountain top, and the shaking clouds rolled.

But at the next moment, Qi Kong could no longer sustain it until he suddenly changed color.

Because, with the divine light shining on the sky, on top of the towering mountain, thousands of sounds suddenly echoed, but the same powerful voice:


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