Zhutian Avenue

: Upside down yin and yang, the sun and moon in the pot, the universe in the sleeve. 2 silver...

   Gouzi is humming and humming, and suddenly Aite is crazy in the group. At first glance, if he is struck by thunder, two silvers at a time.

   The dog was stunned...

  Thank you, thank you, thank you two too, maybe two silvers of a big brother.

   There is also the leader of Ember^Big Brother.

   Forgive the dogs for hand injuries, there is no way to violently change.

The white guy dyed the cream Chinese big guy, Cz, big guy, potato big guy, Chu Mengyao, study, white, old fool, Zi Xuan immortal emperor, ember ^, smoking alone, sky old summer and other big guys have no rewards Add more.

  Can't make up for all the book readers.

  .............This calculation, Gouzi is really a waste wood.

   is owed, but the status of the dog's update fluctuations is relatively high, and it is not easy to say when it will be paid off. The nine days at the beginning of this month are updated every day.

   Then, don’t count, just round it up, update the 4D one hundred days, and repay the rewards of the big brothers. The nine days at the beginning of the month are not counted, starting from tomorrow

   Note that there may be a day that is not enough, even if the nine thousand words are not counted on that day, you guys supervise, of course, this one hundred days cannot be continuous.........

  One hundred thousand days a day, starting today!

   Come on!


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