Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 501: Global hunt!

This building is a landmark-level building built by Donnerd in downtown Hatton, with a height of 64 and a height of more than 150 meters.


An Qisheng jumped down, and the fierce airflow lifted his shirt and danced violently.

But he just put his arm on the wall, his body fell to tens of meters, and then on the wall a little bit, and it suddenly fell on the opposite commercial building, a few moved, and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, a young white man who hanged the glass in midair was so frightened that he danced.

The security of the building, which was alarmed by the alarm, was even dumbfounded, thinking that he had seen a ghost during the day.


In the steel jungle, An Qisheng moved around, carrying the three-hearted blue spirit boy, flying across the city like a bird, crossing the streets at a very fast speed and heading towards the distance.

There are three caves in Cunning Rabbit, not to mention the three-hearted blue spirit boy who can freely swim in the ocean of data. Of course, it is not only about the city, not even the Golden Eagle State.

To grasp the blue-skinned monster, it is necessary to have a short time to sweep the world and close its ability to communicate with the outside world. These two are indispensable.

Without one, it will anger the little blue-skinned monster.

It is not so simple to be able to soar in the sea of ​​interconnected data and easily break into any private, powerful, personal database.

Because it is not an intelligent life, but an information life. All the networks for storing and writing information have no defense against it, whether you are connected to the Internet or not, whether it is powered on!

This also means that if this little blue-skinned monster is given enough time, it can set off a nuclear war all over the world, allowing all military bases in all countries in the world to riot!

Although it does not have the ability to move mountains and rivers, its threat level is not lower than that of the zombie kings!

And this is still its ability at this time.

If you go one step further, you can even perceive the will of the planet, set off tsunamis, earthquakes, move plates, break the continental shelf, and destroy any low-level civilization that cannot step on the stars!

And this is far from all of its potential.

Because of seeing the horrible potential of this blue-skinned monster, An Qisheng made up his mind that he could not allow it to absorb the growth of civilization on the black star anyway.

Because of this, An Qisheng didn't mean to stop at all, only avoiding the camera of Golden Eagle Country, which was far less than Daxuan'Skynet', and traversed the city all the way.


The air was roaring, and the vegetation was lurking.

I don't know when, An Qisheng squeezed his head and cut off the three-hearted Blue Lingtong from the outside world.

Its voice sounded in the ear of An Qisheng:

"Mr. Monster, you have the potential to catch me, but you shouldn't catch me."

Feeling the iron town around him, Sanxin Lanlingtong also had to admit that this man named An Qisheng really had the certainty to catch it.

"You seem to be able to mobilize the magnetic field around you, but this method is of no use to the great master. You have angered him. Your civilization will usher in the disaster of extinction."

Seeing An Qisheng ignored it, he ran to another hiding place without hesitation for a moment, and was anxious.

"You have the ability to understand the history of civilization, then, have you heard a word?"

Finally, An Qisheng returned a sentence.

His expression was calm, and the sound of blood running through his body seemed to be louder than the wind, which was enough to allow the **** warrior to eat Pigudan in the first half of the year, and it was completely consumed in less than a day.

As his support across the hemisphere.

"What's the matter?"

Sanxin Lan Lingtong was a little dazed.


An Qisheng's speed is getting faster and faster, the sound of the air sizzling sounds like a sound exploding, and the wind is not scattered, the sound explosion can't cover his voice:

"How can one allow someone to snore beside the couch?!"


The three-hearted blue spirit boy suddenly lost his voice, allowing An Qisheng to grasp its top melon skin and shake it with the wind.

It took a while to recover, and looked at An Qisheng somehow.

As the beggar said to the emperor, there is no other country.

A projectile land, the short-lived species of the short-lived species that have lived in the lower civilization for decades, where is the courage to say this to a descendant of eternal blood, the third-class Wuzhu-class long-lived species?

But An Qisheng ignored it.

This little blue-skinned monster has left traces in the countries of Xuanxing. Even if An Qisheng wants to search, it is not so easy.

Soon, An Qisheng crossed the countries, crossed the ocean, and landed in the Nordic land.

Soon, the three-hearted blue spirit boy, who was also confusing people, was positioned among several small countries. So far, his three cores have been suppressed by him.

And at this moment, An Qisheng's heart moved.

"My name is Three Hearts Blue Spirit Boy, and my heart is three. If you grab my two cores, I will definitely find out."

The three-hearted Blue Lingtong, who was pinched by Gu Anqi, suddenly smiled.

Its name is three hearts, three hearts, and two bodies are arrested, born in one body, three times again and again, and endlessly. It is certainly not that easy to want to catch it.

It's possible, it's just possible.


An Qisheng stopped, and a long sigh of breath spit out. The whole body was like a big stove that heated collectively in the twelfth lunar month, and the surrounding waves of snow drifted into white mist.

Countless snowflake ice crystals are wrapped in white mist and drip like rain.

Having traveled all over the country and traveling across the oceans, he consumed a lot of physical energy at this time, and the burden on his body was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

His physique is naturally much stronger than when he first returned, but it is far from being comparable to humanity.

But there was no fluctuation in his mind.

A turbid breath spit out, and then sucked in for a long time. It seemed that the whole breath of heaven and earth would be sucked into the body. The pores stretched around the body were all opened, and there was some interaction with the ubiquitous magnetic field of the outside world.

And in subtle places that are invisible to the naked eye, some kind of transformation is taking place slowly and firmly.

Hearing the words of Sanxin Lan Lingtong, An Qisheng smiled: "Since you found it, why don't you do it?"

He already knows the ability of Sanxin Blue Spirit Boy, and he still has to shoot. Naturally, he does not want to kill the net, but has a back hand.

"what have you done?"

Sanxin Lan Lingtong was shocked, and then remembered that if he knew that someone was going to do something with himself, he would definitely fight back.

This way, let alone nuclear weapons, at least it should not be so calm.

"At this time, in your induction, everything should be as usual."

After vomiting deeply, An Qisheng stepped through the wind and continued to hurry.

"who are you?"

Sanxin Lan Lingtong is somewhat incomprehensible. It has browsed all the texts and messages of Xuan Xing for thousands of years, but has never discovered the means of An Qisheng.

Is he also because of the vortex of time and space was exiled to this high civilization of low civilization?

For the question of Sanxin Lanlingtong, An Qisheng turned a deaf ear and slowed his pace a little, restoring his strength in pursuit.

Soon, he stopped before a snowy mountain forest:

"Look, even if it's getting late, you don't seem to notice anything different."

"You, you simulated my message and passed it to me by mistake?"

At this moment, Sanxin Lan Lingtong suddenly shouted, as if he wanted to understand something: "But why can you know the frequency of my information, that is the secret that only my host and I know!"

It is the life of information, it can survive in the text data, feed on the breath of civilization, can soar in the long river of words, and perceive all information, but if foreign information wants to invade it, it must know its secret Just fine.

This is its fate, even in Youlin Dajie, few people know that it is!

How could this person know?


An Qisheng's eyes just moved, and he walked towards the forest without any haste.

In this mountain forest, in the snow, in the mountains and rocks, there are people hiding inside, it can be said that the security is strong, and the defense is like a copper wall.

But An Qisheng stepped on the snow without a trace, and walked step by step, everyone seemed not to see him.

This is hypnosis~www.ltnovel.com~ but it's not just hypnosis.

Once Mulong City could stand in front of people, it was invisible to the naked eye, and the mastery of light, shadow, environment, and hypnosis reached a very high level, and An Qisheng at this time was far more than that.

Around the forest, on and under the trees, I don't know how many probes are hidden, nor how many people are watching the outside world, but let An Qisheng step into the depths of the forest step by step.

No one can find his trail.

His mind could not be separated from the body, nor could it affect these cold instruments. However, the instruments also had loopholes and dead ends, not to mention the people who stared at the instruments, and they were just well-trained ordinary people.

No matter the boxing, other things, to a realm, what is natural to him, for others, it is as magical as ‘magic’ and ‘magic’.

"Fool, fool, mental retardation, mental disability, dementia... take a look, take a look!!!"

Compared with the calmness of An Qisheng, the three-hearted blue spirit boy who was lifted up by his melons was completely mad, and he continued to curse himself with the Daxuan words he learned.

Of course, it can see the mystery of An Qisheng's magical method like the ancient "stealth" of Xuanxing, but such a movement only requires a glance, and the self in the base can perceive it.

But letting it shout through his throat and scolding himself thousands of times, its message could not be transmitted to An Qisheng at all.

I could only watch An Qisheng walk to the end of the forest step by step, in front of the hidden base hidden in the mountain.

Kaka Kaka~

The moment before An Qisheng walked to the base, the mountain shook, the gate slowly rose, and the guards'whim', suddenly wanted to open the door.

While the gate rose, An Qisheng also just entered the gate and stepped into the base.

The time is just right and the points are not bad.

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