Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 506: Human nuclear reactor?

The heart is sour, like a hand rubbing hard, the nose is sour, and both eyes can't stop crying.

Chu Fan rolled over and sat up, sighing with long memory: "My... hey?"

Nostalgia stopped abruptly.

Chu Fan's face solidified, he could recall the infinite complexity and sourness of his heart, as if he had experienced hundreds of baptisms, but he couldn't remember the woman or women who should be important to him. first name.......

It was like having a nightmare. I woke up sweating and my face was pale. I was unable to remember the specific process, let alone remember what I encountered.

This feels weird and has no logic.

But it happened.

For a long time, Chu Fancai stood up, staring at the gurgling water in the deep stream and seeing his reflection clearly.

It was a middle-aged young man with white temples, as if suffering from vicissitudes.

"In any case, I've passed this level. It should be 3,300 years after Jiang Shili said..."

Chu Fan sighed, and words appeared in the perspective:

[Chu Fan (identity of the dreamer Chu Da)]

[Cultivation: Blood exchange, great qi, dignity, martial arts: dragon and tiger pure yang, three-five point hand, demon killer judge pen, snake-shaped step, exhale method, ancient door heart fist, etc.]

【Dreamland where you are: King Power 3231】

[The main line has been updated, and now it is as follows: worship King Power Road and complete one of the rewards Sanshou ‘Nan Tianmen’ ‘Chanxiantai’ ‘Bagua furnace’

[Note: The dream of King Power officially started, the dream time began to pass, and the time ratio between dream and reality was 30:1]

[Note: The maximum limit of one stay in the dream is ten days]

"That means that you can freely enter and exit the dream?"

Chu Fan's attention was suddenly attracted by the last one, and he couldn't help but quit in silence.


Chu Fan only felt dizzy, and when he opened his eyes again in the next moment, what was in his eyes was already his familiar and somewhat unfamiliar bedroom.

And at this time, the sky had gradually lighted up, and it seemed that time really began to pass.


Chu Fan exhaled for a long time, sitting cross-legged, almost at the same time, an internal force from nowhere was poured into Xia Dantian.


This internal force flows violently, making a sound like flowing water, his spirit condenses to the highest, and he can even feel the subtle changes in his body.

Under the impetus of this internal force, the bones, bones, flesh and blood are gradually transformed.


Modu, somewhere in an underground research institute built with various high-end shielding materials.

After a series of tests, Lu Shiping lay down on a cold iron bed. The dense instruments protruded from the iron bed, and if it was like life, it was generally adsorbed on his body.

"Lao Lu, you don't have to..."

An old man presided over with a hint of hesitation: "Although the safety of this instrument is very high, you should understand that there is nothing absolutely safe and you don't have to be in danger..."

Although there are many calculations and exercises of artificial intelligence, the soul is originally a desert of research. Daxuan does not study this aspect in depth.

The root of the dream is the activity of the brain, but it does not necessarily involve the soul.

After all, it is a'dream' that can bring out power.

Lu Shiping lay on the iron bed with his eyes closed: "Should I not be in danger, should I be in danger? How can my old man, who is dying at the end of cancer, be more valuable than a young man? No need to persuade me, let's get started. "


The old man was still a little hesitant, so he dared not start.

No matter what the experiment is, no matter what, in Daxuan Ben it is strictly prohibited to directly act on people, let alone people like Lu Shiping.

"I have been very reluctant this time. Without your help, I will lose this quota sooner or later. At that time, I will eventually die. If you succeed, maybe I can get a cure for my terminal cancer from it.. ...."

Lu Shiping opened his eyes and glanced at the old man: "This plan, you are just one of the hosts, and the initiator is me."

Between life and death, no one can really be indifferent to it, even if he is already a fate, but after seeing hope, who wants to die?

The dream of king power is an opportunity, but it is not given in plain. It is extremely difficult to stay for a long time.

This time, he has exhausted all his energy and passed it reluctantly. What about the next task?

How can it be passed?

Therefore, whether it is for the government or for himself, this ‘experiment’ must be carried out.

"it is good."

The old man took a deep breath and pressed the start button.


The moment the button was pressed, the silver stream flowed down like a waterfall, flooding the entire laboratory.

At the same time, the voice of artificial intelligence Yinglong did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations: "In order to ensure computing power, do you withdraw the computing power that other scientific research projects are consuming?"


In the silver light, the old man looked serious.

"Increase in computing power..."

Ying Long's voice stopped for a moment, and then rang again: "The computing power is still not enough. Will we withdraw a few more limited scientific research projects?"


The old man did not hesitate, nor can he hesitate by this time.

It was the other researchers behind him that hesitated a little: "Lao Yang, those few projects are..."

"One party can bring out the "dream" which is a force that should not exist at all. One party has a complete history, countless minerals, society, words, language, legal society, or civilization, it is likely to exist in reality."

The eyes under Yang Lao's glasses were a little bright: "If everything is true... that's too important."


Lao Yang murmured to himself, the silver light flowing down the laboratory had already submerged into Lu Shiping's body like Ruyan throwing into a forest.

At the same time, a huge, three-dimensional, meticulous, detailed structure of the human body has been projected on the huge light curtain in the laboratory.

This human body structure is meticulous and detailed, and can be specific to the folds of each capillary, and it is still deepening, deepening towards the cell level.

At the same time, on both sides of the projection, uncountable data flows like a waterfall like a whizz, and at the same time the sound of Ying Long's analysis sounds:

"In the body of Academician Lu Shiping, there is a constant circulation of energy along a specific trajectory. The trajectory is not significantly different from the trajectory that the academician called "Lingguang Tuna Method"..."

"This energy analysis, similar to biological energy and electrical energy, seems to have a relationship with the magnetic field of life itself. The specific composition requires too much computing power and will not be analyzed for the time being..."

"Lower energy circulation method, according to the existing data, we can calculate a more optimal solution of this energy circulation method of 6,342, the optimal solution is as follows: the establishment of a nuclear fusion reactor constrained by biological magnetic field, efficient use This'internal force'...

After the transformation of the "internal force", the micro-level high-energy transformation is carried out with powerful computing power. The internal organs, muscles and flesh are all side branches, the top priority is the brain, and the brain is transformed to increase the amount of calculation. Put it away from the body to form a controllable, so-called'knife and gun can't enter' energy field..."

"The specific optimization route has insufficient computing power to deduce..."

"Over-clocking operation is taking place in the brain of Academician Lu Shiping, and no soul is found. I am not sure about the possibility of the existence of soul... Is it monitoring and converting the operation of academician Lu Shiping's brain into a picture?


The computing power of artificial intelligence far surpasses that of human beings. For data analysis, one second is enough to be comparable to human computing for thousands of years.

Within half a minute before and after, Ying Long's many analyses have shocked all the academicians present.

And the high-ranking Special Service Bureau who witnessed this scene through video cameras, as well as some higher-level ones.

Human-controllable nuclear fusion reactor?

Qinglong frowned, somewhat puzzled: "Controlled reactor is a kind of true qi? The outgoing energy gas field is congenital qi? The brain transformation is the **** pulse?"

Contrasting the information obtained, one by one with Ying Long's analysis, Qinglong is a bit incredible.

How can such a high-level thing be involved in a society that is just like the ancient Xuanxing?

"No, no, not so strong, this is the optimal solution of Yinglong analysis, they can not reach..."

Qinglong was a bit confused.

He knows very well that even if the warriors in the so-called "kingdom of dreams" cannot reach the optimal solution that Ying Long said, but even if it reaches one-tenth, not one percent~www.ltnovel.com~ is also super Unimaginable horror.

Even more horrible is that, once these dreamers have all gained such power, the government, the army, and even the world, what else can suppress them?

Rely on the morality in their hearts, good?

For a time, Qinglong only realized that this dream was more terrifying than the monster that might appear on Mars.

"this is?"

At this moment, White Tiger stood up, looking shocked.

The senior officials of the special bureau such as Prison Cattle, Jade Bird, Xu Hongyun, Ji Can also suddenly got up.

In the laboratory, Ying Long has converted the frequency of Lu Shiping's brain operation into pictures!

It was an endless sky and blue sky, endless and white clouds rolled over, there was a large bird in the sky, and under the sky, there was a majestic and magnificent mountain!

The giant mountain stands tall on the earth, while the solemn and solemn Taoist temple stands on this 10,000-meter giant mountain!

Clouds lingered and cold winds rolled.

It looks like a fairy land in the fairy tale!


The dream was finally fixed by An Qisheng, and the entrance to the dream was completely transferred to the "Idol of King Power".

It is natural for An Qisheng to have hundreds of people dreaming at the same time, but it takes his energy to maintain the dream world.

Although he has to go this way, it does not mean that he wants to lie in the Taoist temple all his life and act as a ‘server’.

Although the material of the king's idol is poor, fortunately, there are still the zombie kings.

This fateful demon, temporarily serving as an energy source, naturally has no problem.


The fingers left the eyebrows of the "Idol of King Power", and the powerful expression of An Qisheng fell to the bottom. The exhaustion from the inside out filled his body and mind.

But before he could take a breath, a pair of long eyebrows had already been raised:


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