Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 509: The door of Xeno comes!

An Qisheng slowly closed his eyes.

The invisible magnetic field that is invisible to the naked eye between heaven and earth has already come together. After returning to the dream, An Qisheng has not stopped the spread of "Song Seed" for a moment.

It's just that the process above the Xuanxing is more difficult than the human Tao.

For Xuanxing, the magnetic field has a greater effect, affecting the crust, ocean currents, and even life. It is also a protection field for Xuanxing to resist the impact of all meteorites.

It can even be said that without the restraint of the magnetic field, all life on the mysterious star and even the mysterious star itself will fall apart and completely disintegrate.

Because of this, Xuan Xing is far less than the human path, but An Qisheng is more cautious.

Compared with the alternation between ‘Yongzhong’ and the magnetic field, the change between the dreamer and the countries of Xuanxing is rather nothing.

There is no need for him to care much.

A party that has survived the vicissitudes and still stands for thousands of years, does not need him to do anything.

Otherwise, it seems inferior and uninteresting.



As An Qisheng breathed, Tianlian Mountain seemed to be trembling, with extremely rhythmic fluctuations walking along the veins of the magnetic field of heaven and earth.

Little by little, An Qisheng's body was undergoing transformation, not in a hurry, but it didn't seem to stop.

Under this appearance, his body began with cells, and a huge change occurred that was worthy of earthshaking.


Wang Quanshan stands towering, like an ancient **** mountain connecting the heavens and the earth, seemingly endless.

The rolling mountains spread even without knowing a few, traversing the earth, endless waves and magnificent.

Lu Shiping walked between the mountains and forests, how much he traveled, his face remained unchanged, under the real Qi operation, the cold and heat did not invade, and it was more difficult to be tired.

I didn't know how long he had left before he stopped and let out a long breath.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can see the majesty of Wang Quanshan, which is already superior to Wuyue, and many peaks of Xuanxing cannot be compared with it.

Because this mountain peak rises nearly ten thousand meters from the surface, almost half of the mountain has been surrounded by clouds and fog, and the cold wind blows all year round.

Ordinary people do not say that living in the mountains for a long time, even if it is mountaineering, is also extremely difficult.

His task is to appease the King of Taoism.

But this step is not that simple.

Not talking about the name of this dreamland is called king power. The legends he heard these days alone are enough to make all dreamers and many people who have learned by observing him feel shocked.

This is the uncrowned king who inherited 3,300 years from one side, and is the super sect of the shepherd of the sword. It has stood at the top of the world for 3,300 years.

Each generation of the seven sons of king power, the king of Taoism, is the legendary **** soldier King Power Sword selected from all the best players in the world.

No one is a dragon among people, and it is the best choice for understanding.

Generations of talent continue to innovate on the basis of the inheritance of predecessors. In today's era, the development of martial arts is more than unknown three thousand years ago.

Want to visit such a sect, where is it to talk about it?

"The royal power has been established for 3,300 years. It is too famous and too famous in this world. When the mountain gate is opened, the world is full of wind and waves. I don’t know how many people come to study. The talent of Lu Lao is very difficult to compete under normal circumstances. Outperform others."

In Lu Shiping's mind, the sound of Qinglong sounded.

This is a voice that was transformed into'Yinglong' and directly infused into his mind, and no one can notice it.

In the laboratory, Qinglong has a serious expression. Behind him is an urgently assembled think tank. Based on the information collected, they come up with individual ideas, conjectures, and submit them to "Yinglong" for analysis and deduction to achieve the optimal solution. .

"The dynasty has been sad for three hundred years, and a sect can actually affect a world for three, three hundred years? It's incredible! Look at this information and look at their laws. Are they somewhat similar to us? Really, the road ends in the same direction. , Long live communism?"

"Wanghou Zhenguo herdsmen, Wangquan Dao uses swords to shepherd the country, Wang Quanjian has changed the royal power for hundreds of years, and the entire system, the most important thing is, what kind of royal sword is this? Isn’t it similar to the idea "Artificial intelligence" without emotional desire to govern the country?"

"The seven kingdoms under the kingship are also very outrageous. They actually adopted the Zen concession system. Moreover, they are inherited by the most savvy and selfless people recognized. Is this also a feudal society?"

"Three thousand years of the tradition of the Fa, the way through the ages and the past, it can be said that there is a long history and a long history, and it's really amazing. It's really amazing. Who is this person? I really want to see him and talk about the difference between the two worlds! "

The think tank in the laboratory was full of talk and praise. They were all stunned by what they saw.

Many of them are sociologists and historians. After careful study, they have to admit that at least for the society in the dream of kingship, it is an extremely perfect system.

Qinglong ignored the chatter of the think tank, continued to speak, and transformed into Ying Long’s mind through the analysis of Yinglong:

"Although Fan Zimin's Biography of Kingship has all kinds of exaggerated words, but there are a lot of hidden information in it. It is not clear in a few words. You walk along the forest first, leaving every other mountain, leaving you Carefully prepared feed, no more, no less, just walk slowly and lead it out..."

Lu Shiping didn’t forget to work, he sprinkled the prepared feed on the hillside, and circled the feed with anti-mosquito drugs.

What he has to wait for is not a person, but a beast.

According to legend, among the eight thousand mountains behind the King Power Mountain, there are plain pastures, cold lakes and deep valleys, and vegetable fields with spiritual plants. Of course, there are also legendary three-headed animals.

A cold jiao, a horse, um, and a donkey.

According to legend, these three animals are all kings of beasts, which is comparable to the cultivation of heaven and man.

Only when the gate of King Power Mountain is wide open will it wake up for a while.

Just such a piece of news was discovered by many think tanks analyzing the "Kingdom of Kings" verbatim, and the idlers simply did not know.

It is these three animals that he is looking for.

It is a pity that this mountain is too large and too wide. He turned around for a month without stopping. Seeing that Wang Quanshan's mountain gate was about to come, he still couldn't find it.

"I hope that what Fan Zimin said is true, that the king of the three beasts really does not hurt people, and it is human..."

Lu Shiping shook his head slightly, but there was no negative emotion.

Live long, let alone say, patience is one-to-one.

Gradually, three rounds of large Japanese suns fall together, night falls, and seven rounds of blood moons rise to a high altitude. Lu Shiping descends a barren mountain and is looking for a clean and safe place to rest.

I was shocked, and there was something weird in my eyes.

I saw a dim red in the valley in front of me under the crimson moonlight, and one of the old trees, which I hadn't known for many years, was displaying a chess game.

The players on both sides of the game are not people, but...

One horse, one donkey!

The horse was extremely tall, the mane was like fire, and the donkey was big, and its fur was glorious.


Lu Shiping was pondering his tone and asked Qinglong from his mind to ask him to find two senior breeders, animal behaviorists, and biologists to help him attack the king of these two beasts.


Unpredictable, the donkey shouted with its head up.

The color of Lu Shi's plane changed, but he saw that the red horse also looked up, let out a long hissing through the clouds, and could not help looking up.

In this regard, his heart is one.

Above the sky, seven rounds of blood moons dot the dark sky like a curtain, and countless stars surround the seven rounds of the red moon looming.

This is the original.

At this time, a sudden azure blue light cut through the ancient calm night, like a meteor, like a long rainbow coming, and in July, it suddenly stagnate, bursting out as bright as the sun.

In an instant, it illuminated the night that had just arrived.

this is? !


The night came, and it was as cold as water.

Pedestrians on the streets of Luncheng have also become fewer, and even if there are, they are often in a hurry.

On the sidewalk, Su Jie walked without hurry.

His breath was gentle, and he could not see his feet lifted up on his way, but his speed was not too slow. This is a kind of ‘moving power’ that he can find out by himself.

"Nantianmen, Nantianmen, this grand master's casual style is really incredible."

Su Jie was walking, but it did not prevent him from associating things in his mind.

Having had breakfast that day, he picked up a locust tree brand that An Qisheng had lost, and thought of it and gave it back to him, but he didn't expect that brand to disappear that night, but he learned this in his sleep. Sanshou'Nantianmen'.

For so many days in a row, he spent sleepless nights and forgotten food, and he was always trying to grasp this type of casual hand, only to realize that although it was only one type, it contained infinite mysteries, like the mother of the fists.

Thinking, studying, and comprehending, he has "finished his brain" silently and has entered the realm of high energy and deepness, and can even touch some of the mysteries of Baodan.

Progress has been great.

And the more he studied, the more he felt the unfathomable of this Sanshou, every practice, thinking can get something, and gradually integrated his own learning.


Su Jie was disturbed by the intense friction between the tire and the ground.

As soon as he looked up, he was shocked.

His eyes were excellent, and at a glance he saw a black coupe running under the night, as if the wild horse had crashed into pedestrians and vehicles.

From before his eyes, it was a disaster.

Su Jie's heart was moving, and she was going to save her. She suddenly heard a wind whizzing past her ears, the airflow was fierce, and his face was slightly hurt.

Shocked in my heart, I saw a figure rushing out faster than a runaway car. He was in the air, but it seemed to glide through five or six meters like a glider.

He took a step forward, and stepped **** the hood of the car.

"To suffer!"

Su Jie couldn't afford to be shocked. His body fell together, and he rushed out for more than 20 meters. His face was bloody, and his hands were like claws.


At this moment, an extremely harsh voice resounded through the catastrophe, causing many pedestrians to exclaim.

Su Jie was shocked to see that the man stepped on the hood and did not expect the car destruction as expected, but it seemed that a huge road roller was holding the empty car at that time.

The car screamed and roared, and the four wheels rubbed violently with the ground, emitting large white smoke!

But even so, that car could not move at all!

Not many pedestrians on the road were stunned. Looking at this scene one by one couldn't believe his eyes.

Su Jie could not help blurting out:


The man turned back, tall, but not Potter!


Potter landed in front of Su Jie, pulling his arm. The latter was like a marionette pulled by him and climbed up the six-story building on both sides of the street~www.mtlnovel. com~ Many pedestrians who were disturbed by the car accident issued a burst of exclamation, and many people took out their mobile phones, cameras, and yelled to take pictures.


Not just them? Even Su Jie was flabbergasted.

Although Neijiaquan practice can promote physical strength, he can also leap forward in such a six or seven-story building, but it is similar to parkour climbing.

Jumping on the sixth and seventh floors with people, and the roof nearly 20 meters high, is this still a person? !

He has made great progress in these days, but he was shocked to see Potter's performance. This scene shocked him more than stopping the car.

How can people do such a thing?

"Some things happen, I can't say a word..."

Potter shook his head slightly, without much speech, and his face was dignified with dignity: "Su Jie, the end is coming..."

"What? End, end?"

Su Jie looked surprised, and almost thought she had heard it wrong.

But looking at Potter's serious look, somehow his heart was beating violently, and he seemed to feel the breath of the disaster: "Instructor, what do you mean the end?"

Potter looked up slowly, somehow with a dry tone: "You, look up."

"look up?"

Su Jie couldn't help but looked up.

It was still dark, the moon was bright, it didn't seem...

His thoughts hadn't turned, his eyes were suddenly filled with a sudden, color like a blue sky, but shining to an incredible light!

The dazzling light hurt Su Jie's eyes, but he didn't close it, letting the tears slide down from the corners of his eyes, staring at the sky.

Indistinctly, he seemed to see a huge light door of unknown magnitude in the endless bright blue light!

A door,

From the sky!


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