Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 511: An unprecedented scene!

In the human Tao, An Qisheng's integration of the heaven and earth aura took 90 years. Even though Xuan Xing was far less than the human Tao, he had enough experience.

But it is not something that can be completed in a short time.

Since the replacement of the subspecies has not been more than half, there are already big enemies coming. There are only two choices before An Qisheng. One is the reclusive, with his strength, he has enough control to support his family and friends.

Second, it is hard.

At this moment, An Qisheng only really felt the state of mind of Gu Changfeng. People will not be fully sure when.

Before the catastrophe, people walked, but their hearts could not go.

People retreat, but their hearts can't retreat

If the heart does not retreat, the sword will naturally not retreat.


A sword rose into the air, the sword sounded like a dragon, and it spread across all directions.

The sword light turned on, but in an instant, the sword had separated the heavy airflow, penetrated the layers of clouds, pulled out the tail of countless sonic booms, and wrapped the wind and thunder.

Go through the sky!

The magnetic field for the replacement of the stars by Qiong is not more than half, but the gas field is invisible and the gas field can be changed. An Qisheng does not have much control and cannot radiate the world, but he has already been able to open an extraordinary path in front of the sword!

Wherever Jianguang passed, invisible, invisible, and invisible magnetic fields rolled together, paving the way for its emptiness, its extraordinary appearance, and its endorsement of its manifestation.

Where the sword light is, all the clouds are penetrated, the divine light is torn, and the roaring past Xing, Cang Zhucheng, and more provinces, across the Bohai Yellow Sea, under the shadow of the sword, reflected in the violent wind The waves screamed over the Pacific Ocean.

In the land filled with sword shadows, all the boiling clouds calmed down, and the roaring ocean waves calmed down.

Across the countries, all the wind and waves, and the places that Pentium passed, the sky and the sky were divided in two, leaving a cloud of sound and explosion that was hundreds and thousands of miles away.

Straight as a sword cuts through the sky, at the speed of supersonic guidance, straight to the "gate of heterogeneity" that falls like a meteor!

The direction of my sword is manifestation!

"This sword..."

On the top of Wudang Mountain, the look of the mortal Taoist shook his eyes, and an extremely incredible look appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, with his mind, he only felt a little swaying.

In a trance, it is like seeing Zhenwu, seeing Zhenwu wielding a sword to demonically cut the sky!

On the banks of the Ganges, countless Sanyin people bathed in the waters of the Ganges, seeming to bow their heads and pray for the sanctuary of the Holy River.

Amidst the crowd, Galuro, who was chanting the scriptures, looked up at the sky, and saw that the sword was empty, and the sky was as bright as the sun, he could not help mumbling to himself: "Great Brahma, is it born?"

"what is this?"

At the moment of Jianguang's emptiness, there were several masters who saw the great crisis of the end that saw the god, and felt it for the first time.

The dawn of the endless dark road was too dawning to ignore. They looked up and saw that the sword that hung through the sky was inexplicable.

Is this manifested?


On the top of Yangming Mountain, Xue Zheng stepped on the floor and shivered uncontrollably.

In the first half of his life, he competed with the world's heroes. In the second half of his life, he followed the steps of his predecessors and the possible way forward, but the more he saw the more he was lost.

The road ahead has been exhausted. The great masters from ancient times to the present are in a state of dismay, and there is no possibility of surpassing the common customs.

But this sword...

This sword...

It is not just the mortal Daoists, Galuro, Xue Zheng, Potter, etc. who see the Grand Master of God.

The sword light swept across, the sun was as bright as the sun, and I wondered how many people, cities, and countries were disturbed.

For a time, some people in many cities were shocked and shocked. I didn't know what this was, but I thought what taboo weapon was born.

"God! Look, look at what that is?!"


In a command post in Golden Eagle Country, a desperate and condensed atmosphere was broken by a sharp and trembling voice.

Many people raised their heads involuntarily, and saw the sky above the sky converted from Poseidon, the one that penetrated the sky, rose from Daxuan, spanned many countries, and even repeated the sword.

"Position, locate, see what is that?!"

Several people opened their mouths together, and the picture of Poseidon's transition suddenly stretched, frozen at that speeding, and went straight to the sword light above the sky.

In a flash, the immense potential made everyone's pupils shrink.

Just like seeing the whip of God, it seems to see the spear of Odin, the sword of thunder of Zeus...

Suddenly lost his voice.

"What is this, how, how is it so legendary-Flying Sword?!"

Among the command posts in a certain place in the northwest, Qinglong, who was dispatching many things by himself, suddenly heard a sharp cry from his ear.

This is a voice distorted by a huge shock.

With a frown on his face, he saw that the whole special bureau was in an uproar, looking at the scene transformed by Ying Long in shock.

Above that, a spit of flying swords, with the thunder and explosion of the wind, the mighty light of the sword flowed all over the place, striking the luminous body that had fallen into the atmosphere.

"What is this? Flying sword?"

Qinglong's complexion also changed and was equally shocked.

Flying swords are just legendary things. How can they appear in reality?

You have to know that even the top master in the ‘Kingdom of Dreams’ is only a hundred miles away, and this sword light sweeps across the Pacific Ocean.

From the sun-drenched eastern hemisphere, a glance pierced the void and reached the dark western hemisphere. How far is it?

How can this be?


Without anyone's order, Ying Long, who mobilized all the computing power of the country, has instantly fixed the perspective of all satellites on the road that must be passed by the flying sword.

Finally, the whole mouth was colorless, and the blue flying sword that appeared only under the illumination of the huge luminous body in the sky appeared in front of everyone.

A colorless sword, reflected by the azure blue light, reveals the beautiful texture on it. The perfect is not like a human creation, but it seems to be polished by the love of the Heavenly Lord.

On this sword, the only artificial trace that can be seen is the four small characters written in unknown characters under the sword jaw.

Most people don't recognize this character on Xuanxing, but all the people present recognize it.

The four words, the words displayed, are:

Sword of Kingship!

"Kingdom! Sword of kingship! This sword, is this sword in the dream of kingship, the kingship sword that has suppressed the kingship for three thousand years and cannot be raised?!!!"

"With such power, it is no wonder that it can squash the world, so arrogant, it is beyond description..."

"Really there is such a sword?! It even appeared on Xuanxing. Who brought him out, how could it be brought out?"

"Is the dream master really in Daxuan?"

"Who is it? King Power Sword is coming, so, King Power Daoist?"

The most quiet and noisy war room was instantly flooded with a wave of argument that was higher than wave.

No one can fully express his mood at this time, vocalize his mouth, and wave his arms. It seems that this is not the case, and he cannot express his shock.

But how fast was that sword, even if Ying Long mobilized all the satellites, it was just a picture taken.

Almost when everyone is boiling.

The sword of kingship has already crossed the hemisphere, reaching the highest level in the atmosphere, and the collision is about to happen.

And this scene is the clearest.

But it is not the many countries of Xuanxing, but astronauts in the space station. Through a special observation perspective, they have seen enough pictures to make them remember their lives.

It is impossible to describe this radiance as if it penetrated the atmosphere, and the beam of light that wanted to pierce space could not be described.

In a trance, it seems to see mountains, rivers and rivers, grass and trees in the beam of light...

It seems that behind this sword is the entire black star!

"Is this one a short-lived species, or the long-lived species that Sanxin Lan Lingtong said?"

On Mars, Russell, who saw his head from the endless sandstorm, also seemed to be aware of it. It seemed to be surprised by this sword, but the instant was infinitely indifferent:

"No matter who it is, die!"


Su Jie looked up at the sky, and when he saw the sword, he was slightly dizzy, and in a trance, he only felt his heart rise to the infinite sky,

I saw a picture that ordinary people cannot see.

Xuan Xing rotates around the sun, the moon rotates around Xuan Xing, the sunny side is the sun, and the sunny side is the night, as it has always been.

But until that sword light crossed the sky, everything was different~www.ltnovel.com~ In his eyes, that sword light separated day and night, one side was time, one side was dark, suddenly In between, it seems to see a black and white tai chi picture covering the entire black star.

And that sword light is like the one that cuts off yin and yang!

The line is colorless, but it is made of black and white.

Therefore, King Power Sword is also colorless!


At the next moment, a shocking collision broke out in the atmosphere!

If two meteors collide, they will hit each other like the moon!

The splendid light that burst out in a flash seemed to illuminate the entire Western Hemisphere. At this moment, the sky and earth seemed to have no night.

What followed was a huge shock wave that spread from the atmosphere vertically and horizontally to some unknown distance, and all clouds were instantly squeezed and crushed.

The roar of the airflow caused by the shock wave roar spread to the entire black star instantly, everywhere, more than one circle!

From the ground, it looks like it burst out of the sky!

At this moment, I don’t know how many could not bear such a huge stimulus, and fainted in the past, and more people clenched their fists, almost crushed their teeth,

A pair of tears with pierced eyes, but still looking up, they didn't know what they wanted to see, but they couldn't look away.


A huge vibration resounded through the world, and countless air currents rolled across it, just like a ten-level typhoon crossing, instantly sweeping the countless snow, weeds, dust, and even a layer of land under Tianlian Mountain!

With the Tianlian Mountain as the center, more than ten miles in a circle, it collapsed for more than ten meters at a time, just like a Taihu giant stepped on it!

Almost together with Tianlian Mountain stepped into the crust!

On the sky above, after all the calm waves, what appeared was a shocking and terrifying scene for countless people.

That is......

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