Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 655: Goodbye


Like a stone falling in the lake, the ripples faint, spreading layer by layer, forming a portal in an unusual sense.

"Is this the'Tianmen'?"

Sun En whispered in his heart.

At this time, his state is very strange. His physical body disappeared, not in the ordinary sense, but completely burned and swallowed by the divine will ‘one mouthful’.

It was not until this time that Sun En understood the true meaning of divine veins, and what Yin and Yang Wuji meant relative to this process.


The existence of divine veins is for the circulation of divine will.

The detachment of the soul lacks the protection of the physical body, like a bubble shrouded in a strong wind, which can burst at any time.

The circulation of divine veins becomes the only support for the existence of souls.

And the yin and yang are boundless, the pure cycle must be higher, just like the grinding disk cycle, a little real yin cooperates with the real yang, slowly turning, not only can resist the unknown.

And can capture the spirit of supplying oneself in the dark.

He knows exactly what the interdependence of true yin and true yang means in this process.

"Smart will move, move will change, change will change..."

Sun En whispered in his heart, chanting the essence of the law he created. Such a special place brought him a great touch.

The "Yellow Heaven Dafa" he pioneered has transformed invisibly.


The surroundings were flashing quickly, and the strange and landless phases were overwhelming like a tide, endless, endless.

The soul is in it, and the danger is extremely high.

But behind the so-called Tianmen, it is a relatively safe trajectory, if there is nothing.

"Have the sages also experienced all this...His old man, is he behind the gate of heaven?"

Sun En's heart was full of thoughts, and his mind was full of thoughts.

Accompanied by an inexplicable traction, he quickly shuttled away in this strange place.


I don't know how long it took, and Sun En almost lost the concept of time for a long time, and a roar exploded in his heart.

In an instant, the ripples of terror had completely drowned his mind.


A quiet courtyard in the backyard of Sun Mansion.

This courtyard is very remote, even some inaccessible desolate, lack of humanity.

Sun Zhengyi sighed: "Speaking of which, it is unfortunate for the family. In fact, few people know about this matter..."

The Sun family is not a big family, although there are many people in the family, the relationship between them is also very harmonious.

After all, the prestige of Sun Zhengyi's business for sixty years is still there. He will not die, the Sun family will not be in chaos, and the relationship between the children in the family will naturally not be bad.

But there are exceptions. In the courtyard here, his youngest son lives.

An Qisheng stopped in front of the hospital.

The Sun family has a demon-like atmosphere, and this is nothing to hide from him.


Sun Zhengyi sighed, talking about the cause and effect.

Here lives his youngest son, Sun Bailu, who was very intelligent since he was a child and possessed the qualifications for spiritual practice.

He has long cultivated the micro-moment techniques inherited by the Sun family, and he was once regarded as the heir who can lead the rise of the Sun family.

Unfortunately, everything changed on that day six years ago.

In an extraordinary outing, Sun Bailu met a ‘woman’, which not only ruined himself, but also humiliated his family...


An Qisheng looked at the courtyard thoughtfully.

He could feel the demonic energy in the courtyard, and, a new life about to be born, and the subtle changes in the spirit of heaven and earth.

There is a reproductive isolation between humans and monsters, but there is no between humans and monsters, because the transformation of the monster race into a human is not only a change in appearance.

Just like human beings fit in their true form, their spirits form a divine body, and there is even a legend that humans transform into dragons.

Another example is that the dragon king whose blood originated in the lower 90% of Jiulong as it is today has become the undisputed leader of the contemporary dragon clan.

Naturally, it is because he is not afraid of meat and vegetables, dragons, humans, and pigs.

At the very beginning, the ten thousand races themselves were intermarried.

However, in the ancient years, after the Emperor Ming made a decree that humans and demons should not merge, the two races of humans and demons no longer intermarried.

Until now, the term "half-demon" has disappeared for a long, long time.

"Yeah, demon."

Sun Zhengyi looked complicated.

It is difficult for him to accept that his son will marry a ‘fox’ and have children. The differences in skin color are unacceptable, let alone the difference in race?

Even if it was his grandson, he couldn't accept it.

"The Patriarch is thinking badly."

An Qisheng stared for a moment, and responded faintly: "Human race is never limited by blood. It has been passed down for thousands of years and truly defines human race.

It was never blood! "

Sun Zhengyi was stunned.

An Qisheng stepped into the yard, and almost at the same time, a slightly hoarse, sharp cry sounded.

A new life is born.

"my son......"

In the rapid and weak gasp, a pale woman struggled to get up to clean the stains for the child.

"Five years of pregnancy and deficiency of qi and blood, let me come."

An Qisheng covered the quilt for the woman, stretched out his hand, and picked up the little furry boy who hadn't cleaned the umbilical cord and opened his eyes.

"You, who are you?"

The young woman was very alert, but she seemed to be able to feel the kindness of the white-haired Taoist in front of her, and she obediently lay down and rested.

Childbirth hurts a woman a lot, even if she is a demon.

The child was just born with stains on his body, but he could see the beauty of his facial features. At this time, he was closing his eyes, not crying, crying, or making trouble.


As soon as An Qisheng raised his hand, the child flew up, and the stains on his body were automatically peeled off and turned white.

And until An Qisheng picked it up.

This child just opened his eyes.





In the end, all the emotions were unified and turned into a shock that could not be concealed.

No one can imagine that there are so many emotions in the eyes of a child, and of course, no one else sees it.

"Ann, An...Grandpa!"

Sun En stunned, and his heart shook wildly.

Even if the appearance changed, even if the breath seemed to be different, he still recognized who the person in front of him was at a glance.

This, too?

During the long journey, he wondered how many times he might have encountered the situation after Tianmen.

Enemy, dangerous, magnificent...

But I never thought it would be like this!

I have thought about the difficulty of searching, and guessed that after countless efforts, I couldn't find it.

Who would have thought that the meeting between the two would be like this?

An Qisheng was also touched, and the slight fluctuations between the heavens and the earth seemed to be less attractive to him:

"Long time no see, Xiaoen..."

He says,

With a smile.

"Grandpa An..."

It took too long for Xu to travel through the gate, and Sun En's spirit was a little slow.

"It's been hard all the way, go to sleep first."

An Qisheng tapped Sun En's eyebrows, making the latter fall asleep.

Thoughts came to mind.

The difference between the two realms is too great, and it is not known that Sun En will ascend to heaven only tens of thousands of years after Pang Wanyang soared.

Well, my own amazing young man.

still on the way?


"Emperor Yuanyang..."

Looking back at the ancient city, Qi Cang felt jealous and a little surprised.

He didn't know whether the Yuanyang Great Emperor in his previous life had visited this ancient city, and he hadn't heard of the relationship between the "Heaven Master Sun En" and him.

But there are hundreds of countries in East Continent, and the cities are more than hundreds of thousands?

He just came to this small city, how can he not let his heart panic, because he came to this small city all the way.

This is for the ‘Heavenly Master Sun En’ who seems to have not yet been born or will be born soon.

But at this time, he could only sigh and leave.

If possible, at least, he would never want to meet this Yuanyang Taoist again before he had no strength to compete with him.

Ning Zhan Overlord, but Yuan Yang did not see.

Uncontrollably, Qi Cang recalled the desperate roar of a big man in his previous life.

A spear straddling space, nailing it to the depths of the starry sky, bleeding for eight thousand years, it is extremely tragic, and it makes the scalp numb.

The chance that I got was left by the big man.


Qi Cang took a deep breath and turned around to leave.

"This little brother, is Ding'an City ahead?"

At this time, far away, a voice called Qi Cang who was about to leave.


Qi Cangben didn't want to bother, glanced at it casually, but his heart jumped again.

On the uneven official road, a young man came slowly in a carriage, and in the simple carriage, sat an old man who was not surprising and was somewhat sloppy.

It was the old man who spoke.

"It's him?"

Qi Cang groaned inwardly with a ‘pump’ in his heart.

I just feel that I have reached the limit!

The land of the emperor~www.ltnovel.com~ has the arrangement of the emperors, all kinds of backhands are all over the place, I don't know why.

But the water is very deep in the imperial pole continent.

This is well known in previous lives.

This old man, he had seen him in a previous life, his name is unknown, and he was called the "Credit Knife Man". According to legend, he was the descendant of the once-Guanglong supreme spiritual pet.

Whether it is blood or inheritance, it is the top.

If I usually run into him, I am not afraid of him, but in a battle with Feng Xinglie, I was extremely injured, and a double pupil was almost deducted.

If you are fighting at this time, I am afraid that you are not an opponent either.

"Why didn't my brother answer?" The credit knife man yawned and looked at Qi Cang meaningfully.

The latter grimaced, struggling.


The desolate courtyard became lively.

Many servants cleaned, washed, lit incense, repelled mosquitoes, served meals, and were waiting for them.

The young woman who had just given birth watched this scene quietly with no expression on her face.

Sun Zhengyi was a little embarrassed, and he wanted to say something, but couldn't hold back his old face.

Finally, he sighed and left.

What he has done in the past few years is indeed poor.

"There are eleven steps in the cultivation of the human race, and the monster race is not bad, and the monster race that can transform, it should be the cultivation of the gods.

It's not a big monster, but it's so popular in the world, I think I can run wild..."

An Qisheng put down the sleepy Sun En, and looked at the young woman on the bed faintly:

"Let's talk about how you fell to where you are today."

The demon clan is not as powerful as the human clan, and everyone knows it, but a large demon that has transformed into a form, how can it not be bullied by a group of people with the highest true form cultivation.

And this banshee is not just as simple as transforming...

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