Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 729: Chaoyu Emperor (2 in 1)

In the slightly self-talking voice, An Qisheng overlooked the starry sky and clouds.

The thunderclouds dissipated, but the ferocious aura brought by that day's calamity remained for a long time.

The remaining traces of the aftermath of the war in space are enough to make this piece of star sea a Jedi that no one can approach.

Or heaven and earth will finally eliminate the traces left by this aftermath, but that must be tens of thousands of years away.

"External Demon, what did you do?!"

Somewhere in the palace, the sky demon, who was being licked and refined by the fire of will, seemed to feel it, but he suffered heavy damage first, and after 800 years of confrontation, he finally paid a great price to summon the river of time and issued the edict. There is no more power to struggle.

This sacred court was connected to the sea of ​​stars, connected to the earth veins, and connected to the sky, and contained the power of the emperor, which was enough to suppress him at this time.

But An Qisheng's whispering sound seemed to sting him, making him feel bad.

"It's just a dream."

An Qisheng smiled faintly, and in his eyes, there was a little light of metamorphic characters streaming down:

【An Qisheng】

[Shou Yuan: 31? ? ? Status: intact]

[Specialty: Daqian enters a dream/Dream enters a dream (four-star) Tai Chi Shen Shen (three-star) Tai Chi Shen Ting (three-star) Fengshen Bang (two-star)]

[Treasure: King Power Sword (three-star)]

[Trajectory of this life: Unforeseen]

[Power: 343 million points]

[Evaluation: Three flowers gather at the top, the five qi leads to the origin, the foundation of Taoism, the understanding of the mind, and the Taoism of Tai Chi. Three-star, Dao Qi! 】

One-star Daoji, two-star bright, three-star Daoji.

In the thousand-year meditation eight hundred years ago, he returned to his own system, and his magical powers had reached the three-star evaluation in Daoyi Tu silently.

But this is not his biggest gain, the biggest gain is another breakthrough in Dreaming Daqian!

The four-star Daqian enters the dream, has a stalwart ability beyond ordinary people's imagination, compared to the three-star, even has a world-shaking change!

Because of this, he can dream back to ancient times.

A thousand-year plan and eight hundred years of contemplation have only now been considered preliminary successes.

But this, it doesn't have to be said about the sky demon.


The will of the sky demon trembled: "Can you still cross the river of years in your dream?!"

The sky demon already knew something.

This Taoist Yuanyang actually reached a certain consensus with those supreme in the endless years?


An Qisheng lifted it up, and the gods seemed to be revived in the God's Court, and the ripples formed by the intertwined legal principles swayed, completely submerging the firework-filled palace:

"This, but I don't have to tell you."

"Outer Demon, you give up this body, no matter how long it is to stay..."

The sky demon struggled fiercely.

There is no material between the world and the earth that can restrain him. The reason why this God Court can restrain him is precisely because this God Court is the transformation of An Qisheng's body!

He gave up his body to use it as the town's place for this sky demon!

"Stay, but not give up."

In An Qisheng's indifferent words.

The boundless Tao Yun has completely fallen, and within the palace filled with fireworks, the last neigh of the sky demon spread out:

"Even if you are in collusion with them, you can live forever. To gain the Dao is their lifelong desire. Everything about you will eventually be destroyed!"

"This, you don't need to say more."

An Qisheng raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance. In the depths of the void, the breath of years and rivers had disappeared, but he was able to sense it.

What should come, what should not come, are here.

Very good, but also a pity...


has it ended?

Staring at the majestic sacred court at the height of the thirty-sixth heaven, Feng Xinglie and others looked in a trance, not knowing what expression they should make for a while.

It's just that the shock in my heart is hard to calm for a long time.

This speculation is too terrifying, if it comes true, it must be a big event beyond everyone's imagination!

"Sky changer, sky changer..."

Chu Mengyao's eyes trembled, and the edict that was passed down by the ancestor suddenly sounded, is it actually fulfilled here?

Her heart was shocked.

When everyone was startled, they suddenly stepped forward, sank into the sea of ​​stars, went straight to the heaven and went to the gods.

The wind was fierce, and Feng Jinhuang and the others looked at each other, and couldn't bear the throbbing in their hearts, and then stepped away.

This matter is too big, and it is very likely to involve future changes in the world.

Rao Long Aotian couldn't help it, gritted his teeth and followed.


The closer you get to the courtyard, the stronger the oncoming breath, the deeper the throbbing in your heart.

"Huangji, has been divided..."

Feng Xing Li muttered to himself.

Looking at it from this point, I saw the 36-dimensions of heaven, hundreds of millions of miles away, towering and endless, in which the rays of light and color were flooded, and the principles of Taoism were as essence.

At this time, the Emperor Ji continent has also undergone earth-shattering changes. The distribution of the endless deserts of Kyushu, the four seas, and the continent has become unfamiliar.

Forgetting from the height of the sky, I only feel that the whole continent is divided into seventy-two neatly and uniformly. They are not separated from each other, but they are distinct, and there are Dao patterns and array patterns in them.

The thirty-six heavens are on the top and the seventy-two important lands are on the bottom. The two reflect each other, just like the yin and yang poles of Tai Chi, which correspond distantly and have a connection that cannot be ignored.

This is an unprecedented huge formation!

It is precisely this formation that has isolated the entire Imperial Antarctica continent and even the large ring of stars outside it.

Be independent of heaven and earth!

"The formation of the emperor..."

Chu Mengyao's pupils shrank, staring, only to feel that the formations left by the many emperors that once spread all over the Huangji Continent had completely disappeared at this time.

Or become a part of the real big team.

Seventy-two important grounds clearly contained the aura of seventy-two emperors, and this was not only the emperor of the human race, but also the emperor of all other races!

This is a huge formation that covers the Xinghai and the mainland, the ancestral land and holy land of the ten thousand races, and the legacy of the ancient and modern emperors!

And the formation shrouded inside, and the outside is like two worlds!

This king of Yuanyang has seized a piece of sky from the sky and became the uncrowned king of Huangji!


Long Aotian's body trembled slightly and felt a great horror.

While facing such a terrifying enemy, you can also move the continents and set up such a world-shaking formation? !

Outside of the heavy sky, many people stopped, all in awe.

No matter if you have been an enemy or a friend, whether you have hostility in your heart, this is the case at this time. This is not a cowardice in your heart, but a respect for the forerunner of Tao.

Fear of the world's greatest strength.

Regardless of whether they are willing to admit it or not, the one in front of the heavens is already the real supreme.

Those who are incomparable are supreme.

At this time, looking around the universe and stars, all races and spirits are no longer comparable to this one.

"The big world is over."

Feng Xinglie sighed a long sigh, and the fighting spirit that had never poured out in his heart disappeared for a while.

The big world is over.

Long Aotian, Feng Jinhuang, Di Mi Tuo and others were also silent. They are all rising stars with supreme hope, and they will not surpass themselves even if they are of the same rank as the emperor.

But one step is slow, there is no more to catch up...


Chu Mengyao remained silent, stepping out in one step and stepping into the God's Court above the heavenly fault.

There are deep Taoism principles in the God Court, and the formation is restricted, but there is no obstacle outside. She stepped out of the God Court and has come outside the God Court.

When she raised her head slightly, what she saw was a sacred portal she was very familiar with.


In the Overlord Palace, there was a Nantian Gate left by the Patriarch, but compared to this Nantian Gate, the auras and styles of the two were similar, but the inside was completely different.

"If there are people who are talented and free to see this door, I am afraid they can realize the magical powers of Taoism..."

Dimituo also came to the Nantian Gate, clasped his hands together, a little moved:

"In this door, an existence similar to the'Holy Spirit' is conceived, and Taoism has evolved, but it is different..."

It seems to feel the Taoism contained in this door, as well as the legal principles intertwined on it, and the strong will contained in it.

"Perhaps, it's a god."

Chu Mengyao thoughtfully dropped a sentence and stepped into the South Heaven Gate.

The gods are towering and sacred, but they are empty inside and outside, without any living beings, only a path of godlike aura exists.

As a result, the palace of the floating island is closed, and the pavilions and pavilions are beautiful, but they seem unusually cold.

It is more and more unlike the place where mortals live.

A crowd of people were concentrating, extremely focused, and walking very cautiously, passing through the palaces such as Qianyun Palace, Bisha Palace, Wuming Palace, Miaoyan Palace and so on.

I only feel that in any palace that I have visited, there is a breath of gods in it. It seems that there are gods in retreat to suppress external evils.

"In the legend, there is a matter of supernatural powers transforming into the holy spirit, but this is too much..."

Later, Long Aotian and others only felt that their scalp was a little numb.

If there is no such aura, it is like a strong magical power that is contained but not sent. This invisible oppression is like a light on the back, and it is a huge test for anyone's soul.

Enemies are everywhere, so be patient.

Several people endured the huge sense of disharmony, followed the guidance of their minds, and came to a majestic temple.

This temple is at the highest point of the thirty-six heavens, the center of the thousands of palaces of the gods, and the source of all Taoism and Fa principles.

It is also the absolute center of the big formation that has changed heaven and earth!


Feng Xinglie exhaled a long suffocating breath, cleared all the distracting thoughts in his mind, put away the thunder knife, and stepped into this majestic temple first.


A doorway, as if traveling through time and space, Feng Xinglie only felt the strong breath of time filled his heart, as if walking on an unseen long river of years.

He raised his eyebrows and looked around. This hall was absolutely different from what he had imagined, not to mention any palace he had seen before, but a gorgeous starry sky.

The top is endless, the starry sky is the top, and the bottom is endless, horizontally above everything.

Without any words, Feng Xinglie feels the supreme spirit of his master. This is the invincible state of mind in the world.

"Such a way..."

Feng Xing Lie muttered to himself, suddenly facing the mountain, feeling ashamed of himself, and feeling of infinite vision and inability to pursue it.

Is such a realm really something you can achieve?

"The avenue is endless. I just stand on the shoulders of the predecessors and walk higher. It's not worth boasting, and I don't need to belittle myself..."

A dim wind-shaped fierce body trembling in his heart, suddenly heard a gentle and calm voice rang out from the depths of the star sea, swept away the haze in his heart:

"I can, the wind is strong, and it must be."

Ok? !

Feng Xing Lie's figure shook and suddenly raised his head.

I saw a white-haired Taoist in Tai Chi Taoist robe looking at himself calmly in the far distance, on a platform made of large starlight intertwined.

He sat cross-legged on the platform, he could have been higher, but he never looked down at himself, but looked directly at himself calmly.


Feng Xing Lie's throat squirmed, and his voice was astringent: "Strong self-strength, weak and weak, you don't need to comfort me."

The gloom in my heart swept away, and the wind-shaped fierce thoughts condensed again, but they no longer have the heart to challenge.

"Why should I comfort you?"

On the platform, An Qisheng stared at the only young man in the world who dared to challenge him, and shook his head slightly: "It's just forgiving and forgiving!"

He was extremely divine, staring at his previous state of mind, and he didn't even need to do anything. This super master who dared to challenge himself would collapse his mind.

But then, why bother?

"Forgive and forgive?"

Feng Xinglie chewed this sentence again, and sneered suddenly: "There is always only cutting the grass and roots, so how can you say that?"

He already admitted that he could hardly catch up with the strength of the man in front of him, but he would not accept it.

"Personal principles are different, what applies to oneself may not apply to others."

An Qisheng looked calm, and his tone was more casual:

"I have been invincible since I came out of the mountain. I can be forgiving and forgiving. I can, but you can't!"


Feng Xinglie had wanted to say something, but suddenly closed his mouth because there was nothing to say for a while.

Since his rise to the present, even if there is no King Yuanyang, there are still Emperor Mi Tuo, Yuan Duxiu, Chu Mengyao and others who can be rivals.

The man in front of him came out of the mountain, but he was truly invincible...

When the two had a conversation, Long Aotian, Feng Jinhuang and others also walked in here. They had never heard the conversation between the two, but they also felt the same mood before Feng Xinglie.

"Brother Yuanyang Dao."

Chu Mengyao stood in the air, arching her hands far away, and said, "Dare to ask what happened before?"

She has many questions in her mind.

Regarding the Heavenly Demon and the Yuanyang King, the biggest question is the long river of years before.

The people present were the strongest in the world, but the edict was not given to them. The hidden things behind this were too amazing.

Those who can beat the people present and threaten the Yuanyang King are rare in ancient and modern times, and it can even be said that there are very few.

But those exist...

Not only Chu Mengyao, Feng Xinglie and others were also shocked and looked at An Qisheng.

"Since you have guessed it, why bother to ask?"

An Qisheng did not conceal it either, and answered Chu Mengyao's question lightly:

"Those of time, a hundred generations of travellers, all souls are in it, but only a flick of a finger. However, when the geese pass by for a photo, so do people, and those who have passed away still have traces in the years...

With traces, you can return after all. "

Time and space, time and space, time is before space, but time is dependent on space, just as a mortal raises his head and sees the starlight is not known to be the light of tens of thousands of years ago.

People see the stars like this, and the stars see people, so why not?

"Will they really return?"

Feng Jinhuang, who is extremely handsome, has a cold breath and few words. At this time, he spoke, but his voice trembled:

"Then, the supreme of my Feng clan, will he also return?"

The Supreme is coming back!

And it is very likely to be all the supreme throughout the ages!

If this news is spread, it will be earth-shattering and shocking countless people. At this time, including Feng Xinglie, all the powerful kings who have already foreseen it will be difficult to hide.

That was the most amazing and brilliant in the ages, and the overlord-level figure who had truly overwhelmed the entire world!

"Maybe, maybe not."

An Qisheng shook his head.

During those millennia, he did use the spiritual materials sent from the Holy Land as the medium to dream back to the eternal ages, and saw many of the most powerful people in the past.

But ancient and modern emperors are not a few, and many have not left their inheritance. Naturally, it is impossible for him to see Lingbao one by one.

Also, it is not necessary.

"Thank you Yuanyang Dao brother for your doubts."

Feng Jinhuang was a little regretful, but he was not disappointed. He got the answer he wanted and didn't linger. He pulled Long Aotian and walked away.

The latter is still full of doubts, but also stubborn, and can only bow his hands and retreat.

"The Buddha once said that in the future life, he should be born, but he should be here..."

Dimituo looked solemn and put his hands together for a long ceremony:

"Buddha will never forget the kindness of Dao brother."

But he understands that this change must be created by the Yuanyang King.

An Qisheng nodded, accepting her gift, and let him go. When he disappeared, he looked at Chu Mengyao:

"Guanglong won't return. I don't know where he is going."

Chu Mengyao's expression was a little dim, but he was not too disappointed. He arched his hands and asked, "Dare to ask Brother Dao, how to deal with the return of the emperors? The edict of the sky?"

The edict of the sky was issued to this king of Yuanyang, and everyone in the world knew this.

If the emperors return, no matter how strong they are, how can they overwhelm the emperors?

"Then you are underestimating the emperors."

An Qisheng smiled dumbly:

"There are many roads for longevity and long roads for success. What they need is never charity..."

At this point, he didn't say much.

Waved his hand, watched the two men salute, and went away, his eyes calm, as if there were no waves.

"You are leaving?"

After all the people disappeared, Ying San, with a complex expression, came to the starry sky, staring at An Qisheng, who was becoming more and more ethereal on the platform, with unwillingness to give up, feeling uneasy:

"If you leave, I'm afraid I may not be able to bear what you left..."

During the Lei Jie battle, Ying San Jian saw in his eyes, he knew more than the wind-shaped fierce people, and naturally saw more.

He clearly perceives that everything that King Yuanyang has done is tidying up the end and arranging funeral affairs.

This means that the king of Yuan Yang, who was born out of the sky, is really going to leave.

"The avenue has always been alone, except for me, all together are passers-by. You are so, so are I, you should go, after all."

An Qisheng's eyes rippled, and a ray of loneliness emerged in his heart.

Jiufu world, human world, Wanyang world.

Jiang Tingting, Zhang Haohao, Sa Wuling, Yuan Duxiu...All enemies and friends will accompany them for a while. Only loneliness exists forever.

"You said that there will be a catastrophe in the future..."

Ying San hesitated to speak but stopped.

He was not a hypocritical person, but his reluctance at this time was hard to kill.

But he also knew that he couldn't change the fact that King Yuanyang had left, so he could only sigh.

"Perhaps, solved?"

There was a rare hesitation on An Qi's face, but it turned into a sigh: "I have done everything I can do, and the rest is only for the future..."

If he hadn't seen everything from the sky demon, he would inevitably leave this body and manipulate it to survive in the world. Perhaps it would really become the source of future calamity and even destruction.

But since he had foreseen all this, he naturally wouldn't sit back and watch.

Therefore, he transformed his body into a Tai Chi God Court, and even if he left, he would not be infected by ‘entropy’ and give birth to God’s Mind.

The catastrophe, will it really be eliminated?

There is a shadow in his heart. He has not forgotten that the world coordinates of the Ten Thousand Suns Realm are derived from the memory of Russell, the descendant of the Nightmare Hydra...

He knew what this meant.

In addition, there is still ‘entropy’, there is still a starry sky poster, the world behind the blood spring old demon suspected to come from outside the domain...

But as he said, he has reached the limit of everything he can do.

If the ancient and modern emperors existed in the same life and could not solve the things, I would probably not be able to do it...

"The grace of reconstruction is hard to pay. Ying San must be here, waiting for your return."

Ying San stopped talking, and bowed in the starry sky:

"So, goodbye to Yingsan..."

"There will be a period later."

An Qisheng got up from the Daotai, stared at Ying San, and returned a bow.

Immediately after dissipating in this emptiness, Ren Yingsan was so powerful that he could not even perceive his departure.


And at the moment An Qisheng disappeared, the sea of ​​stars in this large hall suddenly vibrated, the endless starlight boiled and surged, and the deep Tao Yun roared.


Ying San suddenly raised his head ~www.ltnovel.com~ I saw nine big stars in the starry sky followed, blooming in the starry sky.

"That is?"

Ying San's heart shook, only to feel that there was a palpitation of Fa principles among the nine big stars.

And surrounded by the nine stars, the Taoist platform where Yuanyang Wang sat cross-legged in front of him was square inches away.

Suddenly emit a purple light!

Faintly, there seems to be a stalwart **** who wants to step out of it.


At the moment when the purple light flickered, the Taiji God's Court and the 36th Heavenly Faults under it were all a tremor, and then there were divine light fluctuations.

But the fluctuation was only an instant, and calm was restored in the absence of that day. Just looking closely, it can be seen that the many temples of the gods are still trembling.

Divine light and legal principles are intertwined, and there is a faint spirit who wants to get out of trouble.

"Huh? This breath..."

The wind that has not yet gone far is strong, and Chu Mengyao and others are shocked, seemingly aware.

Suddenly looking back, staring at the Tai Chi God's Court.

I saw in the towering and sacred Tai Chi God's Court, there were all kinds of magical powers bursting into light, and there were the shadows of the gods who were invisible, and only breathed.

And when they stared, they saw the roar of the temples everywhere, and the heavens trembled, as if there were thousands of gods bowing their heads and worshiping, a stalwart **** king who could not see its form or shadow stood high here.

Operate yin and yang, regulate general principles and control life and death.

Its spirit is magnificent, its meaning is high, its light shines everywhere, and it is magnificent.

In a trance, there is a humming of Taoism, the sound of the gods singing through the sky, the stars, and even the subtle places in the void:

"....... Take the purple clothes Fei Luo Chang, the Niwan Jiuzhen stationed in all directions, facing the Jade Emperor from every inch!"


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