Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 753: People, ghosts, sacred


In the empty room, someone turned his neck and made a ‘crack’ sound: "I haven’t felt such a weak body for a long time..."

Lan Yushu muttered to himself.

To ban Xuankong Mountain and fall into suspended animation does not mean that they put all their hopes on a few younger generations.

At least, his blue jade book will not!

He has cultivated into the ‘sitting and forgetting realm’, while traveling between the mind and the emptiness, the primordial spirit is united with the heavens and the earth, and mixed with the Tao.

With the help of the "Feng Tian Lu" to dissipate the spirit, even in this place of unparalleled spirit, one can penetrate everything to a certain extent.

However, this consumption is ridiculous.

Fortunately, at the last moment when his soul was almost dead, he found the creatures in this realm.

What only disappointed him was that there was no cleverness in this creature's body.

"When the world is in harmony with the world, I clearly perceive a breath of spiritual energy, why is there no drop in this person's body?"

The blue jade book swept across this body again, frowning in his heart.

If it was born in a world with a spiritual power, even if the body has no spiritual roots, it will be contaminated with spiritual power more or less.

But, not at all.

More than that, there is not even the slightest memory of the "Heavenly Spirit Goblin" in this person's memory, and he even sneered at it, thinking it was "superstition".

This is a little weird...

"you're awake?"

At this moment, someone pushed the door and entered, a burly young man. He glanced at Su Er who was ‘stunned’ and said:

"Wake up and leave, there are still some necessary things to teach before entering the job, time is running out, don't be in a daze."

Lan Yushu's heart moved, but he didn't answer, but followed behind this young man. If you want to understand this world, you might have to fall here.

This world is so weird, so be careful for the time being.

Walking through the long corridor, the two of them stepped into an empty meeting place one after another.

At this time, many people gathered in the venue, or worried, or eagerly yearning, all kinds of emotions were different.

"They are all mortal wombs, not even one with spiritual roots..."

Lan Yushu glanced at it and sat in the corner silently.

Before long, a burly tall man stepped onto the platform and said loudly, "My name is Feng Zhong, and I am responsible for your induction training!"

Feng Zhong's voice was loud and loud like a bell, and it also contained a warning: "Don't bring your temperament outside into the spacecraft, let alone bring it in front of me!"


In the empty meeting place, his voice couldn't help echoing, and there seemed to be some kind of strange force in it, which shocked the hearts of all the newcomers, and closed their mouths tightly, not daring to whisper.

‘Ingenuity? ’

However, Lan Yushu's eyes lit up, and his heart moved.

Ingenuity is just a collective term.

Including but not limited to ‘Heaven’s Spirit’, ‘Goblin’, ‘Plant Spirit’, ‘Astral Elite’, and ‘Pure Yang Qi’.

Although the aura contained in the man's voice was specious, it clearly contained the'different spirit' of Ruoyuruuowu.

It's just that this man doesn't have spiritual roots, so where did he contaminate this spiritual mechanism?

"Well, you first read the'Induction Manual'. After half an hour, I will answer your questions selectively. Note, I don't want to listen to nonsense."

Feng Zhong waved his hand, and there were hundreds of books on the venue, ‘Hua La La’, which fell down, waved his hand, and landed in front of everyone in an unbiased manner.

"Although there are differences, it seems to be a real idea?"

Lan Yushu had doubts in his heart. If it hadn't consumed too much, and was concerned about the unknown masters in this world, he had already drawn out the man's soul at this time.

Pressing doubt, he opened the booklet in his hand.

He glanced lightly, and the things on it were quite boring, nothing more than teaching these mortals how to survive in harsh environments.

What surprised him a little bit was something called a ‘chip’.

"Chips, is this the magic weapon of this world..."

Lan Yushu's heart moved, and he had caught the chip embedded in this body.

This chip is a bit weird, with subtle fluctuations in it, along with the limbs and skeletons of this body, and even more subtle places.

Absorbing the power of operation, it is constantly transforming this body.

Reading the manual calmly, Lan Yushu felt a little clear.

This ‘chip’ was developed and created by a person named Su Jie to assist the ‘treasure’ of the people in this world.

There seem to be six levels from low to high.

The lowest is ‘Warrior’, followed by ‘ghost’, ‘weird’, ‘xian’, ‘god’, and ‘sage’.

It's a pity that it didn't take long for Su Jie to create this treasure, and there were not a few ‘celestial’ chips rooted in them, let alone ‘sage’.

It seems that there is only Na Su Jie himself.

What surprised Lan Yushu was the strangeness of this chip.

This ‘chip’ has no power to attack, no protection for the body, no ability to suppress air luck, no gathering of inspirations, no life extension for death, no good fortune and no evil.

However, the beauty of the auxiliary practice has made Lan Yushu's eyes bright.

"Integrate all the information search of the entire world into a perfect template to assist in practice..."

Lan Yushu's heart is full of brilliance, and the power contained in the chip is not worth mentioning, but this concept is unprecedented.

By using people as a mirror, we can know the pros and cons, and we can learn the gains and losses.

With this chip assistance, it may not be possible to cultivate everyone into a perfect existence of chip templates, but it is foreseeable that the overall strength of the monks can be greatly improved.

The weak rely on this as a basis for continuous improvement, and the strong can ‘load’ a stronger template, making progress and strengthening step by step!

In his opinion, as long as there is a strong person in this world and enough time and resources, you can create countless strong people who may be slightly worse!

For him, this idea can be said to be subversive, and he has never thought of such a way in his life.

If he obtains the method of refining this treasure and is using himself as a ‘template’ to refine a large number of magic weapons to bestow his disciples, wouldn’t he be able to dominate the air? !

Even, if I use the dragon eclipse world's legendary demon Qin Yu as a template...

Lan Yushu was a little excited at first, and then dismissed his thoughts.

Do not say that it is impossible for him to search for Qin Yu's information. Even if he could, if he fell into this utterly spiritual place, if he could not find the spiritual mechanism with the real source, it would be wiped out in no time.

Lan Yushu suppressed many thoughts, and now it is the most important thing to find the inspiration. Anything else can be put down, only this matter is imminent.

However, what he didn't expect was that this clue came so quickly.

"What is your question?"

On the high platform, Feng Zhong embraced his chest with his hands, and looked at the tall young man in the crowd raising his hands faintly: "I don't have much time, and I have limited answers."

"Yes, instructor."

The tall young man took a deep breath and asked, "Dare to ask the instructor, how many dreamers will accompany this Mars development? How to ensure our safety?"

"Mars is in a different place, I am afraid that it is absolutely safe to call Mr. Ann to go together."

Feng Zhong sneered, his tone was cold, but he still answered:

"Don't worry, not only will Dr. Su Jie be accompanied by Dr. Su Jie this time I go to Mars, there are also more than 20 top ranking masters, and there are also a few top ranking masters!"

"Master of the Sky List?!"

Rao was warned in advance. At this time, hearing Feng Zhong's words, there was still a moment of commotion among the crowd.

A big dream for ten years, a hundred years of dream

Among the tens of millions of dreamers, the Celestial-level powerhouse was finally born, and he was not alone, but it was different from the famous rankings.

The intelligence of the top players is not known to the public.

According to legend, the powerhouses of the celestial and human series are already super masters who can fly into the sky and extinguish the stars in their dreams!

You know, since the introduction of spirit rice and the successful planting, the physical strength of many warriors has made a huge breakthrough!

It is able to play part of the power in the dream!

"Dream? Master of the sky list?"

Listening to the suppressed whispers all around, Lan Yushu frowned. There was almost no impression of this in the memory of this body...


Feng Zhong let out a cold snort, suppressing the noise in the audience: "From now on, I say, listen, you want to speak, raise your hand!

Those who whisper without permission will bear the consequences! "

The infuriating energy flashed and disappeared, but the meeting place that was swept suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the needle drop could be heard.

"Interstellar development is not just a Tenda company that can be eaten, and there are not a few giants that act at the same time. Both Daxuan and Golden Eagle are acting. The number of participants exceeds one million. After this, there will be a second batch and a third batch... ....."

Feng Zhong glanced at the young man who asked the question: "The risk assessments of major countries around the world have been conducted for six or seven years. You will not think more than they think."

The young man sat down, and other people raised various questions about the development of Mars and the implantation of chips, and Feng Zhong knew everything.

Lan Yushu was sitting in the corner, listening quietly, capturing the information about this world, especially the so-called "dreamland".

The heart is turbulent, but still calm, slowly adapting to this weak body.

However, as the induction training was about to end, a middle-aged man's question caused Lan Yushu's heart to ripple again~www.ltnovel.com~ until his brows were deeply wrinkled.

"Instructor, can we still become dreamers?"

It was a low and sturdy middle-aged man. He looked at Feng Zhong and obviously had great expectations.

And this question also attracted the attention of everyone present, including Lan Yushu, and everyone looked to Feng Zhong.

"A dreamer..."

Facing the gazes of hundreds of thousands of people, Feng Zhong's eyes moved, and finally he shook his head: "Let's see fate. If fate is over, there is always a chance."

The selection of dreamers has been the subject of research in various countries since ten years ago, but unfortunately, it is still difficult to find a rule.

If it is said that it is the best among the best, Dr. Su Jie's civil and military talent has never been recruited as a dreamer, and I don't know how many people sighed.


Everyone sighed, but they weren't too disappointed. After all, they had been dreaming for ten years.

"It's not difficult to get in touch with dreams..."

When everyone was disappointed, they heard another voice, and when they looked up, they saw a casually dressed young man on the high platform.

"Dr. Su?!"

"Dr. Su Jie!"

"Dr. Su is really here!"

Seeing Su Jie, there was a moment of silence in the venue, and then the pot was exploded, and it seemed as if the sky was boiling, and the noise seemed to break through the venue.

Feng Zhong frowned, but Su Jie was in front, so he didn't dare to call the shots without authorization. Although he was a dreamer and a master, he was a far cry from Dr. Su.

This is a truly epoch-making giant.


Su Jie gently pressed the palm of his hand, and the hustle and bustle in the venue was slowly suppressed, and everyone couldn't help but shut their mouths.

Su Jie swept across the venue, with a touch of wisdom in his clear eyes:

"Before I heard someone ask how to become a dreamer, right?"

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