Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 754: Mortal wisdom

Su Jie asked calmly, but the huge venue fell into silence.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

In the ten years of the big dream, the mysterious star has been surging, and batches of masters have risen to fame in the dream and even in the real world.

No matter from any angle, Su Jie is an unavoidable existence.

Not only because he developed the ‘chip’, but because he, as a non-dreamer, broke through seeing the gods and achieved a barrier that many great masters and heroes have never crossed throughout the ages.

In contrast, Su Jie may not be the most dazzling person today, but he is truly famous among the ‘natural persons’.

At this time, I saw this legendary figure, except for the blue jade book, who was still thinking, and everyone present was full of emotions.

"Su Jie..."

Lan Yushu drooped his eyelids to hide the surprise in his eyes.

In his opinion, the young man in front of him was not contaminated with inspiration either, he was obviously a mortal body, but this young man was very different from the other mortals he had seen.

His spiritual practice is much higher than that of the great Confucian he has seen in the world of Dragon Eclipse, which is obviously an unusual number among mortals.

Such people are extremely rare in the dragon eclipse world, and they have not seen one for thousands of years. They are rolling in the red dust. They are not monks, but they have cultivated extremely high and extremely pure spirits.

Often you can make rapid progress as soon as you come into contact with spiritual practice!

According to legend, the ancestor of Xuankong Mountain was such a person. He had studied and lectured for 70 years in the world, and once he entered the world of spiritual practice, he has become forgetful in just 30 years.

This world actually has such an existence?

"Dr. Su, you just said that it is not difficult to get in touch with dreams? You are the person who has the deepest research on consciousness, spirit, energy, diversity, and time and space. We all want to hear your views."

After a moment of silence, someone raised their hand and got Su Jie's permission to ask questions.

"First of all, there is a mistake in your words. I just know everything. There are not a few people in the world who study more deeply than me."

Su Jie glanced at the man and said with a serious face: "This is not humility, but fact."


The man lowered his head in embarrassment, indicating that he was taught.

Only then did Su Jie tell.

"You want to get in touch with'Dreamland'. First of all, you have to know what'Dreamland' is." Su Jie stood on the high platform, unable to see how hard he was, but his voice sounded clearly in everyone's ears.

"Altered world? Same world in different dimensions? Or is it just an unknown group of information, or it is the dream of a high-latitude creature that we cannot understand..."

Su Jie talked freely, without any concealment or taboo.

"But no matter what it is, and what sort of screening mechanism is in place, someone can enter, and in theory other people can also enter."

Su Jie has always been a person who likes to share with others. He believes that his own understanding is derived from the foundation of the predecessors.

If you get it, you must give it to someone.

It is the inheritance of the fire and the inheritance of civilization, which is natural for him.

Just as he opened up the chip instead of owning it.

"Dr. Su, what is the information group you are talking about?" Someone asked again.

"The ancients called the magnetic field of human beings Qi Yun, and the magnetic field of heaven and earth called Feng Shui! When the two do not violate each other, and they are distinct but overlapped, living between the heavens and the earth is actually a process of constantly reconciling Qi Yun and Feng Shui. Feng Shui can change. People, people, naturally can also change Feng Shui."

There is a flash of fire in the depths of Su Jie's eyes. These things were obtained through countless experiments, but at this time he said casually:

"The direction and convergence of people's hearts can be changed into Feng Shui, and even the world. Just as I once found some antiques that have gone through a long time, there are information gathered on the gods...

If someone studies Daxuan ancient theology carefully, they will find that the so-called gods are all serving people in the legend, is that correct? In common sense, why would a **** who has divine power and omnipotence care about and serve mankind? "

Su Jie's voice is not fast or slow, but his words are very clear. His spirit is strong, and his words are powerful.

Unconsciously let everyone on the venue keep up with his rhythm, start thinking, and even substitute in it, as if experiencing Su Jie's research topic.

In fact, with Su Jie's spiritual attainments at this time, the knowledge that used to take decades and decades to learn can be poured into the hearts of others in a single thought.

Lan Yushu listened quietly, nodding in his heart.

Whether it is a **** or an immortal, this is beyond the world, how can it be possible to serve mortals without a reason?

On the contrary, the only reason why mortals exist is that they are useful to immortals and gods.

That's it.

"Then, why?"

Some people asked afterwards.

"Xuanxing does not have a god. If there is, it is also a human-appointed god. If a person is the master of a god, then the divine prescription is for human use. If a **** is the master of a person, there is no difference between humans and animals.

Su Jiewei sighed, but he didn't say everything.

What about God's use for man? Those who hold authority are not'servants' after all.

The crowd looked at each other, no one dared to answer.

"Say far."

Su Jie came back to his senses and returned to the subject: "This shows that the gathering of information can transform into a'god', and naturally, it can also transform into the world."

"Dr. Su, this is not right. I heard that the dream is extremely real. Every tree, flower and stone are real. Can the information reach this level?"

Some people also made rebuttals.

Su Jie smiled and asked, "Then why do you judge the truth? Eyes? Five senses? Or the logic in your heart that you think is true?"

After all, he swept through everyone present, implying profound meaning: "Seeing is not necessarily true."

Seeing is not necessarily true?

The people in the venue were amazed, is it true that dreams are illusory and unreal?

"If everything is not true, then, Dr. Su, what you said is true?"

The young man who asked Feng Zhong the first time stood up again to refute Su Jie.

He has been pursuing dreams for many years, and he cannot accept that the dreams he is looking for are fake, even if it is only a possibility.

"People's perception of the world is actually very single. The five senses are already the only perception that most people have of the world, but what if the five senses are deceived?"

Su Jie glanced at the young man indifferently: "A dream is true or false without discussion, as for what I said..."


The moment the young man raised his head and stared at Su Jie, he felt a trance in his heart. The next moment, the world revolved, and he was in a trance and forgot what was happening now.

In a trance, he only felt that he had come to a magnificent martial arts world.

This world, with sword immortals, divine beasts, countless heavenly materials, and countless magical powers and secrets, is the world he dreams of!

He was shocked at first, and cautiously asked for verification. Finally, he found that he had really crossed!

Excited in his heart, he rushed into the world in ecstasy. After many setbacks, fighting wits and courage, he finally became a disciple of the "Sword Immortal Sect".

His talent is not high, but he has adventures. He has obtained the treasures left by the ancient power, and he has been smashed all the way through thorns and thorns, cultivated into ten layers of flesh and ten layers of longevity.

He has been hailed by countless people as the most likely to become a fairy.

It is a pity that in the last battle, he fell in the midst of the tribulation, and fell in front of the gate of immortality he had pursued and pursued all his life.

"I'm not willing!"

In the empty and silent venue, a hysterical roar suddenly sounded.

The person next to him was shivering.

Everyone looked at the young man in amazement, wondering why he suddenly went crazy.

In their eyes, the young man just stood up and asked a question. As soon as the voice fell, the whole person roared like a madman.


Unlike most people's ignorance, Lan Yushu raised his brows slightly, revealing a touch of surprise.

A mortal ant can actually do this?

This world is really weird.


With a roar, the memory gradually returned, Fang Fan's eyes gradually became clear, he looked around blankly, and then looked at Su Jie's eyes as if he had seen a ghost:

"you you......"

"Who are you? Fang Fan? Or the Overlord?" Su Jie looked at Fang Fan with a faint look, "Is everything you experienced true or not?"


Fang Fan opened his mouth, only to feel a bit astringent in his voice. He wanted to say that it was fake, and his three thousand beauties appeared before his eyes...

Is this really fake?

Fang Fan only felt empty in his heart.

"Your realm is not as good as mine, you will be pinched by me. Your perception, your logic, and your perception are meaningless to me."

Su Jie raised his hand and snapped his fingers. In Fang Fan’s expression of pain, all the illusory memories disappeared, leaving only some of the ‘magical power’ and ‘gong methods’ about the ‘physical body’:

"The exercises and magical powers you see in your dreams cannot be said to be false in a sense, because I used'Shen Nong' to use my own body to perform it. Unfortunately, I cannot construct a complete world. . Otherwise, it would allow you to play the trick of'immortal respecting life'."


Fang Fan stepped back subconsciously, only to feel that Su Jie on the high platform was extremely frightening, and at the same time, his yearning for the dream of kingship disappeared instantly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Dr. Su?"

Most of the people in the venue were at a loss and didn't know what happened.

This time, Su Jie didn't explain much.

Because Fang Fan spoke, his voice was still astringent: "Su, Dr. Su, your realm is higher than me, you can instantly hypnotize me and make me think that I have entered another world...

So, do you mean that the dream of royal power is also a virtual realm created by a master of extremely high realm?

But how do you explain the true energy we brought back to reality, the spirit seed, the profound iron, and the strange flowers and plants that are not on the mysterious stars? "

Fang Fan still had doubts, or rather, his last insistence.

The dream of kingship can really bring out things, and the true energy has indeed been displayed in many dreamers.

"I'm just expounding the possibility. If I failed to explore the true or false of the dream, I don't know. Perhaps what I said will be overthrown, but science has always been like this. happy."

"Well, that's all I have to say."

Before Su Jie had finished speaking, Shan Hu also rang out with applause.

However, he didn't care, his eyes rolled, and he landed in the corner of "Sun Er" who seemed not in the same dimension as everyone:

"This gentleman seems to disagree with what I said?"


Hearing Su Jie's question, everyone in the venue was shocked, looking back to the corner without saying a word, like a blue jade book independent of the world.

Lan Yushu slowly raised his head in the eyes of surprise and surprise, his eyes showed appreciation: "Some meaning, but unfortunately, it is hard to escape the cognition of mortals..."

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