Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 760: Kaiten conversion place begins today!

Click, click~

It seemed that the old clockwork was grinding, and there was an unbearable moan.

‘Su Jie’ raised his head again, and a faint blue color appeared in his eyes, like electricity like the sky, and sinking like the sea:

"Good, good!"

Suddenly noticed the spirit machine floating around in the void, even if he didn't know what kind of heavenly spirit goblin this spirit machine was, it made him feel happy, and even dispelled the anger of the wounded soul.

"not good!"

Hearing this voice was obviously different from Su Jie's tone, Bai Hu and the others all had a heartbeat, and then they all shot together, wrapped in the wind and patted'Su Jie'.

Want to control it first.

"Although it is superficial, it can be used."

Lan Yushu faintly looked at the spirit wandering in the distance, flicked it casually, and only heard the roar of a bronze bell blasting into the sky accompanied by qi.


A bronze bell suddenly appeared, which was just a ray of golden light at first, and then expanded like a house to meet Wang Zhixuan and others who had never left their hands.


There was a loud noise, followed by countless thunder-like explosions on this open flat ground, and a violent air current roared into the sky, sweeping the snow and mud within hundreds of kilometers.

The earth is cracking layer by layer.


The few people of Baihu were shaken back several tens of meters, their hands and feet were numb, and the powerful counter-shock force spread throughout the body, causing them to lose energy and blood for a while.

To make matters worse, they were just about to fit in again, when they felt that the surrounding void suddenly became thick, and the speed suddenly dropped sharply, and they couldn't help but cried out.

The reason why they followed Su Jie all the way was to trap him at a critical time.

But who would have thought that the world would change, this mysterious man could spur his inspiration so quickly, and he completed the countermeasure in an instant.

"Although you have some good deeds, it's a pity that you stay on top of your fist and it's unbearable in the end."

Under the looming golden bell, Lan Yushu took a deep breath, and the surrounding violent wind swelled, and the invisible ‘Xiang’ rolled over and was absorbed by it.

In his realm, how can he be injured by mortal fists and feet when there is a hint of inspiration?

This body obviously has a lot of potential, and he naturally won't let others break it.

"Su Jie?!"

Feng Mingtao's face was pale, his blood was steaming, his body was burning like fire, and he wanted to break free from the alien power that bound his hands and feet.

"Strong is strong, and weak is weak. Your strength will not change halfway because of your anger. Winning the strong with the weak has never existed. You deserve it?"

Lan Yushu's eyes moved, and faintly scolded:

"Kneel down!"

With a reprimand, Feng Mingtao was already stricken by thunder, and a confused color suddenly appeared in his wide-open eyes.

It was just a moment of struggling, already kneeling down, grabbing the ground with his head, like the most devout believers worshiping the gods, making Wang Zhixuan and the others cold.

"This is hypnosis?"

Wang Zhixuan was terrified.

She is the top hypnosis master of Xuan Xing, especially after seventy years of practice in the dream world, she has well-trained soldiers who are prepared to hypnotize tens of thousands of them overnight.

But even though Feng Mingtao didn't see God, he still had five auras and set foot on the heavens and humans. Such a person can be hypnotized at a glance?

Is this still hypnosis? !

"Is this an illusion?" Xu Hongyun's eyes were straight. This method is simply a legendary magic.

"Go and notify all the masters on this planet to come and see me!"

Before Lan Yushu's words fell, his person was already flying high in the sky like a feather, rushing towards the source of the inspiration he was sensing.

He looked calm, but his figure was extremely fast, Bai Hu and others had just broken the shackles and rushed into the wind and snow, and he had already landed on the top of Tianlian Mountain.


Feng Mingtao stood up slightly stiff, glanced left and right, suddenly stepped on his foot, and rushed to Xuanjing's direction like a wild bull.

"Stop him!"

The white tiger's complexion changed, his body shrank, and a violent wind was set off, like a tiger demon, he pounced on the wind and waves!

Although Feng Mingtao had never set foot to see God, his spiritual cultivation had shortcomings, but his physique was extremely strong, and no one in the room could match it.

What if he rushed into the city?

Both Wang Zhixuan and Xu Hongyun were both stomping their feet, rushing towards the wind and waves that broke out with all strength without leaving the slightest strength.

In an instant, the four had already fought.


At the moment it fell on this mountain, Lan Yushu's eyes suddenly condensed.

There was a deep chill in his heart, as if a mosquito had landed in the palm of a human being, and he couldn't help himself?

"Su Jie?!"

Potter frowned: "Who are you?!"

He was Su Jie's enlightenment instructor, half a teacher and half friend in a sense. At this time, seeing that Su Jie was ‘taken away’ by someone, he couldn’t feel calm.

This person is what Mr. Ann calls the "bad guy"?

But Lan Yushu didn't answer his words. All the spirits fell on An Qisheng, who was surrounded by the clear light, like the lord of the world.

At this moment, with the strength of his soul, there was a momentary trance.

I only feel that the person in front of me is like a sacred mountain, majestic and majestic. This mountain, the entire planet, and even the sky and the stars seem to be centered on it.


An Qisheng lowered his eyes and looked at the blue jade book on the top of the mountain faintly: "The cultivation base is not so high, but the tone is not small."


Great master!

Lan Yushu's heart was in crisis, but his expression slowly calmed down: "No, you can be born in such a terrific soil..."

As the words confided, he pressed the throbbing of his heart, but he had discovered that the powerhouse in the supernatural land in front of him was no different from himself, and was suppressed by this universe.


An Qisheng never answered his words, just pointed it casually.


When the heart is unhappy, heaven and earth manifest themselves.

Just hearing the sound of ‘click’, there was a thunderbolt on the high sky, dark clouds gathered in the sky above the mountain, and the sound of the wind and snow stopped.

It seems that the whole world seems to stand still.

Then, behind An Qisheng, in the temple that was neither tall nor sacred, surrounded by clear light.

A statue of **** slowly opened his eyes and landed on Lan Yushu's body.


As if thunder was blasting in his heart, Lan Yushu's expression finally changed.

At this moment, the crisis in his heart rose to the extreme.

This seemingly calm and indifferent look contained a horror that horrified him.

"Unable to fist?"

The ancient and vast voice seemed to overflow from the ages, flowing between the heaven and the earth, covering the mountains, suppressing the wind and snow roaring, and thunder roaring.

"What is this again?"

Lan Yushu's eyes condensed, and the thoughts in his heart turned.

I saw a palm that was as full and crystallized as a full moon suddenly emerged from the void. It was not very fast, and when pressed gently, the void world was like a transparent bubble, which was pressed out incomparably obvious traces.

There is no roaring wind, let alone any miracles.

However, Lan Yushu's pupils couldn't help but shrank, feeling the earth-shaking tyrannical will.

It is as majestic as a sacred mountain, it falls on the ground, but surpasses the sky, it is surrounded by clouds and mist, as if a boundless sacred portal appears.

This is not an illusion, but the manifestation of the tyrannical will of the person who shot!

It is a **** or a fairy, I only say it!

The unparalleled will filled the sea of ​​mind, and the mood of the blue jade book could not help but give birth to shocks.


But in an instant, he had already suppressed the ripples in his heart, and with the movement of his eyes, he was about to condense the four directions to evolve magical powers.

However, in the next moment, the blue jade book completely changed!

More than that, the external spirit is as unshakable as an iron plate, and the spirit that I ‘robbed’ into this body, the spirit that I had just swallowed up, fixed this body in place like a chain.

"How can this be?!!"

Lan Yushu's heart was beating wildly, but only had time to turn that thought, the palm of his hand that fell like a sacred mountain fell like the sky.

The crisis in Lan Yushu's heart rolled over like a tide, even though there were all kinds of unwillingness, all kinds of doubts, at this time there was only a loud roar.

Peeling out of Su Jie's body at the speed of the super-stepping world, facing the extremely powerful will frenzy sweeping, fighting to take a blow, but also to retreat first to avoid his edge.


The palm print seemed to have the power to move mountains and fill the sea, but when it fell, it made a sound of a breeze, and it lightly landed on Su Jie's head.

"Su Jie!"

Potter couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If half of his power leaked out, the immortal was not touching me at this moment, but a palm of the heavenly spirit.


Su Jie woke up from the darkness and heard a terrible roar before he could feel the warmth on the top of his head:

"This, this aura is poisonous?!!!"

That is......

Su Jie opened his eyes suddenly, and the first thing that caught his eye was an old white-haired Taoist who looked extremely strange but extremely familiar.

This old Taoist man stroked his Heavenly Spirit with one hand, and shouldered his back with the other. His figure was not tall, but in his perception, it was as high as nine days, thick and vast.

In front of the Taoist temple not far away, instructor Potter, and at the source of the clear light, sitting cross-legged on a mottled yellow mud platform, is Mr. An.

He looked back, only to see the sound of fright, but a hazy blue figure hanging in the air under the dark clouds.


Endless pain was passed from all directions to the depths of the soul, but this kind of pain, which seemed to be a living person being soaked in the water of corpse, could not be compared with the anger in his heart.

"What did you move in the aura?!"

Lan Yushu completely lost his calmness, and the original soul who had suffered a lot from the battle with the demigod was even more trembling.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth is not only restraining oneself, but also eroding his soul at an extremely terrifying speed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This kind of thing, he has never heard of it!

What kind of means can poison aura?

"Aura is poisonous..."

Su Jie and Potter looked at each other, both at a loss.


An Qisheng laughed. This scene was really familiar, but at this time, it was repelled by Reiki, and it wasn't even himself that was hurt.

The Qi species replaces the magnetic field of the stars. Naturally, all the inspiration comes from himself, is an enemy of him, and his inspiration is naturally ‘toxic’.

This is similar to everything that Gu Changfeng had experienced in the human world, but it was different, because the Jue Ling universe itself was more terrifying.

Coupled with the repulsion of inspiration, it is double suppression.

And this suppression, repulsion, and utterly summed together is far from one plus one equals two.

At this time, what the Lanyushu experienced and endured was a hundred times, a thousand times as much as that of Gu Changfeng and himself!


The screams of the blue jade book are still echoing in the sky, but the statue of king power has already stepped out, his figure is vague and transcendent, but this step is moving like a mountain.

Together with the weight of this piece of heaven and earth, they crushed it together.

"The devil, today's enemies will be repaid ten times in the future!"

Enduring the severe pain and shock, the blue fire above the Blue Jade Book Yuanshen was about to break through the air and leave this ‘poisonous land’.

But even if his soul is strong, he has been injured one after another, and is corroded by the spirit, and is even more in a situation of infinite and dangerous places.

How can it be possible to avoid the King Power Statue blessed by the spirit?

Hearing only a dull sound like a drumbeat, the blue jade book's escape came to an abrupt halt, and the palm of the hand that fell from the sky, as complex as the sky full of stars, shot the sky abruptly!


An Qisheng flipped his palm, his five fingers opened and closed, but he had pinched the blue jade book in his palm.

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