Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 763: An unprecedented greeting!


   A large number of meteorites and even asteroids in the gloomy starry sky are drawn by huge masses, circle each other and collide.

   Surrounded by the stars, Qi Cun stared at the sea of ​​stars, there was a touch of imperceptible awe in his eyes, solemn.

   "The pilgrimage, the sacrifice?"

   The Hanging Ancestor stood on the hideous snake head, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

   In Qi Cun's words, he heard great awe, even horror...

   There is even this unbelievable wasteland that can make this mysterious powerful person jealous, and even say the existence of ‘pilgrimage’?

   For a time, the hearts of several masters, including the ancestor in the sky, jumped.

   even ignored the unabashed contempt in his tone.


After a surprise, the expression of the ancestor Xuankong was taken aback, and there was a hint of coldness in his deep eyes: "Devil! Is this the reason why you killed my tens of billions of living creatures in Xuankong Mountain?! Where is the sage? So poisonous?!"

   He has fear, but he is fearless.

   He has Feng Tianlu in his hands. Even though Qin Yu is fearless, the person in front of him is strong, but he may not be as good as Qin Yu back then.

   "Ten billion creatures..."

   Qi Qi took a deep breath, and it took a great deal of perseverance to turn his eyes to look at the people on the hanging mountain among the large ruins surrounded by the divine light:

   "Until now, you probably don’t even know how you came to this world, sad, sigh, and pathetic!"

   He said lightly, but there was a chill of murderous intent pouring down from space, like a cold current, blowing away the dancing atmospheric clouds.

   As if to completely freeze the entire suspended mountain.

   Just a thought, everyone, including the ancestors in the sky, felt a chill, and a great crisis was raised.

"what did you say?!"

   Lanyushu, Yun Heguang and others' looks all changed.

  This world?

   Could it be that this person is not an aboriginal in this world of extreme spirits, but a master from outside the world who fell like them?

   "Who are you on earth? Why do you want to target us Xuankong Mountain?"

   Fang Qidao's face was blue and he shouted angrily.

   The destruction of Xuankong Mountain could not get rid of his wrong decision. At this time, everyone present had the most resentment and regret in his heart.

   Had it not been for the ancestor in the air, he would almost go crazy.

   "Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

   Hanging ancestor took a step in the air, and there was fairy light and divine power all over his body, and the boiling and turbulent aura was like the sky of ten thousand heavens, and the sky and the earth were filled in a moment:

   "Could it be that you are the same as me, but also from other worlds?!"

   The Hanging Ancestor has a clear mind and can perceive the world. In Qi Cun’s words, he perceives something that makes his heart throb.

   "This, I don't need to tell you."

   looked down, covering the twinkling light, but there was no pity in his heart.

   then, a step under his feet:

   "Dead, you don't need to know too much!"


   It was just a step on it, and the hanging mountain shrouded in divine light uttered a terrifying roar.

   Thousands of miles of the void wailed unbearably, and it seemed that the entire hanging mountain would be shattered in the next instant.

   All the people on Xuankong Mountain looked up, only to feel that a terrifying force that could destroy the world was gathering, turbulent, and almost burst out!

   "Fighting in this supernatural land, and see how long you can be crazy!"

   The ancestor hanging in the air let out a cold drink, and the divine light flowing around him boiled over it, and within an instant, there were already golden crows waving divine light flames soaring from it.

   let out a cry that resounded all over the world.


   Like a thousand days across the sky, the mighty flame of divine light instantly ignited all the inspirations within the entire suspended mountain.

   If someone takes a closer look and sees through the details, they can see that the inspiration is not simply burning, but a speed beyond imagination, splitting and colliding with each other.

   Every moment there is a terrifying force capable of destroying the stars.


   Then, when the ancestor of the dangling stepped into the air, it turned into an armor of endless flames, blessed on his body!

  The dragon eclipse world has thousands of magical powers and thousands of ways, but the ancestors hanging in the air cannot use all the ways, and only cultivate one, it is this pure sun!

   Perceiving the danger of Qi Cun, he exploded with all his strength as soon as he shot, and ignited the heavenly spirit goblin in the entire hanging mountain with great decisiveness!

   Not so, in this utter spirit world, he simply can't exert his full strength.

   The horror of this unbelievable place is even more than the legendary ‘Magic Road’ of the upper realm.

   Even if it is him, the moment he wakes up, he can perceive the huge consumption that even Feng Tianhu can't isolate!


   Hanging ancestor stepped empty, expelled with a palm, and then the seal of heaven in his palm burst out, and then began to bloom!

   When the divine light bursts forth, it sweeps across the world.

   If you look down from space, you can only feel that the hanging ancestor expelled thousands of hectares of smoke and dust with the palm of his hand. Between the divine light and agitation, there seemed to be a big world following it.

   There are mountains, rivers and mountains between the palms of your fingers, the power of the sun, the moon and the stars!

   It's just a moment, it has tore through the atmosphere for tens of thousands of miles, and hit the indifferent Qi Cun in space!


   Both of them shot in an instant, and many of the surviving Xuankong Mountain disciples could not capture the traces of the two shots.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   A shocking collision has erupted in the sky!


   The loud noise that resembles the sky and the earth cracks from top to bottom, and presses down like the substance. The air current that is invisible to the naked eye has turned into substance at this moment!

   It’s like the sky has fallen!

   If there is no obstruction, this aftermath can tear the entire suspended mountain!

   "Holding the roots of the Spirit Vessel, you must not let him destroy the Xuankong Mountain!"

   Lan Yushu several people's hearts were shocked, and they all let out a long howl, igniting the mana in the body, and evolving magical powers soaring into the sky between the movements of their fingers.

   I want to stop the aftermath of the collision that is under pressure.


   Countless meteorites in space were shattered by the collision of evildoers.

   "A good magic weapon, but a pity..."

   Qi's eyes moved, then sneered, and then stepped on again:

   "It's no longer useful!"


   Like the sky covered by the sky, between the strong and terrifying air waves, the body of the ancestor in the air trembled, and only a powerful force came from the sky.

   In an instant, he shattered his divine armor intertwined with boundless spiritual fire, Feng Tianlu, can't completely isolate this person's power? !


   Hanging ancestor's pupils shrank, and finally found something wrong.

   But before he could make any response, the Fengtian urn, which traversed the sky and intercepted the volley, suddenly made a strange noise.


  Only hearing a buzzing sound, there was a pure white light looming in the sealed urn, which was as big as a star, surrounded by the divine light of a waterfall.

   The white light is extremely pure, but it seems out of place in this shining light.

   "Can you invade Fengtian Urn?!"

   Hanging ancestor finally changed color.

   Of course, the snake monster used blood to corrode the Fengtianlu, but Fengtianlu was invisible and innocent. It was intertwined with legal principles and condensed Taoism. The moment he woke up, he would have wiped out the blood in it.

   did not expect that there is a weirdness in Fengtianlu!

   "Are you aware of it?"

   In the boiling and turbulent space, Qi Cun suddenly smiled, stepped into the air and suddenly retracted, letting the torrent of magical powers sent by the ancestors in the air rush by, completely submerged!

   "Unfortunately, it's too late!"

   The utter cold current swept across the world like a hurricane of extinction!

   Visible to the naked eye, the sky, the earth, the boiling and burning spiritual fire, the wind and thunder clouds that roar in and out... everything, everything seems to be sealed by ice!

   Within a thousandth of an instant, the entire hanging mountain seemed to be completely frozen!

"Do not!"

   Yun Heguang and the others were freely blocking the aftermath of the turbulent vertical and horizontal waves. When they were blown by the cold current, they became stiff, and they fell directly from the sky like a meteorite to the ground!

   I only felt that this cold current had blown through, and they had all frozen their supernatural powers and mana!

   "What magical power is this?!"

   Lan Yushu roared in his heart, but let his divine power stir, he couldn't move at all.

   It seems that his physical body, mana, and even the blessed land in his body have been completely frozen, and this chill is still spreading to his soul at a speed beyond imagination!

   "Is that an avatar?!"

   The Hanging Ancestor finally discovered something wrong, but it was too late.

   An icy chill spread from his palm, and when he noticed something was wrong, it enveloped him!

   The sacred flame that burned all over his body, under the beating of the ice and cold air, suddenly vanished!

   He can perceive that the omnipresent ‘particles’ that make up everything in the world have ceased functioning at this time and have fallen into rigidity.

   But in the next moment, he was frozen in the world like Lan Yushu and others!

   cannot be resisted!

   The heart of the ancestor hanging in the air turned up in a huge wave, the root of this chill has completely surpassed the mana that he had condensed for tens of thousands of years!

   is like the legendary "Xianli", completely crushing the mana and supernatural power he has cultivated hard!

  So that there is nothing to resist!

   "He, he is..."

   There was a vast expanse of whiteness between the icy cold world, and the only Russell, who had never been frozen by ice, had his heart beating wildly. In this bit of chill, he felt something very familiar.

   This is not snow and ice,

   is poison!

   A terrifying toxin that is so pure and powerful that he is beyond the reach of this time!

   Click, click~

   In Russell’s horrified eyes, the large ice crystals in the sky shattered and fell, as if Qi Cun was coated with a layer of hoarfrost slowly walking out of the void.

   The place where it is is actually the treasure of that hanging mountain, Feng Tianlu!

   "He, he is actually in the Fengtian urn..."

   Russell's heart is chilled, and horror is born.

   Only then did he come to realize that Qi Cun was always by his side, and all his actions, I was afraid that he would always be under his watch.

   Even, influence, it is not himself who occupies this heavenly urn, but him!

   Because of this, the Hanging Ancestor was defeated so quickly!

   He used his primordial spirit to manipulate the Fengtian urn that was invaded by Qi Cun, as if a mortal touched the weapon of a **** with his neck!

   "A good magic weapon, but the magic weapon depends on who urges it..."

   Qi Cun casually moved, the only Fengtian urn in the world that could not be frozen by him radiated shining light, turned into a booklet of not surprising appearance, and fell into his hand.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  偌大上空山, the only thing he is a little bit afraid of is the Feng Tianhu and the hanging ancestor.

   "You, what magical powers are you?!"

   The Hanging Ancestor, frozen under the frost, was unwilling, but no matter how unwilling he was, his body, mana, and even the soul seemed to have been completely disintegrated.

   can't move.

   "You don't have to struggle in vain, the'Poison of Frost Silence' is not something you can get rid of..."

   Qi Cun glanced at the hanging ancestor, indifferently and ruthlessly.

   or getting closer, maybe it's because the winning ticket is in the hands and no longer has any scruples, the ancestor of the hanging suddenly discovered that these square eyes are a pair of vertical pupils.

   is as indistinguishable as the snake demon he suppressed easily before!



   Raised his hand in one inch, grabbing the hanging ancestor in his palm, and his body moved, he has already come to the only hanging main mountain in this continent that has not been affected by Russell or the aftermath of the previous collision.


   Russell trembled and wanted to escape, but he felt that the body of "Frost Silence Poison" that had not dispersed between the world and the earth could not help but trembled and followed.

   Hanging Mountain is not a natural peak.

   This Lingshan, even the hanging ancestors, and even the entire hanging mountain holy land have been transformed by all the inspiration collected for tens of thousands of years.

   It can be said that any inch of grass, trees, sand and rocks contains heavenly spirits and goblins that are countless times stronger than the outside world.

   was originally one of the ten sacred places in the dragon erosion world.


   stepped out in one step, the ice crystals on the suspended mountain and nearly half of the mountain had collapsed.

   Countless rocks that have been completely frozen rolled to all directions, and the mountain was completely split.

   "Devil, devil!"

   The ancestors of Xuankong were furious, but even if the Xuankong Mountain where he had spent his whole life was destroyed, he still couldn't get rid of the so-called "Frost Silence Poison".


   With a single wave of his sleeves, the endless gust of wind has swept the fragmented ice crystals into the distance, and it also revealed a terrifying scene under the mountain.

   This is a ‘Ten Thousand Corpse Cave’ where bones are piled up like a mountain!

   Among them, there are hundreds of millions of spirit beasts, corpses of monster beasts, including cranes and spirit birds!

   At this time, these corpses have no idea at all, and at the moment of exposure, they have completely weathered and turned into endless powder.

   "They, **** it?"

   Qi Cang breathed out slowly, as if asking the ancestor hanging in the air, Russell, as if asking himself:

   "Aren't they worthy to live?!"


   Raising his hand in one inch, the frozen and unconscious ancestor in the air has already kneel down in front of the'Wan Beast Pit'.

   "You said that the deity killed tens of billions of living beings, but the killing by Ke Er waits thousands of times more..."

   Qi Cun stepped on the head of the dangling ancestor who roared furiously in his heart, and a trace of unspeakable sadness flashed in his indifferent expression:

   "Across the two realms, my generation will eventually be enslaved and slaughtered rations..."

   "Ha, ha, ha ha ha!"

   What a shame is it to be stomped on the head and bow down to a group of beasts? !

   The ancestors in the air were extremely angry, the soul was agitated, and the anger was extremely angry: "It turns out that you are a demon, hahaha!"


   The laughter stopped abruptly, Qi Cun's feet shook, and the body of the suspended ancestor and even the soul of the ancestor collapsed and shattered.


   trampled on the hanging ancestor to death, screaming from the sky, his voice was earth-shaking, emptying thousands of miles.

   boom! !

   It's just a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. The terrible fluctuations of the com layer have spread around the main hanging mountain as the center.

Wherever    passes, everything that has been frozen into ice crystals is broken and shattered!

   Vegetation, mountains, lakes, rivers, earth, ocean, continental shelf... and even the vanity!

   There was only a long howl, the floating continent of this super-stellar star had already begun to sink and collapse under this terrifying sound wave.


   Russell was blown away by sound waves like straw, and was thrown into the sky for tens of thousands of miles, and fell into space!

   His heart is shaking, and he stares attentively.

   Along with the fragmentation of endless ice crystals, I saw a giant snake that was as silver as snow, gleaming pure white light, and made a silent neigh in space!

   Then, its long tail fluttered, splitting the sea of ​​stars, and lashing heavily on the floating continent that was kneaded into a "ball" by its majestic force.


   The sea of ​​stars shook, and the stars trembled.

   Russell's heart was chilling, and he saw that a bite of the ‘ball’, which was bigger than a star, burned under the endless spirit, at a speed beyond imagination.

   rushed to the depths of the vast space!

   "That, that is..."

   The giant ball disappeared only one thousandth of an instant, but Russell's pupils shrank, and he saw a line of ‘patterns’ flashing on the white and red ball body that was burning with inspiration.

   That is what the people in the hanging mountains have learned. It is the ‘Dao Wen’ that no matter the cultivation level, no matter whether you know the language or not, you will definitely be able to understand its meaning!

That is:

   "God Yuanyang is here, and the little demon bows in all directions!"

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