Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 766: Tao has 2 sides

"Three Friends of Dao Chuan?"

   Qinglong and the others all had a jump in their hearts, but they hadn't thought about it before, but they had already seen Truman crossing in the lingering air wave.

   "You learn from others, but I don't, let alone have any covetousness..."

   Truman's large samurai robe suddenly tightened at this moment, facing Potter who had stepped into the air, he just let out a cold snort, and the hot blood rushed out with his arms raised:

   "I thought that begging would only bow to the Tao, but I didn't expect that you would bow your head in front of others!"

   Over the past hundreds of years, overseas has been chaotic and bloody, and there are many heroes in the chaotic world.

   Until Mu Longcheng went abroad and inherited the position of great leader, he killed anyone who dared to jump out on the face.

   Truman lived in the shadow of Murong City for a long time.

   Naturally, I don’t know Potter.


   The blood emptied, boiling violently, faintly, there seemed to be the sound of gold and iron horses in the void, and the boiling blood was burning like war.

   Everyone on the scene looked at it, and only felt the smell of rust between their mouth and nose, as if they had seen a **** battlefield.

   This is Truman based on his inherited "Six Prison Demon Sect" secret book "War Demon Heart Sutra" as the foundation, accommodating the mysterious star and floating many fist techniques for a long time.

   Jundao kill punch!

   "No wonder Xue Zheng can't kill you, but you have succeeded."

   Potter's arms stretched, like a big peng soaring, a crane spreading its wings, naturally, without the slightest smoke, but it happened to meet Truman's military killing punch:

   "Unfortunately, this is Daxuan, not your Golden Eagle country!"


   After a thunderous explosion, it was the sound of a cascade of physical collisions.

   "That Truman united the national fortune of the Golden Eagle country, no wonder, no wonder..."

   Chu Fan's eyes condensed, but he saw something.

   In the thirty years of Wang Quandao, unlike Feng Mingtao, who loves to fight and kill, Chu Fan took on the task of guarding the collection library.

   Most of the time, I read some essays, legends, unhistorical stories, and novels.

   He remembers very clearly that the Heart Sutra of War Demon is said to be the martial arts of an unknown enemy of the first generation of royal Taoists 3,300 years ago.

   This martial arts does not focus on form or intention, only great power.

  Before Wang Quan Taoist turned out to be born, he was the number one in the world that had been in force for decades. It was so powerful that even a master of the same level could hardly resist his fist.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In the real world without aura, this martial arts is especially tyrannical.

   Truman has gained momentum from the West in this way of uniting one country. Even if he can't compare with the master of the world, he has already made up for the shortcomings of one step behind himself and others.

   No wonder he dared to come alone.

   In today's world, Truman will never be able to cultivate the invincible courage to be the number one in the world, but with the help of the golden eagle national fortune, it is equivalent to this step in disguise.

  Because in the past hundreds of years, the Golden Eagle Kingdom has dominated the ocean, and before the real rise of Daxuan, it was the world's first place.

   Ascending to the top of the Golden Eagle, he will certainly be able to develop his own momentum with the help of this national fortune.


   It sounded like a thousand collisions, and the sound of the wind roaring around was a pause, and it seemed to be overwhelmed.


   With a cracking brocade, Potter descended from the air and fell in front of the mountain, step by step backwards, every step like a hammering drum.

   was blown by the wind for several months, and the ground more familiar than concrete was turned over by stepping on, and countless sand was taken away by the wind, filling a large void.


   Truman landed at the same time, his figure swayed slightly, but he stabilized his figure and stopped shooting, but his eyes were a little cold:

   "Tai Chi Sanshou?"

  Zhan Mo's Heart Sutra is heavy, Tai Chi is heavy, and he has found something wrong when he fights against it.

   Potter's punch has actually changed.

   The former Porter, who studied Baijia styles of boxing, was never limited to any boxing method, and was more suitable for modern human combat.

   But at this time, every one of his moves contains Tai Chi. This is what he learned from that Mr. An...

   As early as three years ago in the big dream, he learned of the identity of Mr. Ann in the dream from somewhere, and even sold it to the government of various countries...

   "In the ancient Daxuan, there was a way to help the dragon court to practice cultivation, but unfortunately, if you gamble on the fortune of the country with your own body, Zhuge is still going to die, how can you?"


   Potter shook his arm and looked cold. Although his clothes were damaged, he didn't show the slightest embarrassment.

   "I have studied the principles of Tai Chi. One yin and one yang are the Tao. There is no enduring prosperity. Daxuan has prospered for thousands of years. After thousands of years, it should have been Western Qi.

  One hundred years of dreams, enough for anyone to study other theories, Truman obviously did not learn martial arts alone:

   "How do you know I can't succeed?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Perhaps?"

   Potter just shook his head, ignored Truman, and glanced at Chu Fan and Gu Changsheng lightly: "Mr. An has been waiting for you for a long time."

   Chu Fan and Gu Changsheng looked at each other, and both nodded, heading towards Tianlian Mountain.

   From the perspective of the two people, it is natural to see the inside story of Potter and Truman's fight. Potter doesn't care about everything. When he pushes, he retreats, while Truman advances or retreats.

   Although it appears that Truman has the upper hand, if you want to beat Potter under the prying eyes of Qinglong, Baihu, Wang Zhixuan and others, it is obviously impossible.

   The two left.

  Wang Zhixuan has taken a step forward~www.ltnovel.com~ The breath is like a knife cut through the wind and waves, the eyes of the blue dragon and the white tiger are also locked on Truman.

   The war is about to happen.


   The celestial phenomena near the Tianlian Mountain are very strange, but in this swift wind, except for one-minded view, there is nothing left of vegetation, snow, and even some gravel and dust.

   Gu Changsheng and Chu Fan were naturally dissatisfied with the speed. Almost at the same time when the battle started under the mountain, they had already reached the top of the mountain and looked ahead.

   The clear light here is like a waterfall, which surrounds everything on the top of the mountain and is beautiful.

   From this view, you can see Su Jie sitting cross-legged in the Taoist temple, and An Qisheng sitting on the mottled Taoist platform with his hand touching his palm.


   is really a preacher?

   Gu Changsheng and Chu Fan's hearts moved, recalling what Potter had said before, and had guessed.

   Suddenly, in the mood of the two Chu Fan, they couldn't help but jump. They looked up, but only felt that there seemed to be a vast sea of ​​stars and endless Taoism in the quiet light.

   Suddenly, he fell into a dream, and his expression couldn't help but be in a trance.

   "Mr. Ann..."

   Chu Fan was in a trance, he heard a calm voice coming from the Taoist temple:

   "I know your intentions, but fire and water are compatible, let alone those who dream are born among mortals?"

   In the divine light, An Qisheng raised his eyes and looked at Gu Changsheng and Chu Fan:

   "The lonely yin does not grow, and the lonely yang does not grow. The two are each other's roots, both external and internal. It is human nature for the party to fight against differences. Tolerance is great but heaven's "dao"..."

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