Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 770: Cut 3 corpses?

The vast sea of ​​stars, go through it in one day!

what is that? !

  Mr. Di and the others who saw this scene via satellite were all chills.

   With the speed and size of that ‘fireball’, just passing by the solar system, I’m afraid it could set off a riot in the entire solar system.

   "Is that the reason Mr. An wants to push away from Xuanxing?"

   Looking at An Qisheng in front of the stars, Feng Mingtao clenched his fists and muttered to himself.

   His mood was a bit agitated, even hard to control himself.

   The huge conference room was silent for a while, as if frozen, and fell into dead silence.

   After a long while, Mr. Di asked Ying Long:

   "Why didn't Skyeye detect the'fireball'?"

   In the three years of the Big Dream, the ‘Sky Eye’ built by Daxuan and other countries has been completely completed. The new celestial eye has gathered the most advanced instruments from various countries, and its detection capabilities far exceed those built by previous countries.

   The fireball's momentum was so great that the place it passed by was simply broken.

   How can the sky eye fail to detect?

   Ying Long did not answer, and it cannot answer this question, because it is beyond the scope of its data database.

   The development of mankind for nearly ten thousand years seems to have reached an unprecedented peak, but even on the mysterious star, there are still not enough insights.

   Not to mention the mysteries in the universe.

   "When will the fireball reach the solar system?"

   Qinglong looked up, his expression awe-inspiring.

"Three years later......"

   Yinglong paused, and then replied: "The data is estimated to be after we completely left the solar system, the solar system at that time..."

   Yinglong’s voice stopped abruptly, but the disorder of the magnetic field made its voice distorted, but everyone understood its meaning.


   Many people in the conference room were shocked. When they looked at each other, they couldn't help but a touch of complicated emotions rose in their hearts.

   Things in the world won’t all be so coincidental, unless...

   looked at Xinghai again, including the few dreamers who had the most opinions before, could not help but feel ashamed and worried.

   But there was another doubt in my heart.

   Mysterious Star has completely derailed, and with the help of many celestial bodies to pull and rotate, it will only move away at a faster and faster speed.

  Mr. An, why don’t you leave?



   Lingling squally wind roared on the top of Tianlian Mountain.

  The clear light of Tianlian Mountain is bare, and there is no one-minded view and no damage.

In Taoist Temple, in front of a mottled Huangni Taoist platform, three people sat cross-legged, closing their eyes and concentrating.

   Gu Changsheng, Chu Fan, Su Jie...

   The world was turned upside down by violent winds and thunderstorms, but Potter didn't realize it, just silently watching the three young people in front of him.

   These three outstanding young people from his current gaze have fallen into a deep level of concentration in a layer of shining light.

   The aura in the void turned into a breeze visible to the naked eye, whirled and swallowed into the nose of the three people.

   If there is no aura, even if the physique of the three of them is beyond the ordinary, such a long meditation will inevitably be broken, but with aura.

   After a long journey into concentration, the vitality and aura of the three of them not only did not weaken at all, they even improved greatly.

   faintly, a deep transformation is taking place.

   practicing martial arts changed physique and spirit inside and outside, but the three of them turned over at this time, warming up the body with spirit, in order to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.

   Potter watched quietly, and felt that he could not experience what the three of them experienced, but he could simulate the changes in their bodies.

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   "My heart is like a sword, and it is invincible..."

   In the gloomy nihility, a pure light tears through the night, although it only flashes and disappears, it has illuminated this gloomy and emptiness.

   Chu Fan's will broke away from the endless distracting messages, his thoughts are just a move, and all distracting thoughts have been cut off.

   At this moment, all the past events pass by, and disappear like clouds.

   At this time, if anyone outside looks at it, he will see that Chu Fan's spirit is as transparent as colored glaze, and there is no half of it like impurities.

   Only its essence, but its purity.


   At this time, another ray of light flashed out of the gloomy nothingness.

   That is a light deeper than the gloom!

   gloomy flickering, there are thousands of colors just now, I saw the infinite and complex colors moving around the dark and winding light.

   gradually condensed into a very complicated ancient picture, its shape resembles Tai Chi, gossip, and chessboard, but it is not black and white like Tai Chi, but a mixture of thousands of colors.

   is like a kaleidoscope, making people dizzy at first glance.

   "Mr. Xiaogu..."

   As soon as Chu Fan's divine intent moved, he saw that the kaleidoscope-like complex picture dimmed and disappeared, showing the pure and powerful will of the ancient Changsheng.

   Compared to himself, Gu Changsheng's will is more powerful.

   If he says that he takes the essence and takes one, he takes everything and takes everything, which are two completely different paths.

   "Chu Fan..."

   Gu Changsheng seemed to have a slight trance, and immediately recalled what had happened.

   What surprised him was that Chu Fan actually coexisted with him.


   Gu Changsheng and Chu Fan were about to communicate when they suddenly heard a long buzzing sound in the void.

   looked at it intently.

   I saw an inexplicable ray of light flickering in the nothingness, and an incomparably perfect and subtle human meridian diagram was outlined in the vertical and horizontal interweaving.

   But this is by no means an ordinary human meridian diagram.

   as large as the limbs and facial features, as small as the capillaries, and even the smallest ‘particles’ that make up the flesh are vividly outlined.

   Even under the observation of the two, this human body meridian diagram, operating like a living thing, seems to be a real human body.


   Su Jie’s spirit slowly condenses:

   "As long as all flesh and blood creatures, there is no ‘essence, energy and spirit’ in cultivation. The three are very distinct, but they all lead to the same goal. Any one going to the end will inevitably involve the other two..."

   Su Jie whispered in his heart, and the spirit that has been baptized for many years has become lively again: "Essence and spirit, fellow practitioners can do it, just move forward, it may not be a great way..."

   He seems to have a big dream.

   In his dream, he seemed to have experienced a lot, a lot, but what he remembered in his heart at this time was only about the practice.

   This kind of method of teaching is extremely clever. It is no longer a heart-to-heart, but everything that needs to be taught is embedded in the ‘soul’.

   No matter how many years have passed, I will never forget it.

   "The way to gather the top of the three flowers is extremely complete, however, there is still room for supplement..."

   Su Jie's heart moved.

   The human meridian diagram he sketched out of the emptiness has gleamed light, and in the end, it turned into four.

   Three shadows that seemed the same but never the same were drawn out of the emptiness.

   "Red flower, white lotus root, green lotus leaf, Sanjiao turned out to be a family! Sanhua gathering is not the end..."

   Thinking back to the three ‘deity’s’ that he had seen, Su Jie had enlightenment in his heart, but also a little disappointed. His first thought of this method was to give back to Mr. Jing An.

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   "Mr. Ann may have already embarked on this road..."

   Spiritual energy, first parallel.

   choose one of the three to practice, and finally converge in one. This step can be called the "three flowers gathering the top".

   However, the same flow of spirit, energy and spirit, is still not unified.

   The true unity should be the conversion of spirit, energy and spirit, the body can produce ‘qi’ and ‘shen’, and ‘shen’ can be transformed into ‘essence’ and ‘qi’...

   "In this step of cultivation, you need to cut the barriers of ‘essence’, ‘qi’, and ‘shen’, and slay the old obstacles, in order to obtain a new life. Perhaps it can be called ‘slashing the three corpses’...

   After summarizing all the gains in the big dream, Su Jie looked around.

   Then, I saw the will of Chu Fan and Gu Changsheng.

   can't help but slightly startled.

   Big dreams for many years, he has gained a lot, and his spirit is transformed. The moment he saw the divine will of the two, he faintly felt the great traction.

   The aura of these two people, or fate, seems to be in harmony with themselves...

   At the same time, Chu Fan and Gu Changsheng had the same thoughts in their hearts.

   Suddenly, the minds of all three of them moved.



   Invisible to the naked eye but there are ubiquitous fields that slowly gather around his body, and finally turn into a floating platform, carrying his body.

   This is the field where he spreads towards the solar system with the mysterious star as the center. Although the mysterious star has left, the Qi field has not yet dispersed.


   On the Daotai platform, An Qi was sitting down, calmly, as if nothing had happened before.

   He looked far away, and faintly, he could already see the ‘fireball’ coming from the depths of the sea of ​​stars, and the aura surrounding it.

That is......


   The fireball has a massive amount of "sun and moon", and its speed is extremely fast, UU reading www.uukanshu. com didn't even have the slightest sign, as if he broke into his field of vision suddenly.

The word    comes from, the meteorite smashed by it, and the debris of asteroids pulled out a star belt with a length of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of miles behind him.

   Its power is endless and magnificent!

   And An Qisheng looked sideways the most, paying attention to the aura overflowing from the blazing fireball.

   ‘Aura’ is not unique, it is all-encompassing, and all the ‘extraordinary particles’ that are active and can be used by humans are all Auras.

   Of course, there are different kinds of spirits, and the differences are extremely obvious. Even far away from the stars, he can still perceive the demon energy that surrounds the violently burning and exploding ‘sphere’.

   In the sea of ​​stars without aura, its existence is like the sparks that light up in the night when you can't see your fingers. It's not very eye-catching, but you can see it at a glance.

   Where does the evil spirit come from?

   Gazing at the sea of ​​stars, An Qisheng's eyes were dark.

   Its Tao is like Tai Chi, yin and yang interact with each other, and it is so powerful that it pushes the four fields horizontally, laughs at the nine-day courage, and if there is no strength, it can avoid its edge and hope for the future.

   But what is coming may not have the power to let him flee without a fight.

   As his mind turned, he slowly closed his eyes, and began to gather the power of the ‘sangchang’ scattered around him to bless and repair his body.

   "The primordial deity transforms the sword, the Qi becomes Promise, the method of cutting the three corpses..."

   Until a certain moment, An Qisheng's heart suddenly moved, as if the essence of Taoism flowed through his heart.


   He moved in his heart and fixed himself on the method of ‘cutting the three corpses’:

   "Cut the three corpses..."

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