Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 772: Earth fairy world


The starry sky is boiling, and the voice is shaking!

The infinite rays of light surging horizontally and horizontally with the overwhelming cosmic rays, seem to boil the entire solar system!

The terrifying tide swept across the starry sky and slapped everywhere. In an instant, countless space junk was vaporized and disappeared, and countless meteorites of different sizes disintegrated.

Under the frenzy swept across, the planets in the solar system were completely disrupted, tumbling in disorder and chaos like marbles thrown by a urchin.

Until it collides in the terrifying light, disintegrates, becomes space junk, and is completely submerged again!


After several years of extreme escape, the mysterious star that escaped from the far space was also affected and shocked by this shocking collision!

Large tracts of glaciers collapsed, ice and snow melted, vaporized, and then the atmosphere danced and collided, giving rise to boundless thunderstorms.

Rays, lights, thunderstorms, and downpours, all imaginable and unimaginable celestial phenomena seem to appear on the mysterious star at the same time!

Under the terrifying vibration, countless glaciers collapsed, and terrible heavy rain poured down, setting off a tsunami that covered the sky.

The bottom crust is also shaking, and the continental shelf is shifted.

Even the humans who had moved to the underground base felt the shock of terror at this time, and the huge and incompatible fear gave birth to one after another harsh screams.

"Sun, did the sun explode?!"

In the shocking celestial phenomena, countless dreamers were discolored for it, never expected that they had escaped such a long distance and were still affected.

This is because the moon bears most of the oppression. Otherwise, if this wave swept, Xuan Xing might stop turning again?

"Qi Cun? Yuanyang God?"

In the terrifying wind and rain, Chu Fan stared into the sky, smashing the countless ice blocks blown by the wind, with a terrifying expression.

What kind of power can transmit sound through the vacuum to such a long distance?

Who is this Qi Cun?

Who is Yuanyang God?


The sky and the earth are still breaking apart, even though there is isolation from the field, the earth is still shaking violently, and the continents are being pushed by the invisible and terrifying force.

Seems to collide with each other?

"Not good"

Su Jie's heart was also dignified, a little frightened, this collision might not be enough to destroy the mysterious star, but if the mysterious star rolls off, humans are afraid that nine out of ten will be destroyed.

But even if he understands something and increases his strength, how can he affect the collision in the starry sky hundreds of thousands of miles away?

Even this terrifying sound wave can't resist!

Among the major base cities, Qinglong, White Tiger, Truman, Fengmingtao, Jialouluo, Xue Zheng, Daoist Juechen, and others are all discolored.

Even Ying Long did not calculate at all that the unknown ‘celestial body’ could suddenly accelerate and crash into the solar system ahead of time.

It can even hit the sun even when the speed has changed!

"Solar System"

Mr. Di's face trembled frantically, watching the more and more violent collisions in the distant sea of ​​stars, it was hard to hide the shock in his heart.

What about the solar system that has been so terrifying and bears the brunt of it?

"Mr. An, where's Mr. An?!"

After the shock, Bai Hu's expression changed again, remembering An Qisheng who was still in the solar system.

But without all the satellites, even Ying Long couldn't capture the scene in space at all.

"Mr. Ann"

Feeling the terrifying aftermath of the collision, everyone's heart sank involuntarily, and couldn't help but worry and fear.

The distance is so far and yet so.

If Xuan Xing did not leave the solar system, everyone would be dead forever!

"Mr. Eternal"

In the hurricane, Xu Hongyun struggled to get up. He ignored the collapsed bases under the violent wind.

All the spirit, all the eyesight, are all gathered in the place where the colliding light blooms.

After more than a hundred years of cultivation, his celestial and human aura technique has been superbly transformed, and with the spiritual energy enough to stimulate, he has faintly seen the endless distance of the collision of stars and seas.


At this moment, a sound that also followed the light wave also resounded above the overwhelming mysterious star, in the starry sky:

"You, want to see me?"


In the boiling space where light and rays are intertwined, a blue light leaps into the sky like a sword, emptying out howling rays of light, cutting through the violent tidal rays.

Then, the four rays of light of yellow, red, black and white also rose up.

The five lights and colors seem to be in sequence, but in fact they rise into the sky at the same time, like a giant fan unfolding, blocking the roaring light and the tide in space.


The mighty five-color divine light in the sky opens its mouth like a giant beast, and the whale swallows the billowing divine light, rays, and even various light and hot tides.

In the end, it was accompanied by a divine tremor.

An Qisheng's figure once again appeared on the platform that was submerged by divine light.

Among the five-color intertwined divine light, his aura is more radiant than divine light, and his mighty blood seems to be hotter than the burning of the sun.

Compared with his strong blood, his spirit suddenly dropped a lot, and his eyes were not as gorgeous as the blood.

But it was the first time to urge the ‘three-way exchange’ method, and the terrible influence of the Terrible Land, so much consumption.

Ten cannot be one.


An Qisheng slowly exhaled a suffocating breath while sticking out his palm.

The so-called ‘pay-call’, which is shaped like an ancient book but has infinite textures on it, shoots out from the boiling and bursting light.

In a collision, the huge fireball and the sun trembled, and even turned into gas and dissipated.

However, this volume of "Bei Tie" is completely undamaged, and its miraculousness can be seen.

The intertwined textures on it formed the Daowen he was very familiar with. This is the word "Feng Tian Lu" in the dragon eclipse world.

"Feng Tianlu? You just use it to isolate your aura from leaking out, so that this so-called ‘pay-call’ comes suddenly, right?"

An Qisheng stared into the distance and spoke lightly.

There is no medium in the vacuum, but it does not affect his Qi field transmission. He pronounces it and has his own Qi field for transmission.

At this time, the terrifying collision of the solar system was still spreading, boiling, and even getting worse, but the moment Feng Tianlu fell into his hands.

It was the first time that he saw the ‘Giant Demon’ that came from riding on Russell in the distant space.


The moment he saw the giant monster, An Qisheng's eyes also glowed like water at the same time:

[Consumption of 7 million points of power (10 times consumption without branding, 10 times consumption for secret treasure isolation)]

[Qi Cun: 87564/? 】

[Fate Track One: Born in the "Earth Immortal Realm" "Xihezhou" "Nether Back Yin Mountain" in the "Emperor Heaven's Six Dao Realm", the "Huang" of the "Emperor Tian Ten Morals"!

It is born with the world to the poison, it can poison the dragon at first birth, and it can poison the heaven and the earth when it is born, it is infected with the inspiration, and the entanglement exists. If the middle one does not die, it will never die.

He is the poisonous lord of the "Earth Immortal Realm" demon clan of the six emperor heavens, a giant monster born from the collision between the earth immortal realm and the earthly realm (one twin, one immortal, one long earth). He is mad and has swallowed one hundred thousand emperor courts. Heavenly Soldier

[Cause of death: The trolls killed the sky in the battle for the emperor's court to control the sky and the God of War. The corpse was divided into ninety-nine, and the town was divided under the ninety-nine mountain.]

[Evaluation: four stars! 】

A tall four-star giant monster!

An Qisheng's eyes moved unpredictably, but he remembered that the most violent "Huang Tian Shi Shi" in the human world is called "虺".

Suppressed by black and white impermanence in the nether for many years.

One twin, it means that when the emperor and heaven collide with the real world, two ends are born at the same time, one is the evil human realm, and the other is the immortal world?

But why did he suddenly descend on Xuanxing?

Was it a coincidence, or was sent here?

It is a pity that the level of this giant monster is too high. If you want to see its fate trajectory two, it will consume a full 70 million points without being branded.

When An Qisheng thought about it, the starry sky shook wildly like a piece of paper, and a icy current overflowed from the starry sky.

It blew across the small half of the solar system in an instant.

This cold current is extremely terrifying, a cosmic spectacle that is even more terrifying than the collision of two stars, the boundless boiling and bursting flames, unexpectedly extinguished under this cold current!

"That pamphlet is called Feng Tian Lu, a treasure of law and principle intertwined, and it is reasonable to be able to pass through your realm at this time without seeing through."

Amidst the ripples of the void, Qi Cun straddled Russell with a hideous look and shuttled to him.

In an instant, the cold current that roared through the space became more than ten times stronger.

In an instant, even the five-color gleam in front of An Qi's life seemed to be frozen!

He also squeezed back the three big characters of Russell's "short-lived species".


The space seems to be stuck in complete stagnation.

Across the starry sky, the two looked at each other.

An Qisheng's expression was subtle and surprised. His breath was agitated, and his heart was shaking. It was difficult to suppress his heart throbbing for a while.

It was precisely because he felt the restlessness in the latter's heart that An Qisheng was surprised.

He seemed extremely jealous of himself.

"You seem to recognize me?"

An Qisheng stared slightly, his calm aura rippled, but he thought of the six mysterious existences outside the gloomy universe that played against the starry sky poster and others.

"Your power, no one knows, no one knows, your name must be remembered by the world"

Qi Cun stared deeply at the Taoist platform under An Qisheng, with a respectful and polite expression. He did not seem to be a giant monster of the world, but a gentleman in mundane learning.

"This this"

Russell's hideous expression froze, UU reading www.uukanshu.com felt the compliments and even praises from the heart, and suddenly he felt bad, even unbelievable.

No one knows, no one knows, the world will remember?

Such a title, even in his clan, only a few elders can have it.

This short-lived species?

An Qisheng raised his brows, and his voice was indifferent: "If I am like what you said, where would you have the courage to meet me? Huh?"

"Don't dare, but have to come."

Qi Cun's attitude became more and more courteous, but his aura became more and more tyrannical, and he didn't even care about the rejection of all foreign spirits in the Land of Absolute Soul.

Until it is filled, the entire solar system is frozen:

"Now, there is a way before you. That is

kill me! "

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