Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 780: Bodhi

"Perhaps it is because the former two impermanences were two people. Those who have learned their Fa and Dao are mostly two people..."

After saying this, Zen Master Gu Yue returned to his seat: "The two did not directly take action, but they wanted to spy on the prince in secret, maybe..."

"This king hasn't taken action for many years, so where do they get the opportunity to spy on this king's methods?"

King Zhenhai tapped his finger on the back of the chair, his smile a little chilly:

"Then I will give them a chance to see what kind of masters my brother Wang has invited!"


Being a man is not easy, but being a tree is equally hard.

A dying old tree, more so.

Adapting to a tree is of course nothing for An Qisheng, but when there is no idea, when the seeds and even others are available, the debilitating soul makes this process extremely tormenting.

People and trees do not have any similarities in themselves, let alone trees in other worlds, and the world is different, and their composition is even more different.

The Bodhi tree does not exist as a so-called central nervous system, but it also has a similar ‘system’.

For several days, An Qisheng was slowly transforming the Bodhi tree instead of adapting to a tree by himself.

This is not difficult.

Whether it is a plant or an animal, there is no difference in its most subtle composition, only the operation and arrangement are different.

Affecting this arrangement can achieve a preliminary material transformation, which has already been mastered by An Qisheng in the world of Wanyang.

It's just that he didn't want to be exposed before catching the black hand behind the scenes.

Regardless of the emperor world, this immortal world alone can already allow a five-star supreme, a peerless figure, Gautama to close his eyes and enter Nirvana. Of course, he will not have no scruples.

While transforming the Bodhi tree, An Qisheng did not stop thinking, and couldn't help deducing the best choice he could do next.

Thousands of things are rare to explore, but An Qisheng has always been a lonely person.

"Mr. Monster, you, have you come to another world again?"

At this time, the three-hearted blue spirit boy awakened from his dream: "Then, what about that python, python?"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy was born in information, not a creature in a sense, and was the most suitable existence to accompany dreams besides the royal sword.

Only when he was dreaming, An Qisheng was able to stay awake, but the little blue monster was about to fall asleep.

But the reason why he was so long in a coma this time was because of the impact of the bright light of the giant monster.

"Probably dead."

An Qisheng came back to his senses. The three-hearted blue spirit boy had already poked his head out of the reincarnation cave sky, looked at the black hole of the tree, and was taken aback:

"Mr. Monster, you, how did you become a tree? And, your soul..."

The three-hearted blue spirit boy was taken aback.

His family was cursed by the Nightmare Hydra and could not practice at all, but he followed An Qi for a long time, and naturally it was impossible for him to lose sight of the weakness of his soul.

"A lot of things happened after that, I couldn't explain it clearly in a word."

An Qisheng replied, sensing the three-hearted blue spirit boy, he couldn't help but move in his heart: "You..."

Perhaps it was dark under the lamp. He hadn't thought of the three-hearted blue spirit boy when he thought about it before. At this time, he saw this little blue monster, but his heart couldn't help but move.

Regardless of the reason for not being able to contact the extraordinary spirit machine, the existence of this three-hearted blue soul boy is also independent of the spirit machine.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling the fluctuations in An Qisheng's mood, Sanxinlan Lingtong suddenly felt something wrong, even frightened.

"Before, I forgot about you..."

A ripple appeared in An Qisheng's heart, and the struggling three-hearted blue spirit boy was enveloped by a movement of the soul.

While the latter yelled, he began to perceive the inner core of the three-hearted blue spirit boy.

Faintly, he felt that his way of breaking the game would fall on this little guy.


The return of Miss Qiao's family made Zhenhai Prince's Mansion lively for several days. Zhenhai King held a banquet for many days and invited gentry from Manchuria and even some big businessmen to visit the mansion.

The whole city is congratulating the birth of the little prince.

For seven days in a row, the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was full of hustle and bustle, until midnight it was brightly lit and people came and went.

The aroma of wine and vegetables is a variety of congratulatory messages, the wine makes one after another, and the guests enjoy themselves, which can be described as very lively.


Qin Honghai hiccuped his wine, staggered to his feet, and didn't forget to take the wine glass before he left and drank it, before he staggered away amidst the applause of his colleagues.

Qin Honghai was the first soldier of Zhenhai King Qiao Mo Ke and retired to the border with him. Now he is one of the instructors of the Qiao family.

He is extremely talented and born extremely tall, sitting taller than an ordinary man standing, with strong muscles and bones, although his cultivation is not high, he is also very famous in the Qiao Family Nursing Home.


After leaving the banquet, Qin Honghai's slightly muddy eyes condensed as soon as the cold wind blew, but where was he still half drinking?

He looked around and saw many colleagues stationed in the shadows.

The night banquet in the palace is loose on the outside but tight on the inside. It is not only the guardian of the palace, but also the master scouts transferred from the frontier army.

At this time, hiding in the shadows, protecting the safety of the palace.

The Qijin yard of the palace is not comparable to the Qijin yard of ordinary merchants. It occupies a huge area, and the houses seem to extend in all directions.

There are thousands of guards.


Qin Honghai yawned, walked into the shadows, took the position of his colleague, his eyes pierced, staring at the surroundings, and waited. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Of course he didn't know who the enemy was, and he might make the whole palace so solemn, how could he dare to neglect.

Unfortunately, until late at night, the lights in the front hall gradually went out, and there was no movement.

Not to mention the enemy, not even a bird.

However, Qin Honghai didn't dare to take it lightly. Qiao Sheng's methods were so harsh that he was afraid that he would be beaten to death.


At this time, Qin Honghai's heart moved, and he heard Ruoyoruowu's movement.


Sweeping attentively, he saw that on the branch of the old Bodhi tree in front of him, a golden cicada gnawing on the leaves was flapping its wings.

"This golden cicada..."

Qin Honghai's heart moved, but he saw the strangeness of this golden cicada.

Lingyun Golden Cicada is not a rare worm, it is non-toxic and has no strange supernatural powers, and because it reproduces fast, has good meat quality, and lives by accumulating aura, it is very popular with some gluttons.

However, the ordinary Lingyun Golden Cicada is no more than a finger, and the one in front of me is the size of a baby's fist.

He loves to drink alcohol and eat meat all his life. Looking at it at this time, his throat can't help but wriggle.

Such a big aura golden cicada is no less than a ‘qi gathering pill’.

"It's hard for your little thing to grow so big, just let Lao Tzu bear it!"

With a soft murmur, Qin Honghai reached out, trying to catch the frightened Jin Chan.

But unexpectedly heard the sound of breaking through the air above his head.


Qin Honghai was shocked. Before he had time to attack, he just heard a loud roar in his mind, and he fell to the ground like a jade pillar.

At the last moment of falling to the ground, he was in a daze, only to see the culprit who stunned himself.

That is a fist-sized ‘Bodhi’.

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