Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 787: Legend staged

"Slower, slower."

Seeing the shaky little bit, Qiao Ci'er smiled softly.


The little guy waved his arm, and suddenly he sat on the ground, staring blankly at the linden tree in front of him.

He was still very free and curious about everything, but at this time he sat still, as if the old tree in front of him had a powerful attraction to him.

The air fell silent at this moment.

A young child, an old tree, there was an unspeakable harmony at this moment, and a feeling of inexplicability filled the small courtyard.


Qiao Ci'er picked up nice eyebrows, and there was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes: "No wonder the master said that the younger brother is related to the Buddha..."

The little man fell in front of the tree and said nothing, but inexplicably gave her a sense of peace and harmony.

In a daze, there seemed to be a sense of seeing the great virtues of Buddhism.

Although the illusion just passed by, Qiao Ci'er was still a little surprised and couldn't help but stop and didn't step forward to pick up the little guy.


While the little guy stared at the Bodhi tree blankly, An Qisheng was also looking at the future Supreme Enlightened Being who was born within two days.

His talents are amazing, he has great luck, even if he is still in a state of ignorance, he actually noticed his own strangeness.

However, that's all, even though this little guy is the supreme one in the future, it is absolutely impossible to find him at this time.

Being able to find the difference in oneself is only the result of his aura.

As for the aura, he crossed the realms, and he who had been pressing for a lifetime, naturally also had the aura.

It was his aura that Gautama could see himself, and on the first day he dreamed of this world, he could see this future supreme enlightened being born. Isn't it his own aura?

You know, not to mention the other Dao of Emperor Tian, ​​just this immortal Dao, four seas, four continents and six heavens, there are more than a trillion creatures.

Is there no reason to see each other?

"This little guy is an excellent cultivation seedling. Does Mr. Monster want to accept disciples..." The three-hearted blue spirit boy looked up at the little guy.

It has seen too many people and civilizations, and at a glance can see the gift of this transparent little guy.

"Accept disciples?"

An Qisheng was noncommittal, but he had no intention of accepting disciples in his heart.

The child in front of him is not an ordinary person, but a supreme enlightened person who will inevitably follow his own path, even a master of Buddhism in this world.

The purpose of accepting disciples is to be able to preach and resolve doubts, and I may not be able to teach him. At this time, accepting disciples may have great cause and effect in the future.

"Don't you want to accept him as a disciple?" The Sanxin Lan Lingtong was a little startled, and could faintly detect the solemnity in An Qisheng's heart.

I underestimated how much he valued the child.

"Why accept disciples?"

An Qisheng shook his head inwardly.

However, although he has no desire to accept disciples, for him, it is a great advantage to be able to witness the path of a supreme enlightened being. Why bother to block and encourage others?

Not to mention, in terms of the destiny trajectory seen in the Taoist picture, this one is bound to have a great conflict with the Six Saints.

In fact, having a dazzling and powerful person in front of him who can attract all the attention is of great benefit to him looking for the person hidden in the dark.

He didn't want to take advantage of others by accepting disciples. On the contrary, he wanted to make a fair deal with him.


An Qisheng thought, and among the luxuriant branches, a Bodhi seed fell silently.


In the small courtyard, the sound of cicadas' cries suddenly became loud, attracting Qiao Ci'er's eyes.

She lifted her head slightly, and she saw a fat golden cicada that had eaten frightened and sprang out, shaking its wings and making a deep thunderous buzzing sound.

"This Lingyun Golden Cicada has the breath of an old man?"

Qiao Ci'er was a little surprised, and she lifted her white palm up and gently pinched the golden cicada in her hand. She was a little surprised: "Daddy has the childlike innocence of raising cicadas?"


Almost at the same time, a green Bodhi seed fell from the sky and fell on Jomoco's forehead with few lanugo hairs, making a clear sound.


Qiao Ci'er let go of the golden cicada and stepped forward, shocked. He didn't notice the fall of this bodhi child?

She was about to pick up the bodhi seed, when she heard a milky voice calling herself: "Ah, sister."

Qiao Ci'er was shocked.

I saw my little brother's chubby little hand grasping the bodhi, and looking back at him, with a pure smile on his slightly rounded face:

"Me, mine."

"Brother, you can talk now?"

Qiao Ci'er picked up the little guy with an incredible fat face pulling him.

It is not surprising that Gautama would walk the next day after she was born, because her mother was pregnant for nine years, and she had taken many miraculous medicines.

But I can talk the next day...

"Yes, it will."

The little guy nodded, with curiosity on his white and round face, he couldn't help squeezing the Bodhi that was about the size of his fist in his hand.

"My little brother was born extraordinary, and he will have great achievements in the future."

Qiao Ci'er took a deep breath, gently touched the soft little face of her little brother, and smiled gently.

Although a little surprised, there shouldn't be any problems with my brother.

After all, this is the talent that my master has praised.

The little guy did not speak anymore, holding the Bodhi Zi, and fell asleep as if tired.

Qiao Ci'er shook her head, hugged her little brother and left. Before leaving, she glanced at the old tree.

Among the lush branches and leaves, there is nothing but the frightened golden cicada. Under the vigorous appearance, it seems that it has been decayed.

More importantly, there are no other Bodhi seeds on this Bodhi tree.

"What did Mr. Monster do?"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy is confused: "Do you want to enlighten him?"

"It's just a ray of imprint, it's not about enlightening."

Seeing the two people drifting away and listening to the cicadas screaming, An Qisheng's heart moved slightly and fell into silence again.

There are some things he needs to use Gautama's hands to complete, but whether he accepts it or not depends on his own choice.

It's just that Gautama is still young, even if he is born extraordinary, and his mind is immature. If he imposes influence at this time, how is it different from bullying?



One after another, the sound of firecrackers sounded in Linxi City, breaking the calm of the early morning.

In the ‘Customer Zhailai’ restaurant where wisps of smoke rose, a wealthy businessman from afar opened the window on the third floor, and saw gongs and drums beating everywhere, and he was a little surprised:

"Little Zhen, go find out what happened."

A young boy dressed as a book boy nodded when he heard the words, moved slightly, and left the door.

It didn't take long to have returned.

"Master, some people are asking God..."

The book boy replied: "A few days ago, a statue of a **** named'Giant Spirit' came from Zhenhai Prince's Mansion. I heard that this **** has supernatural powers. You only need to bathe and burn incense and bow your head sincerely. ....."

"Giant Spirit God?"

The arrogant merchant stroked his beard, slightly surprised: "Worshiping the gods to get the help of the gods can speed up the practice? Is there such a thing?"

"The ordinary people naturally believed in the things that came out of the Zhenhai King's Mansion. After all, that person is the ‘Second King’ of Qitang Country."

The book boy murmured, and there was a lot of teasing in his tone.

"Okay! If this is the case, you are not allowed to say it in Linxi City, otherwise it will be heard, and you and I will die."

The man dressed up by the wealthy merchant glanced at the book boy and warned: "During this period of time, there have been changes in the guards of the towns. We need to leave as soon as possible."

"Linxi City has already been under martial law. It's not that easy for us to leave?"

The book boy shook his head: "Not just us, but several other companies have been stranded in Linxicheng for many days..."

As soon as his face was torn, Jomoco no longer had any scruples in his actions.

With Linxi City as the center, the entire Nanhua Road and even the guarding troops of the two nearby eighteen cities have changed.

As a general who once commanded the whole country, destroyed the kingdoms, and took over half of the territory of the Qitang Kingdom, it was natural that the King of Zhenhai was jealous of Qitang Kingdom for no reason.

"The news has been sent, and whether I can retreat is no longer the key, not to mention that it is not without a chance..."

The wealthy merchant looked to the north of the city, and between the smoke and smoke, there was a restaurant that was as high as the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion: "The master of Shenfeng Dao, but he is already a little impatient..."


"Giant Spirit God? Brother Zhao, what are you saying about Jomoco?"

Lin An sat leaning against the window, UU reading www.uukanshu.com overlooking the city, slightly contemplative.

"Xiankelou" is the first restaurant in Linxi, from this perspective, you can see the whole city.

Naturally, we can also see the places where firecrackers are burning, the gods who are greeted by families in red silk.


An elegant middle-aged and young man knocked on the desk, with thoughts in his eyes: "I have never heard of any gods who knock on their heads can be assisted by gods, and their power is endless, so why support these mortals?"

"Otherwise. I have met Qiaomo Ke. He may not be the first in Kaitang, but his fighting skills are extremely high, and he is not his opponent."

Lin An's eyes were faint, as if crossing the sky to see the statue of the deity: "How can such a general in the life of a military horse believe in a god? It must be a real miracle, otherwise it won't be the case."

Lin Anxia looked calm, but thoughtful in her heart.

He knew very well what kind of person Jomoco was. Such a person would only believe in himself and could not place hope on the gods.

"Whether there is a miracle, you can tell at a glance, why bother to guess in vain?"

The elegant middle-aged Zhao Changlin smiled faintly: "Jomo Ke has made up his mind to rebel, and you and I naturally don't need to care so much."

"That's what it says..."

Lin Anxia suddenly hesitated. It wasn't that the world was simply jealous of Jomoco, but that if this idol was really an image of a true god.

To spy on oneself may offend the gods.

Different from ordinary folks, their divine style is a big sect that can listen to oracles, and naturally knows how terrifying a fairy **** is.


Zhao Changlin smiled indifferently, his eyes lowered, as if piercing through the void, fixed on a deity somewhere on the long street:

"Brother Lin had scruples, so he asked Zhao to try what this so-called giant spirit **** is!"

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