Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 791: Dare to ask the sky, are there gods?

uninvited guest.....

Hearing the calm but domineering words of the old Taoist priest, Qiao Mo Ke raised his brows and his heart rose sharply.

"How can Qiao Mohe De dare to be called the emperor?"

Qiao Mo Ke waved his hand, suppressing the boiling of a subordinate including Qin Honghai, and coldly looked at the old Taoist priest:

"What if you want to live or die? If the Taoist wants to be an enemy of a certain family, you might as well speak up."

"Enemy with you?"

The old Taoist priest seemed to have heard something extremely funny, and a smile appeared on his cold face: "I don't know how high it is!"

There are fluctuations in his eyes, it seems to see an ant stretching its teeth and dancing claws in front of Mount Xumi, which is really ridiculous.

"Words can't provoke Qiao's mood. If your Excellency comes to mock me, I will forgive Qiao for not being with me!"

A trace of anger rose in Jomoko's heart, but he suppressed himself, but his attitude became more and more cold.

On the contrary, there are a group of families behind, Qin Honghai and the others flushed, and their hearts were furious.

"Mortals are stupid, ignorant but don't feel ashamed but are proud of themselves. Those who have the appearance of the emperor like you are supposed to be heroes in the world, but unfortunately they have been touted for many years and have lost awe."

The old Taoist sighed softly: "But you don't know, the moment you see me, your life and death are no longer yours."


The invisible sound wave spreads, but the words that it confides are bright, and the words are like a fight, and between the erratic spread, they have turned into invisible runes, intertwined vertically and horizontally, covering the huge Zhenhai Prince's Mansion.

The expressions of Qiao Mo Ke and others changed, only to feel that the huge Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was shrouded in shattered light.

A crowd of people looked around, only to feel that the earth was turned upside down, Zhenhai Prince's Mansion seemed to be a Jedi, and the shattered light suddenly overflowed from the five fingers that were towering like a mountain.

His voice was still on the ground, and the entire Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was actually held in his palm.


What followed was a huge long-lasting roar, which was the hum of the forbidden formation in Zhenhai Prince's Palace being broken.



There was a roar inside and outside the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion, countless Dinghuyuan, Keqing were all shaken out of the house, looking at the giant finger that covered the sky, all of them were terrified.

Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was actually held in the palm of his hand? !

How can this be?


Immediately, there were silhouettes of people rising into the sky in the palace, but in a flash they fell down from the sky like hitting an iron plate, smashing an unknown number of rockeries, vegetation, and floors.

Suddenly, the entire Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was in an uproar.

"What happened? This is..."

Zen Master Gu Yue was awakened from entering concentration, watching the light and shadow change around, and couldn't help but lose his voice: "Dharmakaya?!"

She was shocked and unspeakable.

This scene is very similar to the legendary ninth turn of the golden core, and the three-refined soul can only condense, the magic body that the legendary fairy-level person has!

According to legend, it is a powerful existence that has condensed the existence of the Law Body, can go up to nine days to catch stars, can go to the sea to capture dragons, and can kill the world.

After the great changes tens of thousands of years ago, is there such a thing in the world?

"Little brother!"

"Princess be careful!"

"No, run away!"

The earth in Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was overwhelmed. I don't know how many pavilions and towers collapsed and shattered with the breaking of the barriers.

Qiao Ci'er walked between the various residences, guarding her little brother and mother behind her.

Just looking at the huge human face holding the entire Zhenhai Prince's Mansion in the palm of his hand, there was an incredible touch in his heart.

This is actually the Yuanshen Law Bodies? !

Many people outside the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion were all disillusioned, looking at the huge face that covered the sky in amazement, they were all incredible.

It's just a palm, there is such a mighty power, who is this person?


Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was shocked inside and outside, but the little guy who was held by Qiao Ci'er could not help waving his chubby little hand, as if saying something to the Bodhi who was holding it.

"This person......"

Jomo Ke's long hair and clothes were raised, unable to hide the dignified and terrifying color in his eyes.

At this moment, he faced a fierce tiger as if he was a child, a trembling that surpassed his character and came from the soul, making him unable to move for a while.

It seems to be completely suppressed.

"Who is this..."

Qin Honghai's heart is hairy and he can see the outside world from where he is.

The palace of Zhenhai was overwhelmed, and the residential buildings across the street were totally unconscious, and even people passing by didn't seem to see anything.

This power is more than weird?

Where did the prince provoke such a terrifying enemy?

"There's none......"

Holding up the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion with one hand, all the people in the house were ‘upside down’, but a hint of surprise flashed across the face of the old Taoist priest.

It seems to be surprised at how deep the ‘false god’ is hidden.


The turbulent airflow continued to spread in the Zhenhai Prince's Mansion. It was a hurricane set off by the tyrannical will of the old Taoist priests. The linden tree was swaying in the wind, and the fat golden cicada was biting on the branches for fear of being blown away.

While the veteran Taoist overlooked Zhenhai King's Mansion, An Qisheng in the Bodhi tree was naturally watching him.

"Is that he who spied Linxi City...God, the **** of this world..."

An Qisheng muttered to himself.

When the giant spirit statue was invited out of Zhenhai Prince's Mansion, he was aware that someone was spying on Linxi City, so he did not prevent the giant spirit **** from counterattacking Zhao Changlin spontaneously.

The purpose is to see who is peeping in secret.

At this time, it was only a few hundred feet apart, and the old Taoist could not find him, but he saw the strangeness of the old Taoist.

Under that decayed body, there is a pure and powerful soul.

Far stronger than anyone he has seen in this world.

If the little ghost under the impermanence seat of the Nether Palace said that after the ‘Fenghuang’s conquering of the sky’, the power of the heavens and the earth dies, and the Dao Fa is cut off is true, then the origin of this person is self-evident.

The Emperor's Court?

"Who are you?"

Jomoco took a step forward, and his blood and mana surged behind him, transforming into a circling shadow of the dragon elephant, and a powerful breath rose into the sky:

"What is the hatred with Qiao?!"

The first thing that Zen Master Gu Yue and others can see, Jomo Ke, who bears the brunt, will naturally not fail to see, but this person knows that the person is not good, even if he knows it, what can he do?

If you don't want to catch it, you can only fight with all your strength!

He stepped on his feet, the shadow of the dragon elephant was in the air, dancing and neighing, deriving a majestic force.


At the same time that Jomoco's breath was in full swing, many masters gathered in Zhenhai King's Mansion also stepped forward.

Either in the air, or stepping on the ground, they all burst out of their own breath towards the place where Jomoko was, turning into various phantoms to guard the dragon elephant.

Faintly, there were soldiers clamoring, and they formed a battle formation led by Jomoco.

The invisible war flowed over the fields, but was blocked by the seemingly thin layer of divine light, constantly rolling and stirring.


In the midst of the turbulent fighting spirit, Zen Master Guyue broke through the air, stopped in front of Qiao Mo Ke, and shook his head solemnly at him.

Just turned around and looked at the veteran face that obscured the sky: "The road to heaven in the emperor's mortal world, God and man cannot communicate with each other, how dare you?

What happened, Zen Master Gu Yue doesn't know. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but she has read some small records in Buddhist scriptures.

After that earth-shattering change, the heaven and the earth are separated, the earth and the immortal Dao can no longer communicate with the heaven and the human path, the path of mortal cultivation is broken, and the powers of the heaven and human world cannot easily fall into the realm.


She glanced out, and the old Taoist's eyes moved involuntarily: "Sumi Buddhism's other sects? Can you know the "All Saints Covenant", but your inheritance has some origin..."

Shenyin confided that it was different from before.

It seemed that Xingzang had been seen by others, and he no longer concealed it. The words fell down like a river of heaven, and under the pressure of the mighty divine light, Jomoko and others felt their bodies shocked.

The formed battle formation almost broke apart.

Immediately shocked!

This old Taoist priest in front of him is actually a ‘god’ that does not exist in the legend?

Jomoko's figure trembled, like a mountain on his back, and his muscles and bones were groaning overwhelmedly.

The dragon elephant big golden pill is respected by strength, but at this time, he can't even bear the eyes of the Taoist.

Is there really a **** in this world? !

"Another god?!"

Qin Honghai, who had formed a battle formation behind Qiao Moke, was shocked. Unlike other people's generals, he believed in the existence of gods.

At this time, the Daoist confessed, he couldn't help but screamed in his heart: Could this **** come for the great spirit deity?

"The lower realm of respecting the gods, how can you slaughter me and other ordinary people at will?"

Zen Master Gu Yue's voice was distorted, but he gritted his teeth and spoke under the indifferent eyes.

"It is clear that the evil demon killed the'protected species', encountered by the god, and lowered the devil to super power..."

The old Taoist looked down and laughed suddenly, his expression arbitrary and indifferent.

With the movement of his palm, his five fingers pressed down like a mountain, seeming to destroy everything:

"What does this have to do with the original god?"

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