Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 793: Who sits high in the sky and overlooks the earth?

"Zhu Tian Da Zong (


It seemed that the most unbearable memory in the depths of the soul was touched, and the **** of the sun uttered a terrible cry.

This sound wave is a terrifying mess, even if it is Linxi City, which is protected by the formation control, it seems to be shattered.

In this Xiongguan, from all directions, a total of more than millions of various races, even other races hidden in the dark.

All fainted suddenly.

Even many monks were shocked, their eyes turned black and their eyes and ears bleeding.

All were shocked.

However, the **** of the sun had completely forgotten everything, what false gods, what mortals, what relics, what great arahants, and what Linxicheng, all were left behind by him.

The only thing that can't get rid of in my heart is the endless fear, deep to the indescribable fear.


In the Bodhi tree, An Qisheng, who was awakening the giant spirit **** waiting for an opportunity, suddenly jumped in his heart.

At the same time that the travel **** screamed miserably on this day, his primordial spirit was trembling, and he felt the aura of the primordial fragment that had been cut down by himself.

this is.....

"what happened?"

Under the light of the relic Buddha, Guyue Lao Ni's expression trembled, her eyes were puzzled, and she couldn't understand why the ‘god’ made such a miserable cry without contact.

She knew very well that the relic Buddha light had almost disappeared, and it was acceptable to the enemy Jin Dan. It was almost impossible to fight against a god.

She just wanted to use this method to force the unknown **** to give up the idea of ​​slaughter, but she didn't think that this **** would be so excited to see this Buddha shadow.

"No, it's impossible! How can you, how can you?..."

The **** of the day tour seems to have lost his soul, and the primordial spirit is twisted like a twist, unable to conceal the endless fear in his heart.

I didn’t even finish a word, just as everyone was shocked, puzzled, or happy eyes, the **** of day travel skyrocketed.

If you flee, you will escape like the sky.


But in the next moment, the screams started again!

"The ghost is not going away, you obviously have..."

The sky suddenly burst out of boundless splendor, and the bright five-color light suddenly replaced the long sky, rising from the west, spreading endlessly.

Suddenly, it seemed that Qitang Kingdom, many countries and even large areas of the sea were rendered colorful.

Blue, yellow, red, black, white!

Brighten up!

But this endless gorgeous and beautiful color seems to bring endless pain to that day travel god.

Qiao Mo Ke and others can see that in the sea of ​​five-colored clouds, the unknown soul is displaying all kinds of earth-shattering magical powers.

Hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of miles of inspiration are rioted by it, turning into a torrent, but it is still unable to add a ray of variegated color beyond the five colors.

"Hey, what happened to this..."

Rao is a tough-minded person like Jomo Ke, who is also a little sluggish at this time, looking at the gorgeous five-color sea of ​​clouds, his heart is chilling.

I just feel that what I have seen, heard, and understood in the first half of my life has been completely shattered.

A ‘god’ who plays with himself between his palms, is engulfed by this sudden divine light, and can’t resist?

So, is this still the world you know?

"Difficult, could it be..."

The middle-aged Confucian who had been staring for a long time suddenly remembered something, and said with a terrified and awe-inspiring vibrato: "I have seen similar scenes in an ancient book..."

The middle-aged Confucian was named Tao Chongliang. He was an aide and military adviser who had followed Qiaomo Ke for many years. He had never changed his expression before landslides.

At this time, it was hard to hide the shock.

Seeing Qiao Mo Ke and others look over, they calmed down their turbulent mood and said: "There are scattered records in the ancient books, saying that there are invincible big people in this world.

For the people injured by them, eternal life, even reincarnation, can not get rid of their supernatural powers, as long as they see, as long as they talk, or even remember, they will once again usher in supernatural powers to kill! "

"Why, how could there be such a magical power?"

Qiao Mo Ke and others felt chills all over, unable to understand what a terrifying existence it was.

Only Zen Master Gu Yue took a long sigh and retracted the dim and cracked relic. The Zhenhai Prince's Mansion, which was held up by the Buddha's light, also crashed to the ground.

Dust, mud and rocks, like waves, rolled around and spread, until it enveloped the whole city.

At this time, in the whole city, except for a few monks, the whole city was dead silent.


It seemed like a long time, but in fact it was just an instant. The five-color streamer had exploded into the sky, piercing the void like a meteor shower, and sank into the boundless earth.

In the turbulent and tumbling wind and clouds, the twisted primordial spirit was no longer seen, and only a long-lasting unwilling groan echoed between heaven and earth:

"I'm not willing!"

Thunder and wind billowed above the sky, but the world seemed to be plunged into a brief silence.

Only An Qisheng, who was concentrating on it, noticed that there was a momentary fluctuation on the top of the six-wheeled big sun that hung high in the sky.

That wave of volatility was illusory, but fell down the sea of ​​clouds at an extremely fast speed, sweeping across the sky suddenly.

On the ruins where the original Zhenhai Prince's Mansion was located, Qiao Mo Ke and others felt their scalp numb, and the infinite pressure rose sharply, and they were crushed to the ground, causing a large amount of smoke.

Faintly, they felt an indescribable existence, and their eyes dropped at this moment.

The weight of its eyes is enough to crush mountains and rivers and smooth the sea of ​​waves.

"Five colors, divine light..."

In the bodhi tree, the three-hearted blue spirit boy was shocked, but An Qisheng fell into silence.

The five-color divine light may not belong to him alone, but his five-color divine light is not the power of the five elements, but he takes the five internal organs, five qi, and five gods.

The gods, souls, minds, souls and essences of human beings have an extremely distinctive personal mark.

And the previous five-color divine light perfectly fits the five qi dynasties he cultivated, and it has taken this way to the point where he was shocked at this time.

Is this a coincidence?

An Qisheng thought about it, and became more curious about the change that happened tens of thousands of years ago.

"Mr. Monster, then, isn't that your five-color light? Do you want me to help you find the secret of the year?"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy persevered, he was even more curious than An Qisheng.

He was about to move, eager to try, it seemed that as long as An Qisheng allowed it, it would immediately start to act.

"That's not necessary."

An Qisheng came back to his senses and dispelled the impulse of the three-hearted blue spirit boy: "Do you think the six rounds of fireballs hanging high in the sky are really'big sun stars'?"


The muttering of the three-hearted blue spirit boy stopped abruptly.

"The law is strict and the supervision is strict. Even though there is a'Skynet', it still dispatches the gods to patrol the sky day and night..."

Many speculations surged in An Qisheng's heart.

Are they looking for Gautama?

still is......


As An Qisheng's thoughts turned, the branches and leaves on the linden tree trembled, scaring the big golden cicada into a shiver.

It watched vigilantly and fearfully at the place where it had been lying on its stomach before. On the trunk where there was nothing, a bodhi tree the size of a goose egg grew out of nothing.

"You, you just said that the outside world wouldn't let me go out because of danger, so why turn your head and go out by yourself?"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy has jumping feet.

It was born in infinite information, and everything unknown has a fatal attraction to it. After being trapped in a tree for several months, it is already irritable.

"Changed my mind..."

An Qisheng shook his head in his heart: "Maybe I underestimated that person..."

If possible, he just wants to meditate in the Bodhi tree, sit and watch the clouds rise and fall, and then come out after the cultivation reaches the highest level.

But the successive changes that happened were the Nether Palace first, and then the Sun Yushen, which had to make him think.

When I wanted to find the enemy behind that hiding, the enemy might also be looking for his own existence.

His soul did not perceive, but he felt vaguely in his heart.

A person who was able to'travel through time and space' stuck himself to the point of dreaming and almost killed himself before dreaming.

You can't be too careful.

"Then what about me?" The Sanxin Lan Lingtong was a little anxious, but he saw that An Qisheng didn't even think about bringing it with him.

"My primordial spirit has been cut to the limit, and the wisdom of the self must be silent. You stay here, deploy the ‘praise degree’ for me, and awaken me at the appropriate time."

An Qisheng soothed: "When I return, I will give you all the messages from this world."

"What is the right time? What do you mean by "praise degree"?"

The three-hearted blue spirit boy was a little depressed.

"If the heaven and the earth are like white paper, and the degree of praise is ink, it can be written as a legend, and if the world is like a white paper, the degree of praise is an eraser..."

Having said that, An Qisheng's tone paused slightly, and there was a Tai Chi diagram in his heart slowly rising, and it turned at a very fast speed:

"When appropriate, it will tell you..."


Three-hearted Lan Lingtong's heart shook, and only felt that when the Tai Chi diagram was spinning extremely fast, UU read www. The ever-changing appearance of the two fishes of Yin and Yang on uukanshu.com is like a rune.

That is, swastika...

It also wanted to say more that An Qisheng's mind had been silent to a trough, with no fluctuations, and seemed to have completely left.

And the outside world, under the gaze of Fatty Golden Cicada.

The Bodhi Zi fell to the ground with a bang.

It was just a roll in the dust and disappeared into the ruins. There were many people around, but no one noticed it.


Jin Chan patted his wings.


"No, it's impossible..."

Outside Linxi City, in a wilderness, many birds and beasts fled in fright, but there was a porcupine-like beast tumbling in the mud.

The **** Riyou was extremely painful and hated, and his soul was completely dissipated, so that the remaining strand fell on a pig.

He kept rolling, but his mind was surging, and pictures rolled out uncontrollably.

It was a magnificent battlefield.

Above the land, the group of demons neighed, and between the sea of ​​clouds, the powers roared into the sky.

The endless flames of war started from Beijuzhou and ran through the nine heavens all the way to the heaven beyond.

There was a giant beating his chest, shaking his arms and howling, his axe raised high and pointed straight at the heavenly court.

There was a giant demon roaring ferociously, but with a stick that lifted the sky, it expelled thousands of air waves and smoothed the endless clouds of smoke.

There was a troll crawling on the ground, then stood up and lifted the entire Mount Sumi.

Moreover, the five colors are intertwined, pressing across the sky and the earth, its shape is like a fan, while shaking, the stars tremble, and the gods fall like rain.


Suddenly, he seemed to be alert, and suddenly rolled over.

A sudden palm was grabbing towards the back of his neck, the palm was white and crystal clear, and the five fingers were slender.

And glowing with five colors!

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