His expression was calm and unhurried, like an ancient god who came across time and space.

"You stay away."

Bai Ye glanced at Zhonglou and the others behind him, and said indifferently.

A group of people looked up at Bai Ye and quickly stepped back.

They know that the city lord's action will definitely destroy the sky and the earth. If they get too close, they may be affected.

They kept retreating far enough to stop.

Some of the weaker ones have to retreat farther to feel at ease.

"I didn't expect the city owner to go out in person. It seems that this powerful monster must have no way to survive."

Chonglou and Feipengsuan stood at the forefront among the strong men. They held their chests lightly and looked up at Bai Ye, who was standing proudly in the air. At this moment, there was a trace of blood on the corners of their mouths. The mutated monsters fought, and they also suffered serious injuries.

"Of course, the city lord shot himself at 29, there is no reason for this monster to continue to survive, but what people did not expect is that this last monster is so powerful that it can mutate in a moment and evolve to half a step seven. The level of the order! This is simply unbelievable."

Feipeng put away the divine sword in his hand and said calmly.

Now that Bai Ye has appeared in person, there is no need for them to take action. When Bai Ye has solved the monster, they can leave this world and prepare for the integration of the world.

After this battle with monsters, they deeply felt that their strength was insufficient.

"It seems that the new world is still broken. I wonder if this will happen to the new world born after our world merges with other worlds."

Looking at the monster not far away, Zhonglou seemed to think a lot, and said with some worry.

Fei Peng looked at his worried appearance, and suddenly smiled: "How can you say such a thing to Mo Zunlou? It doesn't seem to be your style, why? You were afraid of being beaten when you fought with that monster just now?"

However, Zhonglou ignored Feipeng's teasing and said seriously: "The fifth-order world they just born can give birth to such powerful monsters. If I wait for such a fifth-order world to integrate and promote, I don't know what it will be. What terrifying monsters appeared."

"What are you afraid of, everything is in the city of the heavens. As long as the city owner is willing to take action, all the demons and ghosts will be eliminated."

Feipeng seemed to sense that Zhonglou was really worried, and said with a chuckle.

Zhonglou listened to his words, nodded lightly and did not speak again, the dignified expression on his face seemed to have not completely dissipated.

"You seem to be worrying about something in Zhonglou. Can you tell me what's on your mind?"

Feipeng continued to ask.

Zhonglou shook his head and said, "Nothing."

"Nothing? Don't lie, you have everything written on your face, don't you think of me as a friend? Or, I don't have the qualifications to listen?"

Fei Peng glanced at him lightly.

Zhonglou saw Feipeng asking questions, and finally said faintly: "Feipeng, do you think that we seem to have lost the heart of the strong, what difficulties are there? It seems to have become somewhat dependent."

Fei Peng listened to his words, stunned for a moment, and then fell into silence.

However, Zhonglou continued: "In the past, no matter how great difficulties and desperate situations we encountered, we all relied on ourselves to come through, and then became stronger than before, but now, when we encounter difficulties, it is not so. It's hard to use your heart, just do what you can, such us, relying on the city of the heavens, may become stronger and stronger in the future, but we have lost a strong heart of perseverance and life against death, such us, In the future, if we encounter a life-and-death battle against a powerhouse in another world with similar strength to us, what are our chances of survival?"

At this moment, Zhonglou's eyes seemed to reveal a never-before-seen fighting intent, and he slowly stepped forward towards the huge monster.

"Heavy building you..."

Feipeng looked at the back of the advancing heavy building and was stunned for a while.

"Feipeng, this time I have to overcome the difficulties myself, and I will also overcome myself. If I can't make it through today, I would rather hide today! I don't want to lose my pride!"

A thick magic sword appeared in Zhonglou's hand, unswervingly moved forward, strode forward, and a sky-high aura erupted from his body.

"Heavy building..."

Fei Peng looked at the receding back of Zhonglou and stayed where he was. He lowered his head slightly, and the words he said before Zhonglou kept echoing in his ears.

At this time, Bai Ye was about to shoot at the half-step seventh-order monster that was already furious not far away. However, when he had just gathered momentum and wanted to kill the monster with one blow, a jet-black light rushed towards the huge monster one step ahead of him. monster.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly to see clearly, that figure frowned slightly.


"Isn't that what made you retreat? You are not its opponent! This monster has grown into a half-step seventh-order strength, and your sixth-order top strength can't defeat it at all!"

Bai Ye said loudly.

However, Chonglou did not answer him, and seemed to have fallen into a frantic battle.

"City Lord!"

Feipeng appeared behind Bai Ye at this time and said to him.

"Chonglou is breaking through himself. He has already said that if he can't make it through today, then he is willing to hide here, please complete the city master!"

"Why is this?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly, and said a little puzzled.

"Because he doesn't want to rely too much on others, if the city lord doesn't show up today, the difficulties in front of us still need to be solved by ourselves. If we can't solve it, even if we die, we will be willing to die. Both Zhonglou and I need to pick up who we were. I have troubled you, the city lord, please give us some time, if both of us die here today, I hope the city lord can bring our bones back to our world."

Feipeng bowed deeply to Bai Ye, looking at the monster's eyes not far away with a blazing light, holding the long sword in his hand, and flying towards the mountain-sized monster.

At this time, he wanted to fight side by side with Zhonglou.

"Here I come!"

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