This time, they arrived at the new world that was fused by thirteen worlds, and they were quite satisfied with the harvest. Among them, at least they got a ray of strange energy from the new world.

This is what they need most at the moment, and even if there is no value point, they feel very worthwhile.

However, the reason why Bai Ye gave them value points was mainly because he made some mistakes in his judgment this time, and he did not expect that this monster would eventually mutate.

The bodies of all monsters were destroyed, but in the end, the origins of darkness all converged on the last monster. It can be said that all monsters were killed by Feipeng and Zhonglou.

But the rest of the powerhouses also have credit 29. It would be unfair if they were not given any value at all.

So Bai Ye still gave them 400 million value points from the 100 value points. For today's Feipeng and Zhonglou, this value point is nothing. They have gained too much from this trip, not only breaking through their own The limit of the power has reshaped his strong will, and he has received the golden light of merit bestowed by Heaven to reshape his body.

If they succeed in breaking out of the golden light cocoon of merit this time, they may directly step into the seventh-order realm!

Then, the seventh-order powerhouses in Zhutian City gradually increased, which seemed to indicate that a new situation might emerge in Zhutian City.

After Bai Ye sent Pluto Acha and the others, he slowly came to the Zhutian Tower with his hands on his back, looked at this strange and stalwart man, smiled slightly and said, "Ye Fan?"

The unfamiliar stalwart man opened his eyes slowly at this time, looked at the white night, and said, "Are you the city master of Zhutian City?"

"Exactly, what do you wish for when you came this time?"

Bai Ye looked at Ye Fan and said directly.

Looking at the man in front of him, Bai Ye felt a little familiar. Speaking of which, Ye Fan may have come from the same place as him, and he was also born on the earth, but what he didn't know was that the earth where Ye Fan was located was different from the earth where he existed. will not be the same.

"The city lord of Zhutian City is really extraordinary, but he knew his name from the first time we met. He is indeed the one who can resurrect the elder brother of Ruthless Man."

Ye Fan looked at Bai Ye, only to feel that his whole body was covered with a layer of fog, but he could easily resurrect, the elder brother of the Ruthless Great Emperor who had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, surely not a seventh-order powerhouse can do it?

"It's nothing, it's just a little trick. If you have any difficulties or wishes, I can help you, as long as you can pay enough price."

Bai Ye waved his hand and smiled faintly.

"Small tricks?"

Ye Fan was a little shocked. If resurrecting people who died for hundreds of thousands of years is a small method, then how terrible is the strength of the city lord of Zhutian City in front of him?

Eighth grade?Eighth-order peak, or reach a realm he can't imagine?

"My wish, Ye has not yet, but I just heard that there was a powerful man who resurrected the elder brother of the Ruthless Great Emperor who had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, so I came here to ask the Ruthless Great Emperor to send me to Zhutian City. I want to see Seeing what kind of expert he is, he actually has such a means."

Ye Fan said lightly.

"No? Don't you want to know where the emperor is? You don't want to know whether the fairyland exists or not?"

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Ye Fan calmly.

Hearing the words Emperor Zun and Xianyu, Ye Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The city owner also knows the existence of Emperor Zun and Xianyu?"

Ye Fan suddenly looked at Bai Ye with a solemn expression and said.

He has been looking for the whereabouts of the emperor, but he has searched every corner of the universe and found no trace, as if the emperor had already passed away, but he felt a black hand in the dark.

This feeling has been lingering in his heart.

Now that Bai Ye mentions it, it makes him feel that Emperor Zun has really been hiding in the dark. If he has been hiding in the dark, then the picture should be very big.

Emperor Zun has been in the world for a long time to this day, and his terrifying strength is no less than him, or even surpassed?

If Emperor Zun really has any conspiracy, he should be found out as soon as possible.

As for the immortal realm, it goes without saying that it is the place that every enlightened person hopes to reach, but it seems that there has never been a record of those who have been able to reach the immortal realm from ancient times to the present.

Even in the remote ancient times, it was rumored that a barren emperor had become an immortal, but no one could confirm it.

So whether there are immortals in the world, this is the question that haunts the minds of many Taoists.

If there are immortals, there will definitely be immortals. On the contrary, if there are immortals, then there must be real immortals in this world.

At present, these two issues are what he is most concerned about and urgently need to know, so Ye Fan looked at Bai Ye with a solemn and urgent look on his face.

"Of course, when Zhutiancheng observes the heavens, nothing can escape my eyes. Even the past and future things, I can easily calculate them."

Bai Ye smiled indifferently. His smile made 177 seem a bit unfathomable in Ye Fan's eyes at this moment.

"Then please tell the city owner that these two things are very important to Ye and even the people in the Big Dipper Star Region."

Ye Fan folded his fist slightly and asked Bai Ye for advice.

He has no doubts about Bai Ye's ability to resurrect a person who has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years. This method alone is shocking.

"You don't have to be so polite. What we do is just a transaction. As long as we can pay enough price, no matter how busy I am, I will be happy to lend a helping hand."

Bai Ye said with a smile on his face with his hands on his back.

Looking at Bai Ye's expression, Ye Fan understood, and when he flipped through his hands, there were several arm-sized pieces of immortal gold, exuding various dazzling rays of light, like several small suns appearing.

Bai Ye opened his eyes slightly and looked over.

Five Elements Immortal Gold, the sixth-order top imperial soldier material, worth 700 million value points.

Daluo Immortal Gold, the sixth-order top imperial soldier material, worth 800 million value points.

Colorful Immortal Gold, Tier 750 top imperial soldier material, worth [*] million value points.

Immortal Tears Green Gold, Tier 850 top imperial soldier material, worth [*] million value points.

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