Now, he also has some doubts, whether he also exists in the illusory world.

After all, the characters in the world he saw were basically characters in the illusory world.

At this time, there were many questions in his heart, and he was even a little dazed, but he did not immediately ask Bai Ye.

"Master Ye, please."

When Ye Fan was stunned, Wutian had entered a state at this time.

Ye Fan came back to his senses when he heard the sound, looked at Wutian and nodded and said: "You shoot first, remember to use all your strength, otherwise it will not have any effect."

Ye Fan's tone was very calm and indifferent, and an invisible confidence radiated from his bones.

Wutian looked at Ye Fan, and his expression was slightly taken aback.

Looking at Ye Fan's calm and calm expression, Wutian's heart seemed to have a kind of dignity and pride that was gently torn apart.

When standing with Ye Fan, he thought he was a master at the same level as Ye Fan, but the fact was that there was a big gap with Ye Fan.

After being stunned for a moment, Wutian nodded without hesitation, a dark and terrifying aura slowly released from his body,

A dark lotus flower appeared on the top of his head, exuding a huge aura, all kinds of dharmas were constantly evolving beside him, and the rules of tangible energy flowed continuously around him. .

Every trace of energy floating around him seems to be able to cut apart a mountain and a mountain. It seems calm, but it contains terrifying destructive power.

On the other side, Ye Fan looked at his changes. There was no change in his calm and bright eyes. His heart seemed like still water. Changes like Wutian could not attract the slightest fluctuation of his emotions.

"Go ahead."

Ye Fan said calmly.

Wutian was almost ready, he suddenly opened his eyes, and all his own strength burst out. The strength of the seventh-order terrifying, mighty, the whole battle platform of the heavens was surging and reverberated. Fortunately, the battle platform of the heavens has 180 It has the effect of isolating the terrifying breath, otherwise the people present will definitely feel a very terrifying pressure.

Without any reservations, Wutian raised his palms and attacked Ye Fan, the void vibrated, and the black winds turned into sharp-handled heavenly knives and slashed towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan's strength, he is very clear, even if he shoots with all his strength, he can't hurt Ye Fan in the slightest.

Therefore, he will not hold back when he takes action, and he will use all his most powerful means.

Ye Fan stood quietly on the spot, looking at the Heavenly Saber whose handle seemed to be able to cut through the void, he waved his sleeve gently, and the terrifying and murderous Heavenly Sabre was easily swept away by him like a layer of gray. .

"Come again."

Ye Fan looked at Wutian calmly again and said.

He cracked Wutian's vicious attack so easily, and the powerhouses sitting around were in an uproar.

"Who is this super powerhouse? It's so powerful. I thought his strength would be similar to Wutian. Now, judging from his performance, he seems to be much stronger than Wutian."

The blade ghost sat in the audience, suddenly opened his eyes wide and said.

"It seems that my previous feeling is not wrong, this strange super power. It should be a seventh-order senior or a top power."

The flame messenger stared at Ye Fan on the battlefield and said.


Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Seven: The Powerlessness of Heaven

City of the Heavens.

"He is so much stronger than Wutian, so why does Wutian compete with him?"

Wang Dadong said from the side.

"That's because Wutian wants to take this opportunity to fight to get some insights, because he has stopped at the seventh-order intermediate realm for too long."

Before the flame messenger could answer, Wang Lin, who was sitting in a seat in front of them, said lightly.

"Uh, so that's the case, then why did they choose to fight in Zhutian City? If it's just a simple discussion, it can be done in private, right?

Wang Dadong said, and then asked another question.

Wang Lin was silent for a moment, then smiled lightly: "Do you think there is any other place that can withstand a full blow like the two of them, except Zhutian City, there is almost no such place."

Wang Dadong listened to Wang Lin's words and felt that there was some truth.

The seventh-order super powerhouse shot is to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. If you kill the red eye for a while and can't hold it back, then a world is likely to be destroyed.

The seventh-order superpowers are not like the powerhouses like them. Every move and every move can make the whole world tremble. Not to mention whether the world can bear the winner, even the creatures living in the world may not know it under their hands. How many casualties.

"In addition, the two of them spent a lot of value points to open this battle platform of the heavens."

Wang Lin paused and then said.

"Oh? How much did it cost? This battle platform for the heavens is very cool to open. If it's not too expensive, I can go up and try it next time."

Wang Dadong's expression moved, and he quickly asked.

Several other people also looked at Wang Lin curiously. Wang Lin turned his head slightly and glanced at Wang Dadong, and said with a slight smile, "It's not a lot, just 1500 million points."

Wang Dadong smiled and said: "1500...that's not a lot...isn't it...Mom, how much value did you just say? 1500 million? ¨.!"

Wang Dadong opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth as if shocked and said: "You are not kidding, it takes 1500 million value points to open this battle platform of the heavens? This is simply money grabbing!"

The blade ghost and the flame messenger on the side also widened their eyes when they heard the numbers from Wang Lin.

Wang Lin looked at Wang Dadong again and said quietly, "I advise you to speak quietly. Lord City Lord is not far away. It would be bad if he heard him."

Wang Dadong glanced carefully, and Bai Ye, who was standing at the front of the battle platform of the heavens, quickly covered his mouth.

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