These few words of Ye Fan gave Bai Ye a hint of inspiration.

"Condensation Dao? It seems that the realms above the seventh-order advanced are completely different. No wonder Wutian thinks that they are both seventh-order, and the gap between them is also very different. Just condensing the Dao that surpasses the world is a thousand difficulties. It's extremely difficult, you can't escape your own world, but others can easily destroy your world with the power of their own avenues, and even destroy you easily. This is the gap. Similarly, no matter where you go, your strength They will not be subject to any restrictions, even if such a strong person is separated from the original world strength, it will not be affected in any way.”

Bai Ye thought to himself in his heart.

At this time, the Lord of Destruction, Uhtred, who was sitting in the audience, seemed to have learned the dawn and hope of breaking through the current state.

"Need to condense the avenue of one's own, and need to surpass the avenue of the original world? This is a bit difficult."

Utret, he is now a seventh-order high-level powerhouse, but he is a special product made by Panlong World. After leaving Panlong World, his strength will be greatly reduced, and he will come to Zhutian City. His strength is barely maintained at the seventh-order intermediate level, so he can't be like Wutian.

Wutian is influenced by the original world, slightly smaller, not as big as Utred.

In the Panlong world, it is easier said than done to condense the avenues beyond the world. He simply cannot do it. The main reason is that he is too powerful to be bound by the supreme rules.

"If you want to get rid of the current predicament, it seems that you have to come to Zhutian City to practice frequently in the future, so that you can break through the current predicament as soon as possible."

After knowing the direction of the breakthrough, Utred secretly said in his heart.

Wutian fell into contemplation during Ye Fan's discussion. He seemed to recall his own way, but he had no clue.

It seems that something has been blocking him, as if he saw the window paper, but he wanted to pierce it, but he couldn't pierce it. Although this layer of window paper was very weak, he could only be locked out of the door, alone. sighed thoughtfully.

"Don't waste time, now you think you don't understand, you haven't contacted the strong man who condensed your own avenue, you can't figure it out if you think about it alone, I'll let you see my avenue in battle. As for whether you can see it, and how much you can see it, it depends on your understanding and good fortune."

After speaking, without waiting for Wutian to prepare, Ye Fan directly raised his hand, skyrocketed in the void, and directly transformed into a big hand of more than ten feet.

Ye Fan's big hand is like a millstone for destroying the world, directly covering all the three real faces of Wutian under it, as if under that big hand, Wutian will be completely wiped out.

Faced with the sudden attack, Wutian's two essences couldn't react in time, and were directly scattered by the power emanating from Ye Fan's big hand.

No counterattack ability.

The Wutian deity froze in place for a while, with a pair of eyes staring at the big hand in the void, he seemed to suddenly feel something in Ye Fan's big hand.


Two hundred and twentieth nine chapters: the excitement of the sky

City of the Heavens.

Wu Tianxin understood something, but the avenue was hazy, he couldn't see clearly, there was only chaos in his eyes, and he couldn't see Ye Fan's avenue clearly.

But he was not reconciled, and he had to see clearly the great Dao that Ye Fan showed, otherwise, the fight this time would be meaningless.

Not only is the value of 1500 million wasted, it will become very difficult to find a top seventh-order expert for advice next time.

So he must seize this opportunity!

At this time, Wutian's eyes became a little congested under the urgent emotions and the pressure from the outside world.

But he still couldn't see the vast avenue.

"Dangerous, run away!"

At this time, the audience in the auditorium, watching Wutian facing Ye Fan's palm, still stood still, and some people have shouted out anxiously~.

But Wutian was indifferent, he stood firmly in place, his eyes seemed to freeze there.

"You must see clearly, you must see clearly!"

Wutian stood on the spot and shouted anxiously in his heart, he kept forcing himself.

Ye Fan seemed to realize Wutian's strong will, and deliberately slowed down the speed of his palms.

Seemingly affected by Wutian's will, strands of invisible strange energy rose from the battle platform of the heavens, submerged into Wutian's body, and ran directly into his eyes along his body.

"This power is..."

Wutian, who was in a tense state, suddenly felt a cool and strange energy from the soles of his feet, which went straight into his body along his heels, and finally submerged into his brain and condensed in his eyes.

"Is this sudden and strange energy the role of the battle platform of the heavens that the Lord City Lord said before?"

Wutian guessed in his heart.

In any case, after the influx of strange energy, his eyes seemed to have changed at this time, becoming clear and bright, and the surrounding world seemed to have turned into a colorless world.

There are only rules and threads floating, and majestic avenues flowing.

At this time, the world in Wutian's eyes has all changed.

Straws of gray-white light shot out from his eyes, dismembering and analyzing Ye Fan's big hands, and images kept appearing in his mind.

At this time, he seemed to have vaguely seen the complex structure of Ye Fan's avenues.

But at this moment, Ye Fan's hand was very close to him, and the strong destructive force made him instinctively wake up.

"I saw it, I saw it!"

Wutian withdrew from the place when Ye Fan's big hand was about to approach him. Even so, he stayed in place for too long, and his body was eroded by Ye Fan's huge momentum. The living collapsed, but fortunately he woke up in time and adjusted his breath in time.

A mouthful of blood spit out directly from his mouth.

He covered his chest with one hand. Although his face was extremely pale at this time, he was extremely excited.

It seems that he has seen the dawn of his own avenue.

"Oh? Did you see it? Then I have to congratulate you."

Ye Fan's palm suddenly disappeared when it was about to fall on the ground, and he looked at Wutian with a light smile and said.

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