Ju went downstairs, and none of the strong people who came to watch Ye Fan and Wutian's battle left. They gathered together and sat downstairs in Ju, and were discussing the integration of the world.

Because now the seventh-order powerhouse seems to have gradually become more and more, and it is not only Bai Ye who is worried, Bai Ye is worried about the value point, and they are worried about the limitations of the world, resulting in their strength not being improved.

At this time, the people who sat downstairs were basically the powerhouses above the fourth rank, and those with slightly lower strength were not qualified to sit here at all.

The first person to speak was Xiao Xuan from Douba World. His expression was quite solemn, and his bright and divine eyes glanced at some of the powerhouses in the sixth-order world who were sitting and said, "Everyone, follow along. The seventh-order superpowers are constantly emerging, and the integration of the world has become an unavoidable problem at present. Presumably everyone does not want their strength to stay at this stage forever, and then be abandoned by the city of the heavens. I propose that we are in the fifth-order world. All fused together, a higher world will be born, and our strength will not be limited by the level of the world at that time."

"Brother Xiao Xuan's words are not bad, but the new world created by the fusion of thirteen new worlds has not been completely stabilized, and the future evolution is still unclear. Should we wait for a while and see how they are? Let's talk about development, and if it's just integrating the fifth-order world, will there be any unpredictable disputes at that time?"

Tang Hao pondered for a moment and said.

"wait for some time."

Listening to Tang Hao's words, Xiao Xuan frowned slightly.

"Brother Tang Hao, it's not that we can't wait, it's that reality doesn't wait for us. Now, the sixth-order top world connected by Zhutian City is said to soon evolve into a seventh-order world. The two seventh-order top powerhouses that appear one after another are both It came from that world. In addition, the flying tents and heavy buildings in the new world have already broken through to the seventh-order realm. If we wait any longer, we may really be a lot slower than others. You should know that the time is very limited now. As for what you are worried about, only integrating the fifth-order world is prone to disputes..."

Having said this, Xiao Xuan paused for a while, then paused slightly, then continued: "Things like disputes are inevitable, I believe that there have been countless fights in your world since ancient times? As long as we are the world's people If the top powerhouses don’t kill each other, then the world can be easily stabilized. If you don’t worry about it, you can sign a covenant at that time, and you can ask the Lord of the City to be a witness.”

It is not difficult to hear from Xiao Xuan's words that he very much hopes that the fifth-order worlds can be integrated as soon as possible.

"Let's discuss it first, I need to think about it."

After listening to Xiao Xuan's words, Tang Hao said indifferently, he lowered his head slightly and his eyes flickered slightly as if he was thinking about something.

"I agree with the words of the benefactor Xiao Xuan, but I don't want to merge with some worlds, and I don't think it is necessary for all fifth-order worlds to merge together, but to choose a world that can get along better. There are too many incidents."

Tathagata, who talked about Journey to the West, took a look at the world of Journey to the West and Conquered the Demons and said lightly.

Their world is the same as the world of Journey to the West. There are also three realms, Buddhism, and Heaven. If they are in the same world, they really don't know how to get along.

"That's a good word, and it should be considered."

At this time, Zhang Bairen, who was sitting beside him, opened his mouth and said.

His thoughts were the same as those of the Tathagata of the Westward Journey, and the Tathagata Buddha in the world of Journey to the West also nodded.

Although their world system is the most similar, they are also the most difficult to integrate.

"You can do whatever you want. Anyway, our world can be merged with any world, as long as it can improve the world level, which temple is not worship, which one is the one you get."

Wang Dadong said carelessly from the side.

His opening attracted the attention of the two Tathagatas of the Westward Journey and the Westward Journey to Conquering Demons.

"Tell me a little less."

The blade stabbed him with his elbow, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

Wang Dadong's words were said to have offended both Buddhas.

"Hehe, it's okay, you continue to talk, don't take his words to heart, we can integrate with any world, as long as we can get along peacefully, everything is ok."

The blade smiled and stood up and said.

Wang Dadong also seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and sat there and smirked twice.

"If that's the case, let's talk privately, but Xiao still hopes that the integration of the world can be carried out as soon as possible. After all, I don't have time to wait. That's all I have to say. If you want to integrate with our world and buy it together, you can Contact me privately."

Finally, Xiao Xuan slowly stood up and said. .

Chapter [*]: Fei Peng Zhonglou came out of the cocoon

After he finished speaking, he took Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er away from Ju and went downstairs.

Everyone watched Xiao Xuan walk away calmly, knowing that the integration of the world needs more research before making a decision.

"Everyone, I think it's better to go back and think about it. After all, the integration of the world is a long-term matter. I believe that everyone should not make hasty decisions. We still need to discuss this matter carefully with important people from all over the world. It's not something that a few of us can decide, and when the negotiation comes to a conclusion, let's get in touch privately."

At this time, she has been silent and asked the world's Virgin Mary to open the mouth and say~.

After listening to the remarks of Xiao Xuan, Tang San and others, she knew that if she wanted to integrate the world, there were still many factors that needed to be considered.

It is not simply to get together and say a few words to decide - come.

So there is no need for her to listen to some meaningless arguments here.

As soon as the voice fell, she got up and walked out with the generals, Kuang Tianyou and Ma Xiaoling, and disappeared in the chrysanthemum downstairs.

Seeing this, other people know that they can't discuss anything sitting here. They are not fully prepared for the fusion of the world. This time they get together and communicate more with each other to see the reactions and opinions of their respective worlds.

To really decide to integrate the world, it still requires consultation and adjustment in all aspects.

"Mr. Wang, the talented person, said it well. Let's go back and think about it. If there is anything we can contact in private, it is very convenient to have Zhutian's mobile phone. I will not stay any more. Goodbye."

Zhang Bairen also slowly stood up from his seat, opened his mouth with a smile, and after speaking, he also disappeared in place.

When they got here, everyone knew that there was no need to stay any longer, and after a few simple greetings with each other, they all dispersed.

Although the appearance of the Ruthless Emperor and Ye Fan made them feel pressure and urgency, and wanted to integrate the world as soon as possible to improve their own strength, there are still many considerations to face the problem of integrating the world.

However, this problem is not big, it is only a matter of details. As long as specific regulations can be formulated, it will not be difficult to implement.

"These people are really troublesome, isn't it just the fusion world, what is there to consider, as long as you can live a normal life and practice, isn't the fusion of the world just for the enhancement of strength, what else is there to consider?"

Walking out of Ju and going downstairs, Wang Dadong shook his head and said.

He doesn't have any opinion on the fusion world. He is very casual, and he can integrate with any world. As long as the level of the world can be improved, so that his own strength can be improved, he doesn't care.

Because he knows that with the continuous improvement of Zhutian City, their world may need to integrate again to keep up with the pace of Zhutian City. What other options are there?Even if there is a world that you don't like, it's possible that it will merge together in the end.

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