Since the confrontation between Ye Fan and Wutian in the morning, the flow of people in Tongfu Inn has not stopped, and everyone in Tongfu Inn is very busy.

Even Tong Xiangyu, the shopkeeper, was not idle, acting as a waiter, shuttling in front of various guest tables.

Bai Zhantang also has a little yearning for the tide of the world in Zhutian's mobile phone. Although his strength is very low, he is also very eager to have high strength like many strong people in Zhutian City. Walking in Zhutian City will also give you a little more confidence.

It's just that in this scene, he really can't walk away, and the shopkeeper also doesn't allow him to go.

It seems impossible that he wants to stand out in Zhutian City in this life and become a figure in the limelight.

He can only witness the glory of others in the city of the heavens.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Zhantang just sighed slightly, and was about to turn his head and walk into the inn when suddenly a rumbling sound came.

A group of powerful men and horses came from a distance, and Bai Zhantang stared at it with wide eyes.

What a big black dog!

"Haha, Ye Fan, is this what you call Zhutian City? It's really unusual, there are so many strong people."

At the entrance of Zhutian City, Ye Fan and the Ruthless Emperor walked in, and at the front was a big black dog wearing floral pants.

It looks very strong and strong like a calf, with big eyes, looking left and right, seems to be very new to everything, waggling through the market with a half-bald tail.

Many people around were very surprised when they saw the big black dog that appeared, and pointed at it.

"What are you looking at, let's see this emperor treat you as a pet!"

The big black dog shook his huge head and bared his teeth. He spoke very arrogantly, like a rogue.

"Black Emperor, don't forget what I told you before, you must not hurt anyone in Zhutian City, or you will be severely punished, and I will not be able to save you by then."

Ye Fan reminded aloud from behind.

"I know, I didn't expect that there are places in this world that Ye Tiandi is taboo. It's really rare. Don't worry, this emperor will not do anything out of the ordinary."

The Black Emperor continued to walk in front of him with his head held high, opening his mouth perfunctorily.

"Fuck, this big black dog can still talk."

Before walking to Tongfu Inn, Bai Zhantang opened his eyes wide and said as if he had seen a ghost.

Hei Huang slowly turned his big eyes and glared at Bai Zhantang. Bai Zhantang was so frightened by Hei Huang's fierce gaze that he took two steps back.

Heihuang gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, pay attention to what you say, don't look like something rare and strange."

Bai Zhantang was so frightened that he was speechless. In his senses, the big black dog in front of him seemed to be able to kill him with just one paw.

Although he knew that this big black dog did not dare to mess around in Zhutian City, he still had an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart.

It's like you don't believe that there are ghosts in this world, but you still feel a sense of fear when you walk to a remote cemetery at night.

"Don't scare this little brother, you dead dog."

I don't know when, a young Taoist priest with a kind smile and a slightly fat body suddenly appeared in front of Bai Zhantang.

He walked slowly in front of Bai Zhantang, and said with a small smile: "This little brother, I think you have a relationship with Pindao, and Pindao has an ancient emperor's scripture as a gift to you, which can help you cultivate the sixth rank in the future. "

The young Taoist took out a yellowed book, which exuded a vast and unpredictable atmosphere, with a special Taoist rhythm circulating.

At a glance, it is very extraordinary.

Bai Zhantang was a little overwhelmed by the ancient scriptures in the hands of the young Taoist priest, as if he was suddenly carried away by the sudden surprise.

"The ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor can be cultivated to the sixth rank? So this is a...six...sixth rank secret book?!"

Bai Zhantang looked excitedly at the young fat Taoist priest and said, stammering.

The young fat Taoist nodded with a smile, looking like an expert outside the world.

The people around saw that the fat Taoist gave a sixth-order cheat book to Bai Zhantang as soon as he shot, and suddenly many people looked at Bai Zhantang with envy.

A sixth-order cheat book is worth millions of points, but they can't afford it...  

Bai Zhantang also knew the value of Tier [-] cheats, and was so excited that he almost knelt down to Bai Zhantang on the spot.

"You don't need to be thankful either. If there is something of value that can feed the poor Dao twice, then the poor Dao will be grateful."

Looking at Bai Zhantang's excited Demon King, the young fat Taoist continued to speak.

"Value points, yes, I have them, all these value points are given to you, Master."

Bai Zhantang directly took out his ID card and handed it to the slightly fat Taoist priest. At this time, Bai Zhantang was already a disciple.

"This wretched Taoist is cheating people again."

Hei Huang looked at Duan De's actions and spat lightly. He knew Duan De's virtue very well. He had done a lot of tricks. How could he suddenly do something good today and let others take advantage of it? The Great Emperor's ancient scriptures are definitely fake.

However, when Duan De showed joy on his face and was about to take Bai Zhantang's ID card, Ye Fan shook his head and stopped him.

"It's enough, even if you really want to charge his value points, at least you have to give something real."

Ye Fan stood in front of Duan De and said.

Duan De took Bai Zhantang's ID card slowly, and smiled lightly: "Ye boy, do you really think I'm cheating people here? That ancient scripture of the Great Emperor is true, I think this kid has a good foundation. , I have an inexplicable sense of intimacy 2.1 when I see him. At my level, an ancient scripture of the Great Emperor has no value for me. If you give it to someone who is destined, it can be regarded as an inheritor. If you have a value point, even if you bought it, don't call me a master in the future, I have decided that I will not accept any more apprentices since the emperor's respect."

The last few words were addressed to Bai Zhantang, and he left with a smile.

Ye Fan looked at Duan De, and the light in his eyes turned slightly. He was still a little worried. He took the ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor from Bai Zhantang and looked at it. It was a genuine ancient scripture of the Great Emperor.

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