Ye Fan smiled lightly.

Duan De raised his eyebrows slightly, took another step forward slowly, and waved the endless mysteries of sword qi flying out of his sleeves, densely packed, looking extremely terrifying.

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The [*] Heavenly Flame Wild Beasts were pierced by endless sword energy, and then shattered on the spot. In an instant, [*] Heavenly Flame Wild Beasts were annihilated, and the fiery red crystal nuclei were collected by Duan De.

With the arrival of the seventh-order top powerhouses, the Heavenly Flame Wild Beasts were almost slaughtered, and the remaining more than a thousand Heavenly Flame Wild Beasts were trembling in place.

This is what they left on purpose, and they also let others drink soup after eating the meat.

Seeing that there were only more than a thousand Heavenly Flame Wild Beasts left, Wang Dadong, Wang Lin, General Chen, Xiao Xuan... The sixth-order powerhouses no longer hesitated, and rushed towards the Heavenly Flame Wild Beast with a loud roar. .

At this time, Beirut, who was hiding in the dark, also understood that this number of wild beasts was absolutely safe. Utred, the master of destruction, just came up and saw that there were only more than a thousand wild beasts left. Rush down again.

...... 0

"Everyone, let's go meet the big guys together."

Seeing that the sixth-order powerhouses were all fighting with the Heavenly Flame Wild Beast, Bai Ye looked at Ye Fan and the others and said.

"You must have felt it too, a few big guys have already been dispatched."

Bai Ye smiled lightly and flew towards the depths of the Immortal Fire Territory.

Ye Fan Duan De, the Great Emperor Wu Beginning, the Great Emperor Ruthless, and the Undying Emperor watched Bai Ye head towards the depths of the Endless Fire Territory, and they followed.

Wutian and Feipeng rebuilt the building, hesitated for a while, and they followed.


Passing through the endless sea of ​​fire, everyone came to the core area of ​​the endless immortal fire domain.

The flames here are gray-white, and the temperature is very terrifying. I am afraid that the sixth-order powerhouse will not be able to stay here for a quarter of an hour.

"What a horrible temperature!"

At this time, even Fei Peng and Zhonglou felt an incomparably hot feeling, and it felt like they were in a huge stove, which was unbearable.

Still, they gritted their teeth and persevered.

"Attention, those big guys are coming out."

Bai Ye said lightly.

As his voice fell, suddenly, the sea of ​​​​fire tumbled violently, setting off a huge wave of flames of hundreds of meters, shooting directly at the crowd.

Bai Ye stood there quietly and raised his head slightly, with a big wave of his hand, the huge waves of flames that fell like a huge wall of Baizhang all dissipated.So.

Chapter [*]: Giants of the World

At the same time, not far from them, seven big hands poked out of the gray-white flames, and the seven-headed giants slowly crawled out from under the gray-white flames.

Everyone slowly stepped back some distance.

The seven-headed giants stood up slowly, reaching a height of a thousand feet. Their entire bodies were gray-white, and countless gray-white flames continued to burn on the surface of his body, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Their appearance is no different from ordinary people, the only difference is that their foreheads are inlaid with psychedelic 'crystals' of different colors!

The seven crystals of different colors looked very extraordinary, and strands of vast power emanated from the crystal.

"The power of the world!"

Ye Fan quietly looked at the seven giants who were thousands of feet tall and said solemnly.

From the crystals on the foreheads of these seven giants, he felt the mighty power of the world!These seven thousand-foot giants seem to be the embodiment of the world, and their power is endless.

Bai Ye glanced at Ye Fan lightly, and said, "Yes, these seven giants are world giants, and the crystal on their foreheads is the star core, which is also their source of power. You can get them by killing them."

"Star core? What is this?"

Ye Fan looked at Bai Ye with a puzzled look and said.

The rest of the people also looked at Bai Ye at the same time, wanting to get an answer from Bai Ye's mouth.

"The star nucleus is the world seed. Once you get it, you can develop it into a world, and you will become the absolute master of this world. In the world seed developed by yourself, you can follow the law, and you can carry it with you without being affected by it. The shackles of any world, and when people face the enemy, they can also use part of the power of the world. As you can see, the power of the world emanating from these giants is radiated from the star core, which means that there is The star core can also serve as its own energy source."

Bai Ye explained lightly.

After hearing his explanation, the eyes of everyone present flickered brightly.

If this star core is really what Bai Ye said, then this star core is too attractive, and the world that can be carried with you, the temptation is too strong.

"How to distribute?"

Ye Fan glanced at it, and the seven world giants in front of him said.

They would not dare to act without Bai Ye's orders.

Bai Ye smiled indifferently and said, "The eighth-order world giant belongs to me, and the rest belong to you."

Bai Ye pointed to the eighth-order world giant in the middle and said.

"Eighth-order? Is the world giant in the middle an eighth-order superpower?"

When Bai Ye said this, everyone looked at the world giant in the middle in shock. The crystal on his forehead turned golden yellow and looked extremely noble.

They didn't observe carefully before, but now they feel it carefully, the aura on this world giant seems to be really better than them.

Eighth-order, this is a super powerhouse they have never encountered before!

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