"Does this follow the law?!"

He didn't see Bai Ye's shot at all, but simply said that the eighth-order world giant was annihilated in front of them.

"What kind of realm is this, a word can make the giant of the eighth-order world die!"

In the distance, Wutian and Feipengzhonglou were completely shocked and speechless.

What kind of immortal method is this, completely beyond their imagination, they are the powerhouses who know Bai Ye, but they did not expect that it would be so perverted!

This is completely the means of the creation of the world!

However, what they didn't know was that Bai Ye used the power of Zhutian City. Before opening the world tide sea, Xiaobai promised to suppress the creatures above the seventh rank, in order to prevent the strong ones in the world from being defeated. Spent 2 million value points.

Since 2 million worth of points has been spent, Bai Ye naturally has to make good use of it.

Now it seems that the effect is still good, and the powerhouses above the seventh rank have seen his perverted methods.

At this time, in their hearts, Bai Ye made them even more awe-inspiring, especially the Beginning Emperor, Duan De, the Undying Emperor, who did not know Bai Ye's methods, had listed Bai Ye as someone who was absolutely not to be provoked.

After a battle, the rest of the world giants were dealt with, and Ye Fan got two star cores, the Ruthless Great Emperor, Duan De, Wushi Great Emperor, and the Undying Emperor, each got one star core.

And Wutian, Feipeng and Zhonglou are watching the entire battle.

Because they did not have the courage to take action in the face of the world giants with the top-level strength of the seventh rank, the undead emperor also left the scene immediately after destroying the world giants.

When Bai Ye was present, he was not afraid of Ye Fan and others, but now that Bai Ye had left, of course he couldn't stay.

Ye Fan looked at the back of the undead emperor leaving, and there was a killing intent in his eyes, but he did not chase after him. He wanted to fatten the prey thoroughly before slaughtering it. Benefit maximization.


In the periphery of the Endless Immortal Fire Territory, more than a thousand Heavenly Flame Wild Beasts have been wiped out.

"Haha, be happy, this time I harvested 35 crystal cores, how much have you harvested?"

Wang Dadong looked at the blade, the sword ghost and the flame messenger and said.

"Not as many as you, I only got 28."

The blade pouted and said.

"I got 27."

The swordsman said coldly.

"I got 37."

The flame messenger glanced at Wang Dadong lightly and said.

"How could it be, how could you be more than me!"

Wang Dadong looked at the flame messenger in disbelief and said.

With a wave of the flame messenger, 37 fiery red crystal nuclei floated in the void. Wang Dadong counted them one by one. When he counted it several times, he still found that there were two more flame messengers than him, and there was an expression on his face. Depressed color.

"How is it possible, how can your guy be more than me!"

Wang Dadong still didn't want to believe it.

The flame messenger chuckled and said: "What do I mean, I want to be better than those seventh-order powerhouses, we just drink some soup, what is there to compare, if you like it, I will give you two."

Wang Dadong said with disdain: "Who wants your things, this uncle just refuses to accept that you got more crystal cores than me."

The flame messenger looked at Wang Dadong, who was a little childish, shook his head, and said, "Just treat me as 34, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Hey, what do you mean, boy, is I, Wang Dadong, the kind of person who reverses black and white and refuses to admit defeat?"

Wang Dadong looked at the flame messenger walking forward and shouted.

The knife edge and the knife ghost patted his shoulder together and said, "Yes!"

Saying that, they also walked forward.

Wang Dadong: "..."

"You guys!"

"Don't call, don't delay, we still have many places to explore, and there are still many treasures waiting for us ahead!"

Blade and Dao Gui waved at him without looking back.

Wang Dadong watched their backs and chased after them.


"Can Xiaobai explore where there are treasures?"

After Bai Ye left the Immortal Fire Domain, he spoke to Xiao Bai in his heart.

"190 is fine, but the city owner needs to pay value points."

Xiaobai's cold voice came.

Bai Ye frowned slightly and said, "How many value points do you need?"

"In terms of range, if a radius of [*] miles is needed, [*] million value points are needed, [*] million value points are needed for a million miles, and so on."

Xiao Bai's voice was very calm.

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