"What am I? Guess what?"

Then came the harsh voice.

"Guess? I don't have so much leisure to waste with you here! If you don't want to talk, then disappear for me completely!"

Saying that, an incomparably terrifying aura emanated from Bai Ye's body, and the evil creature seemed to sense Bai Ye's terrifying aura, and quickly said, "I am just a star nucleus left after the destruction of the world, born after countless years. With spiritual knowledge, I will know many secrets of the practice, I know all the information before the destruction of this world, I beg you not to destroy me."

"¨"The star core left after the destruction of the world? And you still know a lot of inheritance, it seems that you still have some value, what kind of world was this world before the destruction?"

Bai Ye looked at him and said.

"What is the world class?"

Star Nucleus said.

Bai Ye suddenly felt a little speechless. This star core should not know the world's rank. It seems a little stupid to ask this.

He turned to Xiaobai in his heart and said, "Xiaobai, let me identify what grade this star core is."

"Tier [*]! This world was originally a Tier [*] world, but the star core has been seriously damaged and can no longer be used, but since the star core has spiritual consciousness, it is still It is very valuable, if all the inheritance of this seventh-order world can be set up, then the value is still very great."

Xiaobai's cold voice came slowly.

Bai Ye also thinks so, the value of these inheritances is far more than the value of the star core itself, because the powerhouses nurtured in the seventh-order world are the eighth-order powerhouses, and the inheritance of the eighth-order powerhouses is very valuable, and the seventh-order powerhouses are very valuable. There must be many sixth-order and seventh-order inheritances in the world. Although the value of these inheritances is not as good as the eighth-order, they are still very valuable.

I didn't expect to be able to pick up such a treasure in a place I didn't intend to pass by.

"I don't have to kill you, but I have to seal you up first and take you away from this place. If you behave well in the future, I can help you condense your fleshly body and free you from the shackles of this star core. "

Bai Ye looked at the evil star core and opened the avenue.

Evil Star Nucleus heard Bai Ye's words and thanked Bai Ye again and again.

It has long wanted to leave this lifeless ghost place. For countless years, it has never seen anyone other than Bai Ye and others. .

Chapter [*]: Eighth-order creatures are born

"What is this place? What's the matter with the nine-colored light group in the middle?"

Ye Fan's eyes shone with light as he scanned everything in front of him and said.

Bai Ye turned his head slightly and glanced at a few people, and said lightly: "You are here, this is the Dao Law Pool, which is a method pool formed by the convergence of Dao Law after the destruction of countless worlds, and the light group in the middle is about to be A creature born from the Dao Law Pool."

"The Great Dao Law Pool? Nurturing the Spirit?~"

Everyone's faces were dumbfounded, and some couldn't react.

"I am afraid that this creature's strength will directly reach the eighth rank. If you watch it on the side, be careful. I don't know what kind of storm this creature will cause when it is born."

Bai Ye thought for a while and then said something.

"Eighth-order creatures?"

Several people suddenly stopped breathing.

"Will it directly achieve the eighth rank just after being conceived? Is this too outrageous?"

Duan De slapped his mouth and dared not believe.

After countless years of hard work, they can reach the top level of the seventh-order strength, and now a creature that is about to be conceived will reach the eighth-order cultivation base?

This is simply too much!Is it so outrageous?

After listening to Bai Ye, he smiled slightly and said: "This is actually nothing strange. I don't know how long this Dao Law Pool has existed, and this creature does not know how long it has been conceived. After the baptism of hundreds of millions of world Dao Source Laws, it directly achieves the eighth-order strength. It is not surprising, as long as you regard this creature as the incarnation of the law of the billions of worlds, it is not surprising."

"Is it the incarnation of the law of the billions of world avenues? If this is the case, it is really amazing. I can feel that there are countless low-level world avenue laws, but also many sixth-order worlds, and even For the seventh-order world avenue law, if so many world avenue laws are condensed into one, it is really very possible to achieve the eighth-order."

Ye Fan's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and he said slowly.

Listening to his words, several people around fell silent, quietly watching the changes in the light group in the distance.

Just as they were waiting, Wutian and Feipeng Zhonglou came one after another. Looking at the scene in front of them, they were the same as when Ye Fan and others first came, and they were speechless in shock.

However, under the explanation of Ye Fan and others, they understood and calmed down slowly.

I don't know how long it took, and more people came.

They are all attracted by the strong avenue atmosphere here.

"My God, what is this place, how come I smell the fragrance here, I feel that my body and spirit are about to sublimate."

Wang Dadong and others came here, looked at the boundless Dao Law Pool, opened their eyes wide and said.

But no one answered him.

At this time, even the Black Emperor and Ye Xing, who were wandering around in the tidal sea of ​​the world, also came here.

They learned from the mouths of Ye Fan and others that this is a very amazing place, and that a terrifying creature is about to be born here.

"The Dao Law Pool, which breeds life? And it may be an eighth-order life? So is it too dangerous for us to stay here?"

The black queen said blankly.

"It is indeed a bit dangerous, so if there is nothing wrong, you can retreat and go to other places to find opportunities, and wait for the birth of these eighth-order creatures to know what will happen."

Ye Fan spoke to them indifferently.

Some sixth-order powerhouses around listened to Ye Fan's words, and their faces were a little hesitant. Eighth-order powerhouses, this is an existence they can't imagine, I'm afraid they can be wiped out with a single breath.

But they are very curious in their hearts, and they want to see the birth of the eighth-order powerhouse. You must know that people are very curious.

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