When they sold the crystal core of the Heavenly Flame Desolate Beast, Bai Ye was on the Zhutian Tower and was also counting the harvest.

"Eighth-order star core, Dao Law Pool, contaminated seventh-order star core... Liangyi Xuanhuang Qi, Chaos Star Lotus..."

Bai Ye counted the things and said to Xiao Bai, "How many value points does it take to promote Zhutian City to Six Stars?"

"Ten billion!"

Xiaobai replied directly.

"Ten billion?! Isn't it worth only [*] million points when you are promoted to five stars? To be promoted to six stars is actually a hundred times more expensive?!"

Bai Ye said in surprise.

Xiaobai explained patiently: "¨"The world that I came into contact with when I was five-star was only in the category of the middle-thousand world, but if Zhutian City was promoted to six-star, then it would have to come into contact with the great world, from the middle world to the great world. Leaping, a hundred times the value point, is not too much."

"A thousand worlds?"

When Xiaobai said this, Bai Ye was speechless.

Now the value points on him are only a few hundred billion, which is too far from ten billion. It seems that he can only sell some treasures.

Otherwise, it is difficult to collect value points.

After thinking about it, he finally sold the Dao Law Pool. The Dao Law Pool is very huge, and it should be nothing to sell some.

"Xiao Bai, how do you sell this Dao Law Pool?"

Bai Ye said to Xiao Bai in his heart.

"City Lord, do you want to sell them all?"

Xiaobai asked the festival.

Bai Ye shook his head and said, "No, you only need to sell part of it. The Dao Law Pool is an eighth-order treasure, even if you sell part of it, it should be worth a lot of money, right?"

Xiaobai said lightly: "Eighth-order treasures are really good, and this Dao Law Pool is different from other eighth-order treasures, it is very special, and only a thousand-square-sized Dao Law Pool belongs to the category of eighth-order treasures, and The Dao Law Pool in your hand is very large, so, [*] squares counts as [*] billion worth points."

"[*] squares worth [*] billion points? Well, I'll exchange [*] squares!"

Bai Ye said very happily.

Two hundred thousand squares is nothing to him, his Dao Law Pool is more than one million squares, and two hundred thousand squares is nothing to him.

Soon Xiaobai swiped away [*] squares of the Dao Law Pool from the Dao Law Pool in Bai Ye's hands, and the Dao Law Pool in Bai Ye's hands suddenly became smaller.

"Okay, [*] billion value points have been credited."

Xiaobai's voice rang in Bai Ye's ears. .

Chapter [*]: Six-Star City of All Heavens

"Is the city owner going to upgrade Zhutian City to six stars?"

After assigning [*] billion worth of points to Bai Ye, Xiao Bai opened his mouth to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded without hesitation and said, "Well, let's advance to six stars."

After this trip to the tidal seas of the world, the strength of the powerhouses in the world of the heavens has been improved as a whole, and it is time to improve the city of the heavens to contact the powerhouses of the world of the thousand heavens.

"Okay, after deducting [*] billion value points, Zhutian City begins to advance."

Xiaobai's cold voice came.



At this moment, the city of the heavens seemed to be completely ignited, the rays of light were billions of feet, and the sea of ​​energy in the city continued to tumble, endlessly.

You can faintly see the phantoms of countless stars floating up and down in the sky, revolving around the city of the heavens.

"What's the matter? This violent fluctuation, is it that the city of the heavens has been promoted again?!"

At this time, the strong people who came downstairs in the chrysanthemum felt it, and they came to the street one after another.

They looked up at the changes in the city of the heavens, and they could see that the city of the heavens was constantly expanding. The main urban area did not have the slightest impact, but it expanded by an unknown number of times outside the city. From a distance, they could see that there were many The huge stars appeared, and it seemed that they were not far apart.

At this time, the city of Zhutian has changed very greatly. Not only is the continuous land at a glance, it is difficult to see the end, but there is also an endless starry sky.

It looks more like a world.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is unusually rich, more than ten times more than that, and you can feel refreshed when you take a light breath.

At this time, Zhutian City can be said to be no worse than the Heavenly Paradise in the fifth and sixth-order world.

It is very beneficial for low-level warriors, and even for high-level powerhouses, breathing is much smoother.

"Zhutiancheng's promotion this time, I am afraid that it will connect to a higher world. The last time it was the sixth-order world, this time I am afraid that it will be connected to the seventh-order world. There should be super powerhouses that surpass the seventh-order powerhouses. ."

Wang Lin stood on the street and said lightly.

"Hey, the speed of Zhutian City's promotion is too fast, and our strength is far behind. If there is an eighth-order powerhouse, there will be no terror if we talk to Zhutian City in the future."

Some sixth-order powerhouses are quite emotional.

Many people have the same thoughts as him. Of course, they want to see Zhutian City advance, but they are also very nervous. The advancement of Zhutian City means that there will be strong players who surpass them, and their status will naturally begin to decline.

No one wants to have no sense of existence, especially since they are both the strongest in their respective worlds, this is a difficult thing to end.

But now that they are in the city of the heavens and have come into contact with the powerhouses in the world of the heavens, they should accept the fact that others are stronger than themselves.

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