
"What a boring gourd."

Daoyan shook his head, also left the place, and walked towards the distance.


In the top floor of the Zhutian Building, Shen Wansan was reporting the situation to Bai Ye.

"Two pieces of third-grade treasure land, one piece of fourth-grade treasure land, one piece of fifth-grade treasure land, one piece of sixth-grade magic land... Eight pieces of ninth-grade treasure land, and the rest of the land with no rank."

Bai Ye listened to Shen Wansan's words and nodded, and said, "Forget the land without a rank, it will not be included in this auction. This auction will only auction the treasure land above the ninth rank."

Shen Wansan nodded.

If all the lands are included in the auction, then I don't know when this auction will be held, and those lands that are not in the mainstream are not competitive at all, and the quality is basically the same.

Each of them is far away from the boundary, indicating that they should be relatively satisfied with the boundary in their hands.

Therefore, the land that is not in the mainstream is not included in the ranks of the auction.

"Go down and get ready."


Shen Wansan bowed and exited the top floor of the All-Heaven Building.


After a stick of incense, all the powerhouses in Zhutian City received the news of the start of the auction through Zhutian mobile phones. .

Chapter two hundred and eighty second: Bu Jingyun's trench gas

And it was told that all land that did not enter the rank would not be included in the auction.

Hearing this news, Wang Dadong seemed very excited.

"Haha, Longao Island doesn't need to be auctioned anymore, we have picked up a big bargain."

Wang Dadong laughed, but the flame messenger and the blade sitting next to him, the knife ghost gave him a blank eye.

"Hey, what are your expressions?"

Wang Dadong noticed their expressions, and said a little unhappily.

"I don't even know what you are happy about. The piece of land we found is just a piece of land that is not of the rank. From your happy appearance, it seems that you have given you a treasure of rank for nothing."

Dao Feng glanced at Wang Dadong lightly and said.

In his opinion, for him, the land that does not enter the rank, whether it is included in the auction or not, is the same thing, and those with strength will not compete with them for this land.

Wang Dadong retorted very unconvinced: "This treasure land is as valuable to me as those nine-grade treasure land."

"That's for you, not us."

The blade spoke again.

As soon as he said these words, Wang Dadong was silent.

He suddenly understood, yes, this treasure land is suitable for him, but not necessarily, it is suitable for the blade and knife ghosts.

He started thinking about issues from his own standpoint.

"Are you planning to bid on other treasures?"

After Wang Dadong was silent for a moment, he looked at the blade ghost and said.

"Well, look at the situation, if there is a good treasure, we will join the auction."

Blade said without thinking.

"This is not bad. Our financial resources are also good. There is no problem at all buying an extra piece of land."

Wang Dadong thought about it and said.

"Well, let's not talk about it, let's go in."

Dao Feng nodded, then got up and walked out.


In fact, some strong people have the same thoughts as Dao Feng, Wang Dadong and others, and some of them are not satisfied with the treasure land chosen by their partners.

They are all prepared to own more than two pieces of land, and they will enter the fierce competition in the auction.


Soon, everyone entered the auction room, and even some of the powerhouses who did not join the auction also followed along to join in the fun.

They want to see what terrifying prices those high-grade treasures can fetch.

They all sat down in the hall, and the sixth- and seventh-order powerhouses all chose to enter the box and sit.

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and they were all privately discussing what price those treasures could be sold for. As soon as I entered the venue, the scene was very lively.

"Dad, what kind of sky-high prices do you think the three-tier treasure land can be auctioned for?"

Ace looked at the white beard sitting beside him curiously and said.

Whitebeard sat there with his arms crossed, shook his head, and grinned: "This old man doesn't know either, but what is certain is that these high-grade treasures will definitely cause fierce competition, and we will also Don't worry about it so much, we are here just to watch the fun and open our eyes, and we don't need to worry about the rest."

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