The flame messenger opened his mouth and said.

Dao Feng really wanted to go down with Bu Jingyun, but considering that the value of [-] million was indeed a bit expensive, it exceeded the original price by four times.

After thinking about it, he calmly sat down and folded his arms in silence.

"Bu Jingyun offers 1 million yuan, is there any price increase?"

At this time, Shen Wansan said.

Wang Lin sat there, frowning, he wanted to increase the price, but he held back after thinking about it.

He doesn't think the price is too high, he just wants to look at it later. After all, there are some very good treasures in the back. Although Wuji Mountain is good, it is still worse than some of the treasures in the back. Since the new world has been Add the price to 1 million value points, and he can be the beauty of an adult.

After Shen Wansan shouted three times and no one responded, Wuji Mountain was finally captured by Bu Jingyun.

At the moment of the deal, everyone in the newborn world breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's great, we finally have our Ninth-Rank Treasure Land!"

In the corner of the auction hall, Li Si smiled happily, and Ying Zheng, who was sitting in front of him, also had a smile on his serious face.

He proposed to unite all the powerhouses in the world to bid for the ninth-grade treasure land. Since they could not buy the ninth-grade treasure land with their own power, he would unite all the powerhouses in the new world to compete.

Although there is an element of gambling, but in the end they succeeded.

At this time, all the powerhouses in the new world felt quite excited.

This result was unexpected by many.

Although these 1 million value points are a bit expensive, the benefits of the Nine-Rank Treasure Land will be very great for them in the future.

The new world did this, but it gave many people some inspiration.

Some powerhouses who had no plans at first also began to move a little.


"Hey, they shouldn't let that Bu Jingyun, many people who are doing it now have fantasies, and the competition in the future will probably be much fiercer."

Tang Hao in the box frowned slightly and said.

"No one would have thought that the new world would have such a mind. It seems that the Nine-Rank Treasure Land is quite attractive to them."

Tang San, who was sitting beside him, spoke slowly.

"But now that things have happened, it can only be about spending money. It seems that the value points of those low-level world powerhouses should not be too much. Even if they all add up, they should not reach a terrifying number. ."

"Well, now I can only take a look first."

Tang Hao sighed slightly.

"It can only be like this."

Tang San said with a slight smile, his expression was still relatively indifferent.


"Okay, Wuji Mountain has been shot, it's a good start, and 1 million value points have been shot. Friends who are interested in the Nine-Rank Treasure Land but have not enough value points, you can follow the practice of the new world. , as long as there is an idea, nothing is impossible.”

Shen Wansan looked at the people in front of him and said, his words are very provocative, many people have already started to contact his strong.

"This Mr. Shen is really not too big of a problem."

Some sixth-order powerhouses in the box gritted their teeth secretly.

Shen Wansan's remarks are to make them bleed.

But they are helpless. The auction is a fair competition. As long as enough money can be taken out, no one can interfere.

"Oh, it's just that this head is not opened properly. If the blade just pressed down the step Jingyun, there would not be so many things."

In the box, Zhang Bairen sighed slightly.

Originally, the allocation of the [-]-Rank Treasure Land was just right, but now it is so disturbed by the new world, which will invisibly increase the subsequent auction prices.


"Okay, the digression has been said, let's continue to the main topic, the next auction is, the nine-pin treasure land, Gutuo Lingshan, an area of ​​150 square kilometers, the auction reserve price is 3500 million value points, and the bidding begins."

Shen Wansan spoke again, pulling everyone's thoughts back.

"5000 million!"

The bidder was the Tathagata Buddha who talked about Journey to the West.

For this treasure land, he had been eyeing it early. He also saw this treasure land at the time. It was very suitable for their Buddhism, but it was preempted by the Tathagata of the Westward Journey to Conquering Demons.

"6000 million!"

The bidder this time was the Tathagata of the Lotus Lantern. Needless to say, he also fell in love with this Gutuo Lingshan, not to mention whether he had seen this Lingshan treasure, just hearing the name was very suitable for their Buddhism.

In addition, the big talk about the Westward Journey Tathagata opened his mouth, and he was absolutely right to compete. After all, he knew that this was drawn by the Buddha circle of the Tathagata of the Westward Journey to Conquering Demons. He didn't have to guess.

The Tathagata who looked at the two worlds opened their mouths.

The Tathagata couldn't sit still in Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, he hurriedly said, "1 million!"

This time, he also wants to learn from the new world to increase the value point a little and try their reality.

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