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"Next, the auction is... the Land of Fire Spirit... The auction reserve price is..."


"Next, the auction is...Tianxuan Dongtian...Nine-Rank Treasure Land...Auction..."


The next series of nine-pin treasure land auctions were very fast and the highest price was reached in a few seconds, and some even capped it at once, not giving others a chance to speak.

Basically, as many value points as they have, they will report as many as they have, without any reservations.

After some competition.

In the end, Tang Hao and others, Wang Dadong and Wang Lin were the ones who didn't get their hands on it. These people failed from the beginning and ended in failure in the end, but Wang Lin didn't speak from the beginning.

I don't know what he was thinking.

Now that the nine-pin treasure land has been auctioned, it is time to enter the next stage.

"Looks like it's time to talk to them."

Seeing that all the nine-grade treasures had been auctioned, Wang Lin stood up from his position and walked towards the positions of Wang Dadong and others.

He lingered in their place for a while, as if to say something to them, and the others nodded at his words.

Then he came to Tang Hao's room and said the same thing. Tang Hao also nodded, as if agreeing with what he said.

Finally, just as the next stage of the auction was about to start, Wang Jie came to the room of the generals and others.So.

Chapter two hundred and eighty-fifth: secret transactions

"Is there a problem?"

In the room, the general looked at Wang Lin and said, Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling and Our Lady Wang also looked at Wang Lin who stepped into the door. They and Wang Lin could be considered as old acquaintances.

It was almost time for the auction of the treasures they had encircled. It seemed unusual for Wang Lin to suddenly step into their box at this time.

"I'm here just to discuss things with a few of you."

Wang Lin looked at the generals and ministers and said, with a faint smile on his face.

The general looked at Wang Lin and seemed to know his intentions, so he said indifferently, "Aren't you here to tell us that this is the eighth-grade treasure land that will be auctioned next?"

As soon as the general said this, Kuang Tianyou Ma Xiaoling and the others all stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin chuckled lightly, but he didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Yes, this time I'm here for the next auction of the Eighth-Rank Treasure Land, the Land of the Ancient Gods. I have already worked with Wang Dadong and the others and Tang Hao has discussed it, and we will work together to take this land."

Hearing this, the official's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, he seemed to be thinking about something, then slowly raised his eyes to look at Wang Lin and said, "Since you have decided to work together to take this treasure, why did you come to us? in the room?"

Wang Lin looked at the slightly serious expressions of the generals and officials, and then chuckled: "I am here because there is no need to compete with each other and raise the price too high. The land of the ancient gods covers an area of ​​120 square kilometers, which is enough To accommodate many people to live and practice together, there is no need to monopolize it, it will only waste resources."

"what do you mean……"

Hearing this, the generals and others seemed to understand Wang Lin's words.

"Yes, we can live together in the land of the ancient gods. In this way, we don't need to compete with each other. We can live and die together. We can coexist peacefully and make money with harmony."

Wang Lin said with a smile.

After hearing this, the generals looked at Kuang Tianyou Ma Xiaoling and Our Lady Wang, and said, "What do you think?"

The three thought for a moment, then nodded in unanimous agreement.

"This method is fine, but won't other people compete with us?" Madonna of the King thought for a while and said.

"There shouldn't be. The other sixth-order powerhouses should have almost emptied their families, and there should be no room to compete with us. As for those powerhouses in the first-order world, it is even more impossible. They have already photographed two For a ninth-grade treasure land, there should be no intention to compete with us for this eight-grade treasure land. As for those seventh-order powerhouses, they should despise eight-grade treasure land, because they have better treasure land, but we should not be able to pay the original price. After photographing these eight-grade treasures, I should quote a price on it in an appropriate amount, and others should not have any thoughts."

Wang Lin made a simple analysis.

After listening, everyone nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it like this."

"In order to avoid some suspicions, wait a minute, Tang Hao will make an offer at the auction, and you will end up with a symbolic competition."

Wang Lin finally thought about it and said.


The general agreed.


Soon it was time for the intermission. All the treasures auctioned earlier were delivered in the background. Shen Wansan once again returned to the center of the auction head stage.

"The second stage of the auction is about to begin. The next auction item is the Eighth-Rank Treasure Land, the Land of the Ancient Gods. It covers an area of ​​120 square kilometers and the auction reserve price is 8000 million value points."

"Everyone get ready, start bidding now!"

Shen Wansan's voice started.

"1 billion!"

Tang Hao's voice came from inside the box.

"1 million!"

The sound of the blade sounded truthfully.

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