Shen Wansan nodded again and said, "Yes, there are ten Ancestral Witches among them, who were resurrected from here. Why, do you also have someone who wants to be resurrected? If so, you may have to pay a small price."

Shen Wansan seemed to mean something.

The eyes of the demon master Kunpeng flickered. In fact, he did not have a strong idea about whether to resurrect the two, but now that the twelve ancestor witches have all been resurrected, if he does not resurrect the two, then in the future, the monsters in the prehistoric world will be killed. The stubborn suppression of the Wu clan will likely be weakened again.

With Nuwa, the demon saint, the demon clan would not be wiped out, but he would never want to see the witch clan ride on his head.

It's just that the human race has become the protagonist of the prehistoric world. If even their former rivals are riding on their heads, then their monster race is really miserable.

He would never allow such a thing to happen. .

Chapter [-]: Resurrection of the Demon Emperor

Even if they don't think about the demon clan, they still need to think about themselves. If the Twelve Ancestral Witches come to the prehistoric world again, they will never let them go.

After all, he was also a strong witch who had slaughtered a lot back then.

"Yes, I need to be resurrected. The two emperors of our demon clan, Dong Huang Taiyi and Emperor Jun, don't know how many value points they need."

In the end, the demon master Kunpeng gritted his teeth and said.

"Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun are both among the top powerhouses under the saints, and it takes 500 billion worth of value points to resurrect them."

Shen Wansan said lightly.

"What is 500 billion value points."

The demon master Kunpeng still doesn't know the value of the value point.

"You take out the treasure on your body and I'll take a look, and you'll know how much the 500 billion value point is."

Shen Wansan looked at him and said lightly.

When the demon master Kunpeng heard the words, he took out an immortal sword that exuded stars. Shen Wansan glanced at it lightly and said, "Daluo Golden Immortal Peak Spirit Treasure, worth 900 million value points."

"Do you still have such a treasure?"

Shen Wansan looked at the demon master Kunpeng again and said.

"900 million value points is indeed a bit small, but it doesn't matter, I have a lot of treasures like this, and I should be able to collect 500 billion value points."

The demon master Kunpeng roughly estimated the value of his treasures and said confidently, but this time he was about to bleed heavily.

But being able to revive those two is worth it.

clap la la...

Pieces of dazzling treasures fell from him, exuding colorful rays of light. There are treasures of various attributes. There are at least tens of thousands of treasures at a glance, and various grades are different, but they are all in Daluo Jinxian. Lingbao up and down.

There are also several quasi-holy treasures.

This is the treasure that he put away in the Lich War last time, plus the treasures he collected in the endless years, tens of thousands of treasures are trivial to him.

Shen Wansan looked at the tens of thousands of treasures on the ground and scanned them at a glance.

"There are [-] pieces in total, of which the Daluo Golden Immortal Peak Treasures are...¨..."

"A total of 568 billion value points."

Shen Wansan quickly completed the inventory and said to the demon master Kunpeng.

"Then trouble sir, resurrect them."

The demon master Kunpeng said impatiently.

"Okay, after deducting 500 billion value points, the remaining 68 billion value points have been entered into your ID card."

After Shen Wansan deducted the value point, Zhutian City responded. Suddenly, a vast and unpredictable radiance of the heavens rose. The entire Zhutian City was filled with a special energy. In the sky of Zhutian City, a pitch-black door opened. the gate of time and space.

At this time, the powerhouses in Zhutian City all looked towards the sky.

"It seems that this demon master Kunpeng is going to resurrect Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun. If they are resurrected, then it will be a little troublesome for us."

Gonggong and the twelve ancestor witches went downstairs to sit by the window and looked at the sky where the gate of time and space had been opened and said.

"What's the trouble? When he comes, we should know that the resurrection of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun is inevitable, and we can't stop it at all. It's okay if it's outside, but this is the city of the heavens. We can only watch Looking at it, but speaking, it is good that they are resurrected. Now the prehistoric world is the world of the saints and the human race. If the demon clan and our witch clan return to their heyday, then the world will be fun, and then we will appear together. In the prehistoric world, I don't know what the expressions of those saints will look like."

Di Jiang looked at the faint opening outside and said, he seemed to see the near future, and there was an indescribable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It may be very exciting. Those saints may never think that we will be resurrected one day, and even the prehistoric world will not know that we have been resurrected."

Hou Tu smiled faintly beside him.

"The current prehistoric world is too calm, and it's time to set off another wave. Now with the intervention of Zhutian City, in the near future, the prehistoric world may be reshuffled, and the positions of those saints are still unstable. do not know."

Zhu Jiuyin also spoke lightly at this moment.

In fact, for the demon clan, what they hate in their hearts are the saints. They all say that the saints are all ants. The failure of the witch clan and the demon clan is also a lot of calculations behind the saints. The demon clan and the witch clan are in the eyes of their saints. , are not in their eyes.

Think carefully about their witch clan and demon clan are the tragedy of the times.

"I'm really looking forward to coming to the prehistoric world again soon, but I want to see what the current prehistoric world is like, whether it has become passionate, or is everything going step by step and living a life like a chess piece. "

Tian Wu suddenly looked into the distance and said coldly.

"¨"We'll find out soon."

She Bi Zhe said coldly.

At this time, their twelve ancestor witches are full of expectations for the future prehistoric world, and they will come back to the prehistoric world with their anger.

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