Without the innate spiritual treasure to defend themselves, it would be easier for Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi to kill them.

Because there is a huge realm gap between them.

"Such a big tone, I'm afraid that the saint will come, you can only look at the wind and escape."

Burning Lamp Buddha snorted coldly and said.

Although Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun are very powerful, he does not think that the strength of the two of them can compete with the saints.

In the prehistoric world, the saints can be said to be absolutely invincible, and no creature can compare with them!

There is a saying that under the saints are all ants, this sentence is not called out in vain.

Rather, there is an unbridgeable gulf between saints and non-sages.

No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it cannot make up for the huge gap.

"Don't waste your words. There is no need to say more about what the saint is. Right now, all of your encounters and life and death are in our hands. Do you choose to hand over your treasures or want to be buried here ¨.!"

Di Jun opened the mouth again in a cold voice. At this time, a cold and fierce murderous intent was exuding from his body, which was very pure.

Everyone felt the murderous intent, and their brows could not help but wrinkle.

Judging from the situation, Di Jun didn't seem to be joking with them or bluffing them, but they still didn't believe that Di Jun would really kill them.

After all, if they do this, their master will definitely not let their demon clan go. It can be said that if they kill them, the demon clan will probably be buried with them.

They didn't believe that Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi were so crazy that they planned to die with them.

After figuring this out, the Deng Deng Buddha still said firmly: "If you have the ability, you can do it, I don't believe that you really dare to kill us all?!"

They will never give up the treasures. If they lose the innate spiritual treasures that they have sacrificed and trained, the strength of each of them will be greatly reduced, and they will become no different from ordinary quasi-saint powerhouses.

"Hmph, do you really think that I dare not kill you! Well, since you are bent on dying, then this seat will fulfill you!"

The light in Dong Huangtai's eyes suddenly skyrocketed and it became terrifying. At this time, the breath on his body was transpiring and became extremely violent, and wisps of the sun's true fire burned on him.

The momentum of the whole person changed, and all the breaths were released without reservation. The surrounding space of thousands of miles was followed by violent turbulence, and the endless mana was constantly fluctuating and surging.

The surrounding chanting and the strong Buddhists all felt a suffocating momentum.


Everyone's eyes widened, and some looked at Dong Huang Taiyi in disbelief!

"Is this the strength of the quasi-sage peak?!"

At this time, Buddha Burning Lamp felt terrified, and an extremely strong killing intent had enveloped him!But he still wouldn't believe that Dong Huang Taiyi would really kill him!

If he died, then the saints of the Western religion would definitely not let the Emperor Taiyi go!So he was sure that Dong Huang Taiyi was just bluffing!

However, what he didn't know was that the East Emperor Taiyi really wanted to kill him, because with the city of the heavens as their support, they no longer had any fear or jealousy of the saints in the prehistoric world.

Although their current strength may not be as good as the saints in the prehistoric world, they can run away if they can't beat them, and there is absolutely no need to confront the saints!

After Donghuang Taiyi finished gaining momentum, he raised his big hand and grabbed it directly towards Ran Deng Buddha. Ran Deng Buddha instinctively used twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls to resist, but this time it was useless. Endless mana, suppressed the twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Beads, unable to move!

Seeing that he couldn't control the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads, there was a look of horror on the face of Buddha Burning Lamp, and he subconsciously wanted to escape!

But Donghuang Taiyi has already decided to kill at this time, how could he let him run away!

Dong Huang Taiyi's big hand directly covered the cloud, and instantly grabbed the escaped Burning Lamp Buddha in his hand!

Burning Lamp Buddha was grabbed by Dong Huang Taiyi's big hand and shouted loudly: "¨" Dong Huang Taiyi, if you dare to kill me, the saints in the west will never let you go, and then your entire demon clan will be killed. Get involved!"

At this time, Buddha Burning Lamp had already felt that Dong Huang Taiyi seemed to be genuine, and in an instant he opened the mouth with a stern expression.

However, the only response to him was a cold snort.

Donghuang Taiyi didn't talk nonsense with him, he squeezed it hard, and the body of the Buddha Burning Lamp was directly destroyed, and a ray of true spirit drifted out.

This ray of true spirit looked at Dong Huang Taiyi with a look of horror, he did not expect Dong Huang Taiyi to kill so decisively!His body was destroyed in an instant!Kill him!

He didn't care about any treasures, and fled to the distance again. At this time, there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to escape from here.

However, Donghuang Taiyi looked at the real spirit of the Deng Deng Buddha who fled far away, and his eyes exuded endless coldness.

"Hey, you still want to escape now, are you too naive, let me annihilate here!"

Dong Huangtai opened his mouth coldly, and two pure sun fires shot out from his eyes. In an instant, he caught up with the true spirit of the Buddha, and instantly drowned it. The true spirit is instantly annihilated! .

Chapter five hundred and fortieth: tit for tat


Seeing that the Burning Lamp Buddha was completely annihilated in front of their eyes, all the powerhouses present were stunned!

They didn't expect that Dong Huang Taiyi would actually kill the Burning Lamp Buddha!

This is completely without fear, not afraid of forging a big cause and effect!

They couldn't even understand why Dong Huang Taiyi did this.

Not far away, the Great Sun Tathagata and the Medicine Master Liuli Buddha, who were suppressed by the demon master Kunpeng, watched this scene in horror. Their faces were blank, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Burning Lamp Buddha's status in the Western religion is also equivalent to the position of the deputy leader, and Donghuang Taiyi actually killed him without any scruples!

This is simply a deep provocation to Western religions!

They and I have a hunch that today's battle will cause a big earthquake in the flooded world!

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