At this time, Di Jun walked over to him and said to Di Jiang, "I didn't expect that there is still Pangu's blood for sale in Zhutian City. No wonder even your twelve ancestors are moved."

"Zhutian City has a lot of treasures that can be sold. As long as there are enough value points, we can try our best to satisfy any treasures we want."

Shen Wansan glanced at Di Jun and said indifferently, with self-evident confidence in his tone.

Di Jun looked at Shen Wansan with a slight smile and did not speak. He knew that Zhutian City had this ability, and he would not have any doubts about Zhutian City.

It's just that he doesn't need any treasures yet.

"Okay, we got the blood of Pangu, we should go to the All-Heaven Pagoda to practice and digest the blood of Pangu as soon as possible. I believe it will not take long. Now we should not enter the prehistoric world again in a short time. Well, it's time to take a break."

At this time, Di Jiang suddenly spoke up.

After getting the blood essence of Pangu, he seemed a little impatient.

Di Jun smiled slightly and said: "That's fine, after getting you out of the customs, I believe your strength should be improved to a higher level, then our strength will be even stronger, you can rest assured to cultivate, the stronger your strength is. the better-."

"Well, then I won't be long-winded. After we leave the customs, we will enter the prehistoric world-world together."

Di Jiang said quietly.

Saying that, he handed over the value point of entering the All-Heaven Tower with the Twelve Ancestors and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Watching the Twelve Ancestors enter the Tower of the Heavens, his eyes shone slightly, and then he came back to his senses and greeted the three ancestors, Shi Qilin, Yuanfeng, and Zulong.

He and Donghuang Taiyi brought three ancient ancestors from the ancient times, entered the chrysanthemum and went downstairs, ordered a table of wine and dishes, and chatted freely.

Di Jun knew that the three ancestors were very curious and unfamiliar with Zhutian City, so he told them some information about Zhutian City.

The three ancient ancestors, after hearing about it, were amazed again and again.

According to the information that Di Jun told them, they had never imagined that the city of the heavens they were in was actually located in the heavens and the world, and the prehistoric world was just a big world among the heavens and the world!

Originally, they thought that the prehistoric world was the only world in the universe.

Now it seems that their knowledge is still very shallow.

And they also learned that there are still more powerful existences in this world than the realm of the prehistoric saints, and the saints are not the end of the cultivator.

According to Di Jun, Bai Ye, the city lord of Zhutian City, is the existence of a saint who transcends the prehistoric world.

Originally, they also asked Di Jun for a recommendation, and wanted to meet the city lord of Zhutian City, who surpassed the saints of the prehistoric world.

However, Di Jun told him that Bai Ye, the city lord of Zhutian City, had left Zhutian City with his soul separated and entered the prehistoric world.

"You mean the Lord of Zhutian City has entered the prehistoric world, and you can see him in the prehistoric world?"

After a detailed chat, Zulong's eyes flickered slightly and said to Di Jun.

"We haven't seen this yet. If we did, we wouldn't be embarrassed to return to the All-heaven City."

Di Jun smiled slightly and said without shyness.

"Go back to Zhutian City in embarrassment? Did you encounter saints in the prehistoric world? Otherwise, with your current strength, there are not many people who want to embarrass you."

Yuan Feng looked at Di Jun lightly and said.

He could clearly perceive that Emperor Jun's strength should be above them. With their strength, except for saints, they should not let them flee in embarrassment.

Di Jun raised his eyebrows and said, "Senior's eyes are like torches, yes, we made some noise in the prehistoric world, which attracted the attention of the saints, if we didn't have the Zhutian City ID card and could enter the city at will, we would We won’t escape from the hands of the saints, but with the city of the heavens as our support, the saints are not so dangerous for us now, even if we can’t beat them, we can still retreat calmly.”

Hearing these words, the three ancient ancestors showed a hint of surprise on their faces: "Oh? Zhutiancheng ID card, what is this thing, with this thing, you can freely enter Zhutiancheng, and the saints can't stop it? "

The information Di Jun said made them all feel very surprised.

"The Zhutian City ID card is an identity card that everyone registered in Zhutian City can have. With this card, no matter where you are in the world, you can return to Zhutian City with just one thought. And no one can stop it."

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Di Jun said calmly.

"The three seniors have just been resurrected, and they haven't registered yet. After the meal, the three seniors can get an ID card by registering with Mr. Shen."

Seeing that the three ancient ancestors were quite moved, Di Jun added a sentence.

"Haha, it seems that this city of Zhutian is really an unfathomable magical place. With Zhutiancheng as a support, we really have the capital to fight against the saints of the prehistoric wilderness."

After Shi Qilin heard all the information, he suddenly laughed.

... ...

"I don't know what the Lord of Zhutian City means. Is his will to change the status quo of the prehistoric world? If his intentions are the same as ours, then it will be much easier for us to change the order of the prehistoric world."

Zu Long seemed to think of something suddenly, and said quietly.

Knowing that Zhutian City City Lord Bai Ye entered the prehistoric world, I wonder if he has any views on the prehistoric world.

If the city lord of Zhutian City also wants to pull down the saints in the prehistoric world, then their vision will be very easy to realize.

Hearing Zulong's question, Di Jun smiled helplessly and said: "We don't know the intention of the city lord, but I think he will not agree with our thoughts. What the city lord wants and sees What we have arrived should be far above us. It should be a little difficult to expect the Lord of the City to overthrow the order of the entire prehistoric world, but we should not expect too much, as long as the Lord of the City can only find some opportunities for us. That's it."

After listening to Di Jun, the three ancestors of the prehistoric world nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that we still need to do some things ourselves. It's been a long time since I returned to the prehistoric world. I now miss those old friends in the prehistoric world. I don't know what they will do when they learn that we are alive. expression."

In the end, Zulong's eyes flashed with inexplicable light, looking into the distance through the window, and said quietly.So.

Chapter [-]: Settling the demon clan, the movement in the chaos

"It must be a surprise."

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