"Is it all trivial?"

There was a bitter smile on the faces of several saints such as Tongtian Sect Master. This so-called trivial matter of Bai Ye was a great handwriting for them. They were able to enter the endless chaotic world, integrate into thousands of chaotic demon gods, attack the prehistoric world, and Sealed all their saints.

It can be said that the power mastered by Bai Ye can easily destroy the prehistoric world.

But they suddenly came back to their senses and noticed the second half of Bai Ye's words.

"Do you have a bigger move? What move? The prehistoric world should already be under your control, right? Did Daozu and his old man give it to you..."

The receptionist suddenly opened his mouth and said.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Hongjun Daozu, Hongjun Daozu, not here, I am afraid that he has been destroyed by this mysterious and extremely terrifying man in front of him?

But he didn't dare to say the last few words.

Bai Ye continued to look out of the window, as if his eyes crossed time and space, exploring everything in the heavens and the world, he continued to speak without turning his head: "Hongjun, he has completely integrated into the heavens, and I have nothing to do with him. As for the bigger action, it is not in the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world is too small for the endless chaotic world."

Having said that, Bai Ye stopped, and his eyes turned to one place, as if he was looking at the endless chaotic world...  

Hearing that Hongjun Daozu was integrated into the Tao of Heaven, several saints present were slightly relieved. Although they did not have too strong feelings with Hongjun Daozu, the Hongjun ancestor was their teacher after all, and they still did not want to see it. Hongjun was destroyed by Bai Ye.

However, when they heard the endless chaotic world, their faces all became serious. They had never thoroughly explored the endless chaotic world, and they only explored the edge of the endless chaotic world with their strength.

They won't dare to go any further.

Because every time they want to go deep into the endless chaotic world, they will feel a throbbing from the soul, and the body will feel cold.

It seems that there are some terrifying creatures in the endless chaotic world. As long as they dare to explore deeply, they will be ruthlessly swallowed up.

Therefore, in the endless years after their sanctification, none of them have penetrated into the endless chaotic world, not to mention them, even Hongjun Daozu has not penetrated into the depths of the endless chaotic world.

This time I heard that Bai Ye wanted to make a big move against the endless chaos, Lao Tzu, Primordial Heavenly Venerate, Daoist Receptionist and other saints, their faces became solemn.

For the endless chaos world, they are both in awe and feel very curious. As saints, they also want to know what is in the endless chaos.

They have also discussed it before, and several of them feel that the endless chaos is boundless, and there should be a 2.1 world that exists in the same big world as the prehistoric world?

It's just that they have never seen visitors from other worlds, and they can't enter the depths of the endless chaotic world, so their guesses can only be guesses, the endless chaotic world has always been a mysterious and restricted area to them. exist.

This time Bai Ye mentioned the endless chaotic world, and they became interested again. They couldn't see through the strength of Bai Ye. They should be far above them, or even a big realm higher than them. Such a character should have penetrated into the endless chaotic world. Bar.

They should know more about the endless chaos than they do.

At this time, Lao Tzu couldn't help but said to Bai Ye's back again: "I don't know how big the endless chaos is, your honor, have you explored the entire endless chaos?".

Chapter [-]: Endless Chaos Information

Lao Tzu's tone at this time is quite respectful. After all, a respectful attitude is necessary for beings much stronger than himself, especially Bai Ye has the power to easily kill them.

It was no wonder he had to be respectful.

Several other saints also looked at Bai Ye curiously.

Bai Ye retracted his gaze and turned his head slightly, looked at Lao Tzu and said indifferently: "Exploring the endless chaos, I also feel very curious about the endless chaos world, just like you, but I know that the endless chaos is extremely vast, and there are more than The prehistoric world is such a big world."

"Your Majesty has not explored the endless chaotic world?"

The faces of several saints were startled. This was obviously something they didn't expect. It should be no problem to explore the entire endless chaos world with Bai Ye's strength, right?

If even Bai Ye doesn't have the strength to explore the endless chaos world, then they don't know what terrifying creatures exist in the endless chaos!

With a smile on his face, Bai Ye shook his head gently.

"How did the lord know that the endless chaotic world is not just a big world like 29 Honghuang?"

Lao Tzu opened his mouth again.

He was very curious. Bai Ye didn't explore the endless chaotic world, so how did he know that the endless chaotic world did not know such a big world as Honghuang?

This is what he doesn't understand.

Several other saints also looked at Bai Ye in confusion.

They looked at Bai Ye quietly one by one, waiting for Bai Ye to give an answer.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and said truthfully, "Because after you all sealed it, two extremely powerful beings emerged from the endless chaos world, and they told me about the endless chaos."

"The creatures of the endless chaos world appeared? What kind of existence are they?"

The faces of several saints were startled, and Lao Tzu said immediately.

They did not expect that after their seal, the terrifying creatures of the endless chaotic world would appear.

They really want to know what kind of existence the creatures in the endless chaotic world are like.

Seeing the excited appearances of Lao Tzu's several saints, Bai Ye smiled slightly: "Actually, there is nothing special, it's just a relatively powerful Chaos Demon God. According to the information they said, they should be Chaos like Pangu. Demon gods, it’s just that after Pangu opened up the prehistoric world, the soldiers were relieved, and they are still living in the world.”

"A Chaos Demon God like the Great God Pangu?"

Several saints were startled again, their eyes widened and they felt incredible.

"I originally thought that all the chaotic demon gods in the endless chaotic world had perished. I didn't expect that there were still chaotic demon gods that survived."

Lao Tzu and the original Tianzun and other saints said in a daze.

Bai Ye looked at them, and said again: "You know very little information, according to what the two said, Pangu is not the top chaotic devil in the entire endless chaos, and there are many chaotic gods in the endless chaos world. Pangu is also a powerful Chaos Demon God, they all exist in the depths of the Chaos World, you can't see them."

"A Chaos Demon God more powerful than the Great God Pangu? How powerful must that be?"

The receptionist said with a blank expression on his face.

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