Donghuang Taiyi suddenly burst out laughing and said unscrupulously.

After hearing his words, the expressions of the disciples present changed slightly, and Master Yuding couldn't help but said to Donghuang Taiyi, "What do you mean by that?!"

He heard the meaning of what the East Huangtai said was that it seemed that something happened to their master?Could it be that his master and other saints were trapped by the Chaos Demon Gods?

If that was the case, then he could hardly imagine it.

"What else can this mean? Today's prehistoric world has changed, the saints do not exist, and it is time for Youyou to be more difficult. I advise you not to be stubborn, open the mountain gate and surrender, if your attitude Sincerely, we will not embarrass you too much."

Donghuang Taiyi stood above the void, folded his arms and sneered as he looked at the disciples of the chanting sect and said. .

Chapter five hundred and seventy-two: Luo Feng's arrival

Donghuang Taiyi's words are already very obvious. It seems that they know the inside story, and the disciples of the interpretation also have a slight ominous premonition in their hearts.

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this time, panic appeared in their hearts, and many people were whispering, guessing something.

Just when everyone was suspicious, Guangchengzi frowned slightly and said to Donghuang Taiyi: "Donghuang Taiyi, you don't want to fool the crowd here, you think a few simple words can shake me. If you think so, then you are too naive, and we will never fall for you."

Guangchengzi's voice was very loud, and it reverberated in everyone's ears. After listening to Guangchengzi's words, the disciples became quiet.

Guangchengzi's words still have a stabilizing effect.

All the disciples of the Chan Sect came back to their senses and pulled out from the words of Dong Huang Taiyi. At this time, they also doubted whether the words of Dong Huang Taiyi were true or false.

After all, their masters are all saints who are invincible in the prehistoric world. There should be no difficulties to stop them. The Donghuang Taiyi and others are not good at this time. I am afraid they are also trying to anger them and release some smoke bombs to make them panic.

However, at the critical moment, it was the elder brother Guangchengzi, who made his speech to stabilize the crowd.

"Don't say anything more, please come back, we do not welcome you in Yuxu Palace."

Seeing that the disciples of Chanjiao became quiet, Guangchengzi spoke slowly to Donghuang Taiyi again.

At this time, he didn't want to say anything more to Donghuang Taiyi, because he was afraid that Donghuang Taiyi would say some amazing information again, disturbing their disciples.

At this time, he doesn't care whether what Donghuang Taiyi said is true or false. The most important thing at present is to stabilize all the disciples under the Yuxu Sect. Only in this way, they will not have any disasters.

As long as they can settle down, no matter what happens, after a period of time, everything will become clear, and it will not be too late for them to make plans.

In a word, now they can't confuse Donghuang Taiyi and others and fall for him.

Obviously, they came to Yuxu Palace this time with bad intentions.

"Haha, what a bunch of ignorant frogs. You don't even know what happened in the prehistoric world. You are still pretending to be calm here. I have already said that in this world, there are no saints. You'd better come out and surrender obediently. Otherwise, you will be trapped in this Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace forever. I can tell you clearly that your master will not appear again. If you don't believe it, you can summon your master and see. Let's see if there is any response..."

Donghuang Taiyi said again with disdain.

His words once again swayed the disciples.

In fact, when Donghuangtaiyi and the others arrived, they had already sent a letter to their master, the original Tianzun, because their master, the original Tianzun, once instructed that as long as they saw Donghuangtaiyi and Dijun and other monsters again, Notify him immediately.

However, so far the original Tianzun has not replied to them, and has not seen any traces. This situation has made many of them feel a little uneasy.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is something they can't go away, their master will reply to them, but this time, their master did not reply to them even a bit of information, which is very strange.

"Could it be, what he said is true, Master will not come down again? Could it be that something happened to Master?"

At this time, some disciples began to discuss.

"Don't say it, at this time, listen to the senior brother, and everything will be handled by the senior brother."

An older disciple of Chanjiao realized the bad situation in front of him and said.

The disciple who spoke out hurriedly muted his words and stopped talking, because at this time they also had guesses about everything in their hearts, but it was not appropriate to discuss it at this time.

Standing in the front, Guangchengzi had a gloomy face, and said slowly again: "I said you don't talk any more, we won't go out and surrender, no matter what happens, you can't even enter my jade. In the virtual palace, we still have some things to deal with, so we will not accompany you, you can stay here if you want."

Guangchengzi put down his words, turned around and left, and the rest of the disciples followed him into the Yuxu Palace.

Looking at their backs as they turned and left, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun's eyes also turned cold, with anxious expressions on their faces.

If they don't come out, then they will be helpless.

"What do we do now? Shall we go for a ride?"

Dong Huangtai asked Di Jun.

Di Jun's eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly: "¨" The guarding formation of this Yuxu Palace was carefully arranged by the original Tianzun. If we want to forcibly break this formation with our strength, it is impossible. , unless the eighth-order powerhouse makes a move, it is possible to break through this defensive formation."

"Then what should we do? Are we going to find the eighth-order powerhouse for help? But after entering this prehistoric world, I haven't seen the eighth-order powerhouse. Even if we find it, I don't know if it will help."

Donghuang Taiyi frowned slightly at this time and said.

It is strange to say that after entering the prehistoric world for so long, they did not find any figure of the eighth-order powerhouse along the way. It stands to reason that there are only a few top forces occupying important resources in the prehistoric world, and Chanjiao is one of them.

Those eighth-order powerhouses did not come to this Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace, where did they go?

Could it be that this prehistoric world has more places to do things than the Kunlun Mountains and other top prehistoric forces?

Just when they felt puzzled, a figure from the horizon slowly walked towards them, and within a few moments, the tall figure came to them and stopped beside them.

"Why are you staying here?"

The visitor looked at Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun and asked.

Wang Dadong looked at the person who came, and a smile appeared on his face. He recognized the person, and the tall figure in front of him was Luo Feng.

However, Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi, Shi Qilin and Zu Long had never met Luo Feng, and they didn't know that Luo Feng was an eighth-tier powerhouse.

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