Guangchengzi frowned tightly and said.

"Then will he break through the defensive formation and break in?"

The disciple of the interpretation on the side asked worriedly.

Guangchengzi shook his head, with a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Although his strength is very terrifying, it is almost impossible to break the mountain guard array arranged by the master himself, even if the saint is here. , It takes a lot of effort to break the guarding formation of our Yuxu Palace, and it is impossible for the powerhouses under the rest of the saints to break the formation.".

Chapter five hundred and seventy-four: breaking open the big array

"Senior brother is right, this Yuxu Palace guarding formation was arranged by our master, and it is one of the best guarding formations in the prehistoric world. The powerhouses under the saints simply cannot break it!"

Yun Zhongzi on the side nodded slowly.

"It is also true that even if the mysterious powerhouse outside is in the realm of strength, it is impossible to reach the realm of saints."

The red sperm also followed.

As the two of them said this, the expressions of the disciples present relaxed.

In their opinion, the mysterious powerhouse outside cannot be a saint-level powerhouse at all, because they know how many saints there are in the prehistoric world.

Who is that mysterious powerhouse outside, they don't know at all.

Although they can feel the terror of the other party from a long distance, they will not imagine him as a saint-level powerhouse.

Because after the consecration of the gods, Daozu Hongjun once said that the prehistoric world has settled down, the rules have gradually been completed, and now the saints are full, and no new saints will appear in the future.

So no matter in the past or in the present, there are always so many saints, and there will be no shortage of one, nor will there be one more for no reason.

At this moment, facing Luo Feng's sword swing, all the disciples in Yuxu Palace calmed down.

Some people even thought that Luo Feng's actions were very stupid, and it was completely beyond his own ability to break the magic circle arranged by the saint.

At this time, many people wanted to see Luo Feng's embarrassed appearance after his failure.

However, outside, Di Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and Wang Dadong watched Luo Feng swing the knife, showing a completely different look and attitude from the disciples of Yuxu Palace.

"Lord Luo Feng is about to take action. I don't know how many blows from Lord Luo Feng, the Lord Luo Feng, can withstand the mountain-guarding formation arranged by the Yuanshi Tianzun."

Wang Dadong looked at Luo Feng, who was very stalwart in front of him, and continued to gather momentum and said.

"It shouldn't be more than three moves."

Di Jun said quietly by the side.

He could feel it from a long distance, making him feel the breath of his heart palpitating and trembling.

He vaguely felt that Luo Feng's strength was definitely not below the original Tianzun, and even the sharpness on his body was stronger than that of the original Tianzun.

"Three moves, it should be, I really want to see the expressions of the old Taoist priests in Yuxu Palace. Are they afraid now?"

Wang Dadong smiled lightly.

They never doubted whether Luo Feng could break the Yuxu Palace defense formation, because they knew Luo Feng's terror, so they had no doubts about breaking the Yuxu Palace defense formation.

"Humph, they made us lose 100 billion value points, and then I will ask them to compensate me ten times and dozens of times."

Donghuang Taiyi narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

At this time, the Three Great Ancestors of the Great Desolation on the side seemed to be relatively quiet. Before they knew it, they had already felt that their realm of strength seemed to be a bit out of step with the times.

After meeting with the disciples of Yuxu Palace before, they saw a group of quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and now they saw a saint-level powerhouse like Luo Feng, which made their mood a little complicated for a while.

They used to be the top existences in the entire prehistoric world, but now many younger generations have caught up with them, even stronger than them, which makes them sigh.

At this time, their mood changed slightly.

There is a strong desire to become stronger.

They looked at the front quietly, and they had made up their minds. After this incident, they must retreat and practice, and they will never leave the seclusion until they break through the realm.


Luo Feng, who was standing in front of Yuxu Palace at this time, held a knife in his hand and looked solemn. The endless sword light was condensed in his eyes. When you were also in a light spot, his hands vibrated and slowly stood towards Yuxu Palace. Splitting down, endless sword light fell, like an endless galaxy pouring down, as if the whole world was upside down.

The entire Kunlun Mountain was shaking, the Jade Void Palace suddenly brightened, and endless runes suddenly rose into the air, forming a mask covering tens of thousands of miles, covering the entire Jade Void Palace.

The silver-white knife light fell, and large cracks appeared in the void, and strands of chaotic energy immediately filled the air.

Some mountains and mountains in the distance were directly flattened by chips, and then crushed into pieces.

The disciples in the Yuxu Palace opened their eyes wide and looked at everything in front of them with a dull expression.

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They seemed to see horror.

For a moment, it was hard to say a word in shock.

The knife light fell into the huge energy mask, and the huge energy mask did not shatter immediately, but gave birth to bursts of extremely dazzling light.

The runes of the avenues are constantly flickering, and it seems that the phantoms of countless stars can be seen, and the Yuxu Palace is firmly guarded.

The disciples were shocked by Luo Feng's horror, but they were slightly relieved when they saw that the Jade Void Palace Great Array successfully resisted Luo Feng's extremely terrifying knife.

There is a sense of relief.

Because at that moment, there was a trace of worry in their hearts that the Yuxu Palace Shoushan Formation could not hold up, because Luo Feng felt to them at this time that his realm of strength seemed to be no less than that of a saint.

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