Di Jun and others waited on the ground.

At this time, Wang Dadong came to Di Jun's side and said, "This is the old lair of the original Tianzun. Are you so relieved to let him go up alone?"

Di Jun smiled slightly: "As long as the original deity does not come in person, then there will be no threat to us. After all, even if the original deity comes in person, it will not be so if you want to kill us. Simple, even if the space above has any means, it is too unlikely to hurt my second brother."

Di Jun's heart is also a bit emboldened, Wang Dadong listened to his words and did not speak again.

In fact, Wang Dadong's worry was unnecessary. It didn't take long for Donghuang Taiyi to appear again. Above his head, a primitive bell surrounded by chaotic energy emerged. Extremely heavy feeling.

Di Jun looked at Dong Huang Taiyi and the Chaos Clock above his head, and was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Dong Huangtai would take the Chaos Bell before he entered.

"¨" Haha, I didn't expect that the original old man didn't set any precautions at all. I thought I would spend a lot of time, but I didn't expect that my precious Chaos Bell was just suppressed on the eye of the Yuxu Palace, and the guardian of the magic circle was defeated by Luo Lord Feng is broken, and the Chaos Clock will not have any protection."

Donghuang Taiyi laughed loudly, and slowly stepped down from the height of the void.

Di Jun also showed a smile on his face at this time: "It's so good, maybe Yuan Tianzun didn't think that someone would personally call his Yuxu Palace to grab the Chaos Bell, so he didn't take more precautions."

"Congratulations to the first brother Tai for regaining the treasure."

Wang Dadong said congratulations to Dong Huangtai.

"I'm sorry Big East brother this time, I don't have much to gain from Big East brother, but we brothers will compensate you, we still have tens of billions of value points here, a few can take points, although it is a bit small, but I hope you don't dislike it."

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Wang Dadong and the three ancestors of Honghuang.

"We didn't do much, we don't want to compensate us. This value point will be given to Brother Dadong, and since you resurrected us, we still owe you a big favor, and it should be us who will repay us in the future."

Zulong said slowly on the side.Have.

Chapter five hundred and seventy eight: looting the flood

Zu Long said so, and Di Jun didn't say anything else.

It's not because they have resurrected the three great powers of Zulong, and they feel that they deserve it, but there are really not many value points in him now.

If the value points on him are distributed to Wang Dadong, Zulong, Shi Qilin, and Yuanfeng, it is indeed not enough.

"I still have [*] billion worth of points here. Brother Dadong will accept it."

Di Jun said to Wang Dadong.

Wang Dadong opened his mouth and said: "500 billion value points are no longer needed, giving me 300 billion value points is enough."


"Brother Di Jun, I don't need to say more. After all, it's hard to say whether the treasures harvested this time can gain 300 billion value points. In addition, we are friends, and I am very satisfied to be able to gain 300 billion value points."

Di Jun wanted to say something else, but Wang Dadong continued to speak with a smile.

"Since the Dadong brothers have said so, then it is worth 300 billion points. In the future, if the Dadong brothers need our help, feel free to speak up."

Di Jun said with a smile.

Wang Dadong only needs 300 billion value points, which is definitely a bit low.

But he is not particularly wealthy, but he still remembers Wang Dadong's love in his heart.

"Brother Di Jun is very polite."

347 Wang Dadong laughed again.

At this time, Di Jun didn't say much, and directly transferred 300 billion value points to Wang Dadong.

Several people casually looted the treasures in Yuxu in front of the disciples and left Yuxu Palace.

After they left, the disciples of Chan Jiao were in a very complicated mood, ranging from relaxation to disappointment and shame.

"It's a shame! Today's hatred for our teaching will be found one day!"

Several disciples of the teachings gritted their teeth as they watched the backs of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi and others leaving.

However, Di Jun, Wang Dadong and others ignored their feelings.

"Now that the treasure has been obtained, this trip is considered a complete success. There is nothing to recover from the rest of the prehistoric world, and I don't know what happened to Dijiang and the others in Hezhou, Xiniu."

After several people left Yuxu Palace, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly spoke.

"At this moment, they should have captured Lingshan now, right? Let's not join in the fun, let's go shopping in the prehistoric world, there are still many large and small forces in the prehistoric world, as long as you walk patiently, It should still be rewarding.”

Di Jun said lightly.

"The rest of the forces should not have any strong powerhouses. We can act separately. In this case, the speed will be faster."

Wang Dadong said from the side.

"Well, Brother Dadong is right, the rest of the powerhouses in the prehistoric world do not pose any threat to us. If we act separately, we will indeed gain more and faster. Now we don't need to hug each other anymore, then just Let’s split up and we’ll see you in Zhutian City when the time comes.”

Di Jun said.

"Well, see you at Zhutian City."

Having said that, Wang Dadong left first.

Then Zulong looked into the distance and said slowly: "I haven't seen my dragon sons and grandsons for many years, and I won't be involved in collecting treasures. Now I just want to see my dragon clan now. What happened?"

"Yeah, I have died for countless years, and I don't know what happened to the descendants. I heard that the descendants of our three clans have lived very miserably. Now we need to revive our three clans."

Shi Qilin also said with a feeling.

"The clansmen I can sense now are very rare, and I don't know if I can still find some pure-blooded phoenix clan."

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