"Okay, after deducting 1000 billion value points, the reincarnation of the heavens begins!"

Xiaobai's voice sounded mechanically, Zhutian City made a rumbling sound, and Bai Ye also closed his eyes and got ready.

Suddenly, the whole room became covered with clouds and mountains, and majestic powers were born from nothingness, bursting with chaotic fairy light, which was injected into Bai Ye's body like a galaxy.

Bai Ye snorted involuntarily.

At this time, even if he had a top-notch physique of the eighth-order, his body could not help trembling slightly when he was receiving the energy infused by Zhutian City.

These energies are too huge, more than ten times stronger than the last time he received the infusion, and there is a fundamental gap between these energies and the last time.

At this time, Bai Ye's body was cut like a knife, his flesh and blood were smashed and reorganized by these powerful energies, and his soul was being baptized and sublimated.

Bai Ye clenched his teeth tightly and silently accepted the baptism of the energy of the heavens.

The energy that spilled out a little bit took on various forms, some like nine-colored fairy lotuses blooming in the void, emitting endless brilliance, and some turned into a phoenix emperor wearing ten thousand fairy flames in the sky. wave…….

At this time, everyone seemed to have a feeling and looked up to the sky.

·"What are those!"

Everyone felt very shocked, even the Six Saints of the Great Desolation and other eighth-order powerhouses felt incredible.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

At this time, the various forms of "fairy objects" in the void that they saw were mysterious and unpredictable, even they could not see through.

"Is this a vision or a real treasure?!"

The Six Saints of the Great Desolation looked at the "fantastic object" in the void and said with some uncertainty.

"I don't know, even the treasure won't belong to us."

Lao Tzu's eyes shone with wisdom, and he was very clear that this is the city of the heavens, and all the treasures here should belong to the city lord of the city of the heavens, and it is basically impossible for them to get involved.

The other five saints also knew this, but their hearts were still throbbing when they saw the sacred objects they had never seen before.

At this time, on the top floor where Ju went downstairs, Luo Hu, Shi Hao, Xiao Shihuang and other rank eight powerhouses looked at the fetish in the void and were very surprised.


"These things seem to have come from the Zhutianlou, is it the Lord of the City?"

Rahu said softly.

"It should be, except for the Lord City Lord, who can create such a scene, I can feel the supreme law power in those fetish objects, I don't know if it is a real object or condensed by the law force."

Shi Hao stood at the window and said lightly. At this moment, his eyes were shining with divine brilliance, and it was difficult for even him to see through the essence of those divine objects in the void.

"It should be condensed by the power of the supreme law."

At this time, Xiao Shihuang, who has not spoken very much, said quietly.

The rest of the eighth-order powerhouses all looked at him, and Daoyan couldn't help but asked: "Brother Shi Huang see the mystery?"

Xiao Shihuang shook his head slowly and said, "This is just my guess."

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Dao Yan then spoke up.

Before waiting for Xiao Shihuang to speak, Luo Hu seemed to see something, and said indifferently: "If it is the real thing, Lord City Lord will not let it go, and Lord City Lord has not shown any indication at this time, indicating that it should be The scene formed by the power of the law unintentionally released by the Lord of the City, I don't know if I am right."

The last sentence was said by Luo Hu looking at Xiao Shihuang, Xiao Shihuang didn't speak, just nodded slightly.So.

Chapter five hundred and eighty: Master and Ning Que

"If it is really the condensed power of the law, then this kind of power is really incredible. I can vaguely feel that the divine artifact condensed by the power of these laws seems to have reached the level of the eighth order!"

Dao Yan said in shock.

A trace of the power of the law can condense a divine object equivalent to the eighth-order, which is a very amazing and terrifying thing.

What kind of realm does it take to be able to do this?

ninth order?Or a tenth-order powerhouse?

Dao Yan is a little unimaginable.

The rest of the eighth-order powerhouses seem to have the same shocking doubts.

However, Shi Hao, Xiao Shihuang and Luo Hu were relatively indifferent to the surprise and doubts of Daoyan and the others.

"Actually, there is nothing surprising. The strength of the city lord is unfathomable. Even if the power of the condensed law reaches such a level, it is not surprising. After all, we are in this city of the heavens. It is an incredible thing."

Luo Hu stared at the more and more "fairy objects" outside the window and said indifferently.

For his words, everyone present couldn't deny it, and they couldn't tell how strong the Lord of the City was.

They only know that Bai Ye's strength is far above each of them, and no one knows Bai Ye's specific realm strength.

"With such a movement, I don't know if Lord City Lord is cultivating."

Shi Hao looked at the top floor of the All-Heaven Building and said quietly.


Luo Hu said indifferently.

At this time, these floating "fairy objects" attracted everyone's attention in Zhutian City, and the top floor of Zhutian Tower was indeed quiet.

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