The master said in surprise.

Shen Wansan smiled slightly and did not speak again, at this moment a series of information flowed from the master.


Strength level: fifth-order peak

The original world: the night world (fifth order)

"The registration is complete, this is your ID card, please take it."

After all the information was presented, a white card was condensed by the energy of the heavens, and Shen Wansan handed it to the Master.

The master took the white ID card, and was secretly shocked. He didn't expect that Shen Wansan in front of him looked ordinary, like an ordinary person, but he could know all his information in an instant. Amazing.

He didn't know it was Shen Wansan before, so he was able to know all of his information in an instant because of the help of Zhutian City.

Of course he wouldn't know this.

After registering for the Master, Ning Que slowly took a step forward. Just as his footsteps had just landed, Shen Wansan looked at him, and all his information was spread out.

Ning Que

Strength level: Tier [-]

The original world: the night world (fifth order)

"This is your ID card, please keep it."

Shen Wansan then handed Ning Que's ID card to Ning Que's hand. .

Chapter five hundred and eighty second: loan

After the registration was completed, Shen Wansan looked at the two and asked again, "Do you need anything else?"

The Master slowly stepped forward and said, "I heard that all consumption in Zhutian City requires value points, and this value point needs to be exchanged for treasures?"

Shen Wansan nodded lightly and said, "Yes, as long as there are valuable treasures, the corresponding value points can be exchanged. If you want to spend activities in Zhutian City, you can't do without the value points."

"Valuable treasures? I didn't bring any treasures when I went out. I don't know what you can look at. If there is something you look at, just take it."

The master spoke again.

He knew that Shen Wansan had extraordinary abilities. Since he could easily know their information, he should have a good understanding of what treasures they had.

Shen Wansan looked at the master and found that he really did not have any valuable treasures, not even the so-called cultivation techniques.

Ning Que was also impoverished, and he really had nothing but weapons.

Seeing their situation, Shen Wansan shook his head and said, "You two really don't have any valuable treasures on your body. If you are in urgent need of value points, we can lend you some value points."

"Loan value points?"

The Master and Ning Que were a little curious, there is still a loan business in Zhutian City?

"Well, this is a new business we have recently opened, but we only do some small loans at the moment. The interest is [-]% per day. Newcomers can be exempted from interest for three days. I wonder if you will consider it?"

Shen Wansan looked at the Master and Ning Que and said.

"The one percent interest rate is indeed a bit high, but it should be fine to borrow some value points first. I don't know how many value points can be borrowed?"

"The minimum loan is 30 million value points, the maximum is [-] million value points, and the loan period is up to [-] days. How much do you need to borrow?"

Shen Wansan spoke to the Master and Ning Que.

The Master and Ning Que didn't know the purchasing power of the value points they were doing, so they didn't know what the value of 100 million value points and [-] million value points were.

However, they felt that it should be enough to borrow one million value points. After all, they didn't know how long they would stay in the city of the heavens.

One million value points should be enough for them, right?

But in order to make sure, the Master asked Shen Wansan, "In this city of the heavens, how many value points does a banquet need?"

"What kind of seats have different values, some luxurious ones need thousands or even hundreds of thousands of value points, and ordinary banquets are tens to hundreds of value points."

Shen Wansan said indifferently.

Hearing this, the master probably knows how much this million worth of points is worth.

"It seems that this million worth of points is still a lot, so let's borrow one million worth of points first."

The master said calmly.

The interest of [-]% of a million value points a day is [-] value points. This interest rate is quite high, but he doesn't care much. It should be very simple to get treasures with his current strength, as long as he Returning to the original world, it is easy to collect treasures.

"it is good."

Shen Wansan smiled slightly.

"One million value points have been transferred to your ID card. As a newcomer, you can enjoy three days of interest-free interest. After three days, the interest will start to be calculated normally. The current situation is that the minimum loan is seven days and the maximum is 30 days. Remember to borrow It cannot exceed 30 days, otherwise Zhutian City will force you to exchange everything you have for value points to repay, even if you have insufficient value points, Zhutian City will send you to some worlds to collect treasures, knowing that the collected treasures can be repaid. The amount will be terminated after you are overdue, and the interest will still be accrued after you overdue, and it will be two percentage points higher than before, so remember not to overdue."

After Shen Wansan transferred the one million value points to the Master, he warned him.

Master and Ning Que listened to the consequences of overdue, and the two nodded solemnly.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can leave. As long as you have enough value points or treasures, you can come to me."

Shen Wansan finally smiled.

"Trouble Mr. Shen."

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