"I can tell you clearly that your resistance is in vain! Your entire kingdom of God has been blessed by the Lord of Darkness before we came, and the power you can display now is only normal, just normal. Why are you fighting against us with your strength?"

Haihou looked at Tianhun Great Demon God and other strong men with disdain and said coldly. .

Chapter five hundred and ninety-four: ruthless, bloodthirsty

Hearing his words, the expressions of several eighth-order powerhouses such as the Great Demon God Tianhuo changed greatly.

At this time, they really felt that their cultivation was suppressed.

I didn't realize it at first, but now, under careful sensing, their realm of strength is slowly being suppressed as time goes by.

"Lord, what should I do now~?!"

A stout eighth-order Chaos Demon God looked gloomily at the Great Demon-God of Heaven and Cloud and said.

The big devil in the sky stared at Hai Hou with his huge eyes. At this time, he didn't know what to do.

It was obvious that Haihou had come prepared this time, and he wanted to completely destroy their heavenly kingdom.

After staring at Hai Hou for a long time, he said coldly: "Even if our strength is suppressed, we will fight them to the end!"

The Great Demon God Tianhun said, eight different weapons appeared on his eight arms, knives, forks, axes, halberds, swords, sticks, spears, and locks.

The eight weapons are dazzling, exuding great power, and they are not ordinary treasures at first glance!

It can be seen in the white night in the distance that every weapon in the hands of the Great Demon God is comparable to the innate treasures in the prehistoric world.

"This endless chaotic world is really different. The treasures are not comparable to the ordinary eighth-order world. The treasure possessed by a great devil alone is beyond the reach of an eighth-order world."

Bai Ye stood not far away, and said lightly to himself.

Seeing that the Great Demon God of Twilight showed off his weapons and planned to fight to the death, the other eighth-order Chaos Demon Gods were not ambiguous and showed their treasures one after another. At this time, they had no choice.

Either, desperately fight a bloody path, or annihilate together with the Heavenly Hundred Divine Kingdom.

None of them expected a powerful Chaos Demon to rescue them.

Because the location of their Divine Kingdom is inconspicuous compared to the entire endless chaos world, the general Chaos Great Demon God, and the Chaos Venerable God powerhouse will not notice them here at all.


The Great Demon God Tianhun shouted, waved his eight arms, and took the lead in killing the three dark creatures including Haihou.

The other eighth-order powerhouses all followed behind him, bursting out with all the momentum, murderous aura pervaded the entire Tianhuo Divine Kingdom.

All the powerful creatures all look here in every part of the Heavenly Hundred Divine Kingdom.

They couldn't escape, and they could only hope that the powerful Chaos Demon God, such as the Great Demon God of Twilight, could defeat the three dark creatures that descended and rescue them.

They were all staring nervously at the battle.

However, the three dark creatures such as Haihou, who were floating in the sky, watched the Great Demon God of Tiandu and others kill them, their eyes were cold, and there was a look of disdain on their faces.

"It's the end of the road, and you still want to struggle, then this seat will send you a ride!"

The dark aura on Hai Hou's body erupted, and the entire Heavenly Hundred Divine Kingdom was shaking.

His violent and dark aura formed a special field, which infinitely weakened the speed of the Great Demon God and the others.

At this time, the Great Demon God and the others seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and they wanted to move forward very slowly.

Their strength is greatly weakened now, and they can't quickly break through the field of the sea, if it is replaced by their heyday.

It will be very simple for them to break through the powerful field of sea weather.

But with half of their strength, it is still very difficult for them to do it.

Realizing this, the Eighth-Order Chaos Demon God, such as the Great Demon God Tianhuo, all groaned in their hearts.

Before they met Haihou and other three dark creatures, they felt that they were destined to die here today.

At this time, Haihou stared cruelly at the Great Demon God of Tianhun and the others.

"Humph, I told you a long time ago that if you want to fight with us now, then it is the way to die! Today, all of you will be annihilated here for this seat!"

The undisguised murderous intent on Hai Hou's face.

The Great Demon God Tianhuo and the others looked at him with unwillingness and despair on their faces. Now their strength and the three dark creatures on the other side can't do it with vigor and vitality.

Each of them let out a low growl of unwillingness.

However, Haihou was dismissive, with a cruel smile on his face, just when he was about to deal with the Great Demon God and the others.

The bat-shaped dark creature on the side said grimly: "Before we came, we agreed that all the creatures here are contracted by me and Kroe, and the blood essence on their bodies is exactly what I and Kroo need."

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A bat-shaped creature with an unusually harsh sound, like the sound of decaying hell.

Haihou glanced at him, his eyes flickered, and finally glanced at the Great Demon God Tianhun and said, "The rest of the creatures belong to you, but the Great Demon God Tianhun is my responsibility."


The bat-shaped dark creature nodded.

Having said that, the bat-shaped dark creatures and the octopus-shaped dark creatures suddenly appeared from their bodies with dark chains exuding an extremely evil aura.

Like a black lightning, it pierced in an instant, and all the chaotic demon gods were in front of him.

All the powerhouses who were pierced by the dark chains were all stiff, their souls seemed to be caught, their bodies could not move, their eyes widened, their faces were very painful, at this time they wanted to explode Can't do it.

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