"Trust Bai Ye, Daoist Brother Ji Yan."

There was also a smile on Qiu Mu's face and he said.


While the two were talking, two phantoms appeared in the sky above the Heavenly Hundred Divine Kingdom, which was far away from Tianjiang City, exuding a strong dark aura.

They stared at the heavenly kingdom with gloomy expressions on their faces.

"Empty, I didn't expect them to run so fast."

"There are still the breaths of Kro and Guek, and their breaths should have disappeared from here."

The two dark phantoms spoke one after another.

"The one who can easily subdue Crow and the others should be the Priest Chaos, should we continue to investigate."

A dark creature with eight long horns said.

"My lord has given an order, we must investigate it clearly, we must find out the specific reason, so that we can go back and answer, they have run away now, they should not run too far, we should be able to follow the breath to investigate. They followed."

Another dark creature, covered in a huge black robe, said quietly.

He found some of the most powerful threads of destiny from the breath left in the Heavenly Hundred Divine Kingdom.

He spread out these threads of fate, and with a wave of his hand, these threads of fate extended wirelessly in the void and continued to spread in one direction.

The two dark creatures looked at the direction of the thread of fate, their eyes emitting a cold light.

"Just follow the thread of fate, and you should be able to trace them!"

The black-robed dark creature said coldly.

Another octagonal dark creature said, "It would be more convenient for us to reverse the time and space and strip them out of it?"

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The black-robed dark creature gave him a cold look and said, "Stupid! If we reverse the time and space, we will definitely encounter the Chaos Venerable God powerhouse, and then it will definitely trigger other Chaos Venerable God powerhouses, and even Since the Chaos Lord appears, it is not appropriate for them to confront them head-on now."

After being said by the black-robed dark creature, the octagonal dark creature did not speak again.

"Let's go!"

They didn't argue any more. Following a few threads of fate, they chased towards the end of the endless star field.

Their speed is very fast, almost traveling through space, one step is hundreds of millions of light-years away, the speed of the eighth-order Chaos Demon God is far from being comparable to them.


It didn't take long for them to track down the end of the thread of destiny, and they chased the Great Demon God and the others in an uninhabited star field.

"Jie Jie, finally caught up."

The octagonal dark creature let out a strange laugh, and the Great Demon God Tianhun and others who were on their way in the Endless Star Territory suddenly felt a chill down their spines.

They turned their heads slowly and saw two huge dark creatures floating not far behind them, staring at them coldly.

"Dark...dark creatures...things!"

The Great Demon God of Twilight and several eighth-order Chaos Demon Gods looked at the two huge dark men with an extremely terrifying breath in front of them, and their hearts were cold.


"Flee separately!"

The Great Demon God of Twilight immediately roared, almost instinctively.

Several eighth-order Chaos Demon Gods reacted very quickly, almost instantly turning into streamers and fleeing in different directions.

However, the two dark creatures floating not far behind them watched all this coldly.

He said with great disdain: "Escape? Do you have the qualifications to escape in front of us?"

"Time is forbidden!"

The octagonal dark creature pointed a finger forward, and the time and space with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles stopped suddenly, the space seemed to be frozen in an instant, and meteorites of various sizes and high-speed movements also stopped motionless in the void.

The powerhouses such as the Tianhun Great Demon God who fled in different directions were all frozen, unable to move, and a new still picture appeared.So.

Chapter [-]: Inquiry about cause and effect, alarm Bai Ye

A tiny speck of dust in the entire space of hundreds of millions of miles was fixed, and time and space completely stopped.

Looking at the Tiandu Demon God and others who were all frozen, the corners of the octagonal dark creature's mouth curled into a slight smile, waved his hand, and then continued to use the means again: "Time back!"

As he exited these four words, the surrounding time and space began to move, but instead of restoring the forward flow, it was like rewinding a video tape. The Great Demon God and the others, the figures involuntarily began to flow backwards back to the place where they began to flee.

When they returned to the original point, the octagonal dark creature stopped the power of time flow, and all the time and space began to become normal.

At this time, the Tianhun Great Demon God and others who returned to the place knew that what they encountered this time might be a ninth-order dark creature.

When encountering this level of dark creatures, they can't escape if they want to.

They are deeply aware of the horror of the ninth-order powerhouse.

At this time, their hearts were abnormally heavy, and they looked at each other, and there was a deep sense of helplessness in their eyes.

But they didn't want to give up, and they wouldn't give up as long as there was any hope of surviving.

"How to do!"

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