The black-robed dark creature's eyes burst out with bright green light, staring at the black-robed white night in front of him and said.

"He seems to be the body of the one in the void?!"

At this time, the octagonal dark creature said.

The dark creatures in black robes looked at the phantom of the white night in the sky, and then looked at the mysterious man in white robes in front of them. They both looked exactly the same.

At this time, Qiu Mu looked at Bai Ye beside him with a puzzled expression, and said, "Brother Bai Ye, is this... your avatar or body?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly and said: "This is my real body. Since you can't catch up, then I can only dispatch the body to clean them up."

"Brother Bai Ye's body?! It's really very powerful, and the means he just used can be comparable to that of the Chaos Master! It seems that Brother Bai Ye has come a long way in our realm."

Qiu Mu looked at Bai Ye at this time, as if he knew Bai Ye again.

He has never been able to see through Bai Ye's strength, and now it seems that the opponent's strength is much higher than his.

Bai Ye smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the two dark creatures in the field were a little nervous when they looked at the black robe and white night.

This black robe and white night in front of him is definitely not easy to mess with.

Facing the black robe and white night, they have an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations in their hearts. It seems that in the eyes of the other party, they are just like the eighth-order chaotic demon gods.

But at this time, they didn't think about it too much. Even if they were not the opponent's opponents, they still had a way to escape.

Besides, their dark methods are also very difficult to deal with. Even if the strength of the other party can suppress the two of them, they will not make the other party feel better.

"¨"You want to stop us from leaving?!"

The black-robed dark creature stared at the black-robed white night and said coldly.

Heipao Baiye slowly shook his head.

Then he said softly, "I'm not here to stop you from leaving this time, but to destroy you."

"Haha, destroy us? It's just you, do you think you can deal with both of us with your own strength?!"

The octagonal dark creature laughed recklessly, and his laughter was very grand, shaking the world.

There was no emotion on Hei Pao Bai Ye's face, he glanced at the octagonal dark creature and said: "Whether you have this strength, you will know later, whether you take the initiative or continue to delay like this, don't blame me for not reminding me. You, it won't be long before the other Primal Chaos Gods will come, and even if I am no longer, you will be very troublesome."

Hearing this sentence, the laughter of the octagonal dark creature stopped abruptly, and his cold eyes suddenly looked at Bai Yelie.

"Okay, then I want to see how much you are capable of, and see if you have arrogant capital!"

A halberd appeared in the hand of the octagonal dark creature. The halberd was black, exuding endless evil aura, and the innate killing energy seemed to split the sky. .

Chapter [*]: Fear of Dark Creatures


The octagonal dark creature roared, waving the halberd violently, and the space of hundreds of millions of miles was constantly shaking.

At this time, a dark universe emerged behind him, with endless devouring power, raging toward the white night like the sky and sea.

Bai Ye looked at him coldly, and the energy of the heavens surrounded his body, and all methods were invincible, blocking all the dark energy from the outside.

There is a feeling of detachment.

Facing the endless dark universe, he slowly threw a punch, without any strong energy gushing out, but suddenly a series of unimaginable big explosions occurred, the universe overturned, and the endless darkness engulfed it. The force was wiped clean.

The void did not know how many billions of miles it had collapsed.

All dark energy dissipated.

A wave of shattering power poured into the body of the octagonal dark creature, and the octagonal dark creature let out a groan, and retreated again and again, with a distance of thousands of miles before his footsteps stopped.

Holding the black halberd, his hands trembled constantly, and there was a trace of black blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

This sign, obviously, he was injured.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the indifferent and calm white night in the distance, his eyes were abnormally gloomy.

At this time, he had truly learned the terrifyingness of Bai Ye, and the opponent was completely superior to him in pure strength.

If he were to meet him alone, then he could be said to be basically in bad luck.


The octagonal dark creature knows that he is no match for Bai Ye.

He stepped to the spot, turned his head slightly and said to the dark creature in black robe: "Jizu, it seems that we are going to join forces this time, this guy is terrifying."

In fact, there is no need for him to speak, the black-robed dark creature Jiuzu also knows.

A simple punch can hurt his partner. The fearful guy in front of him may have reached the level of chaos.


The black-robed dark creature Jiuzu didn't have any nonsense at this time, a big flag appeared in his hand, and countless ghosts appeared, instantly filling the starry sky.

It looks extremely shocking, and the densely packed piece is like a black locust crossing the border. The breath emanating from them is extremely powerful, basically reaching the level of the eighth-order Chaos Demon God.

Not far away, Qiu Mu looked at so many ghosts of the eighth-order Chaos Demon God, and his eyes became gloomy.

The existence of so many eighth-order chaotic demon gods and ghosts shows that all these chaotic demon gods died in the hands of the other party.

For endless years, he did not expect that so many Chaos Demon Gods would be captured by the dark camp.

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